Sun Xiaobai began to fantasize, after putting on the wedding dress, he took Xinxin's hand... Hehe, the person wearing the wedding dress should be her, right?

Therefore, it is still necessary to work hard and become a boy again.

As for the moment, let's enjoy the pleasure exclusive to girls~

"Is it wearing this?"

Sun Xiaobai, who couldn't wait, still asked first.

Zhao Ningfei bowed her head slightly, and a trace of heat flashed under her eyes.

I didn't expect Sun Xiaobai to like it so much, but it's a pity... A trace of gloom flashed in Zhao Ningfei's eyes.

If...... If only it were her.

Unfortunately, it will never be possible again.

The world is always full of regrets, and some people, once missed, are for a lifetime.

Fortunately, God brought her to him in another way.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ningfei's originally sad and painful face finally showed a sweet smile.

Sun Xiaobai was immersed in the beautiful wedding dress and couldn't help herself, at this moment she had already taken the wedding dress to the fitting room, and did not notice the changes in the expression on Zhao Ningfei's face.

Otherwise, she would have found it very strange.

"Do you want me to help?"

Zhao Ningfei walked to the door of the fitting room, knocked on the door with a smile.

Sun Xiaobai behind the door immediately panicked, ah, ah, why did she knock on the door? Wouldn't you want to come in?

Sun Xiaobai quickly gently locked the door, and then replied, "No need, I can do it myself."

"Really? This wedding dress was designed by me, and it is difficult to wear in some places..." Zhao

Ningfei is still unyielding.

It's a head-blowing!

Anyway, Sun Xiaobai just didn't want her to come in, and listening to her tone, he always felt ill-intentioned.

Of course, if it is Shin Shin, it will be completely different....

"Don't worry, I'll wear it."

"Okay then."

Zhao Ningfei originally wanted to go in and "tease" Sun Xiaobai, but she didn't expect that there was no chance at all.

However, she is not in a hurry, anyway, come to Japan Fang Chang ...

Zhao Ningfei sat down, her gaze drifting out the window.

There is a large field of white lilies planted there, pure and immaculate.

She remembered the days when she used to play hand in hand with her in the sea of flowers.

Zhao Ningfei's eyes were slightly moist.

She misses her so much!

Open the phone album, almost all of them are photos together.

Shockingly, the girl with a bright smile in the photo looks exactly like Sun Xiaobai!


Zhao Ningfei's hand caressed the screen of the mobile phone, as if she wanted to touch the face of the girl in the photo.

Zhao Ningfei in the photo looks particularly innocent and lively, and the current sick appearance is like the two.

At that time, although she was also the willful and brutal Miss Zhao family, as long as she met her, she would become a little white rabbit in seconds, put away all her edges, and be gentle only for her to bloom.

I don't know why, Sun Xiaobai looks so similar to Tingting!

Zhao Ningfei looked at the photo and still felt very amazing.

This is not just similar, it is exactly the same!

Suddenly, Zhao Ningfei had a very bold guess...

Is it possible that Tingting did not die back then?

And now Sun Xiaobai ....

No, it's still too mysterious, and somewhat unreasonable.

But it seems that only such an explanation can explain why they look exactly the same.

Even the cute character has some similarities!

"I'm done."

At this time, Sun Xiaobai opened the door and slowly walked out——

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