All three judges are teachers with some standing in the tango dance industry, and their ratings are absolutely fair.

Otherwise, it will damage their reputation.

In addition to the judges' scores, Song Weiduo also made a particularly novel scoring format.

Their competition will be broadcast live, of course, not to open a kind of live broadcast with a certain sound and a certain speed, but to have a special dance live video platform.

Compared with a certain sound and a certain fast, this dance platform is more elegant and professional.

Although the traffic of the platform is far from comparable, the people inside have a certain dance literacy.

Therefore, when the competition is over, a total of 21 online viewers will be randomly selected and asked to vote.

Only the winner of both the judging session and the audience voting session is the final winner.

There is also a lot of difficulty in achieving a double victory.

Today, there are only about a dozen or so audiences in the audience, not that they are not lively or sensational, but only a small number of their good friends are allowed to come and watch and cheer them up.

As for the other alumni who wanted to watch the scene, they were all turned away.

Because Xiaobai said that she was a little social and did not want to be too crowded.

Mainly, Xiaobai is worried that if there are many people, it will also affect his own performance.

Xiaobai basically has no friends, but Tian Xinxin's friends are really many, and half of the audience present today are Tian Xinxin's friends, and about half are friends of Song Weiduo and Peng Yu.

Seeing Song Weiduo and Peng Yu on stage, there was immediately a cheer from the audience.

Song Weiduo raised her eyebrows slightly, very proud.

In order to present the perfect tango dance, Song Weiduo and Peng Yu practiced for a long time and worked very hard.

Although Song Weiduo could not dance tango before, her dance foundation is very good, and she began to learn to dance at the age of three, which is not everyone's skills.

Xiao Bai is now sitting under the stage, looking at Song Weiduo nervously.

In fact, she does not have confidence, although there is a systematic blessing, but at the last moment, everything will change.

Only succeed, not fail!

Xiao Bai has not planted on the main quest, and I don't know if if she fails, whether from now on, she will never be able to change back to her original appearance.

Woo hoo, don't!

If she can't go back, how can she pursue Shin Shin?

During this time, Xiaobai's personality has also changed a lot.

In the past, as a boy, she always had a sense of inferiority in her bones.

Maybe it's just 168 tall, maybe it's not a handsome look, maybe ... In short, she didn't have a good time.

But after becoming a girl, Xiaobai has experienced a lot of things and tried a lot of things that she didn't dare to try before, and she is now a lot more daring.

The first thing you do after becoming a boy must be to buy a handsome set of clothes, and then go to Xinxin to confess, right?

No matter how unremarkable her height is among boys, she will no longer be afraid.

Bravely do what you want to do, even if the result is not satisfactory, but also do your best, without any regrets!

Therefore, successfully completing a hundred main quests is very important for Xiaobai, which is directly related to whether he can confess to Xinxin at that time!

"Xiaobai, don't be afraid, they don't dance very well..." In

Tian Xinxin's mind, Xiaobai is the best, and no one can compare.

"Don't be nervous~"

In order to relax Xiaobai, Tian Xinxin also specially pinched Xiaobai's shoulders, which was extremely considerate.

Seeing the two of them so intimate, someone in the back row was shocked!

This, this, this... Isn't it a good relationship?

Forgive them for wanting to be crooked at once, the main thing is that it is too good to knock.

Feeling Xinxin's care and tenderness, Xiaobai's mood suddenly eased a lot.

She seems to be her own antidote, no matter how much fluctuations she encounters, as long as she has Xinxin by her side, everything will become smooth and at ease~

Xiaobai is no longer anxious, anyway, just do your best!

She looked seriously at the stage.

Song Weiduo and her boyfriend's double tango is quite exciting.

Although Peng Yu's dance is relatively weak, Song Weiduo's dance skills are very solid, and with her leading, the two cooperate quite tacitly.

Coupled with the relationship of a couple, I feel even more enthusiastic.

The judges' eyes lit up!

Song Weiduo's performance is really excellent, she has not learned tango dance before, and in such a short period of time, she can learn this way, which is simply amazing.

Presumably, the other contestant is not as good as Song Weiduo, right?

At the end of the dance, Song Weiduo also deliberately challenged a difficult movement, which was presented quite perfectly!

The judges applauded enthusiastically, and the sound literally resounded throughout the theater.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also attracted by Song Weiduo's beautiful dance, and more and more people came in.

This dance live broadcast platform also has the function of rewarding, the most powerful gift is the yacht, in just four or five minutes of dance, there have been two yachts given by the audience, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is rising.

Xiaobai's mood is much calmer now.

Although she has to admit that Song Weiduo's performance is excellent.

But she won't throw in the towel!

Next, watch her dance with Shin Shin! Looking forward to it~

After Song Weiduo and Peng Yu walked off the stage, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin walked up side by side.

The judges and teachers were immediately surprised, as we all know, tango dances are basically performed by one man and one woman, and it is very rare for two girls or two boys to dance together.

Therefore, is this contestant planning to give up himself, two girls dancing, definitely not as exciting as a man and a woman!


Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin stood together, but there was an indescribable sense of harmony.

Their beauty is unquestionable, but they are all beautiful.

It can obviously be seen that Tian Xinxin's personality is more domineering, and Sun Xiaobai is the kind of gentle and gentle girl, help! Why do you see such a trace of CP in the two girls?

Perhaps it is because the two of them often stay together, in short, this feeling cannot be hidden.

The audience in the audience could see at a glance, and a sense of joy rose in their hearts.

Not everyone's ideas are so crooked, but, the CP of two big beauties, who will refuse? Eye-friendly is enough!

Today, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's clothing is also so special.

Usually tango dance costumes are generally black, or dark colors, and today Song Weiduo and Peng Yu are also wearing black.

But Xiaobai found a different way and chose a beautiful and pure white.

I have to say that it is really eye-catching, and white is very eye-catching on the stage. Coupled with the perfect body interpretation of the two, it is not at all inferior to the black dress carefully prepared by Song Weiduo, and even better.

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