North City is a bustling metropolis, and the pedestrian street belongs to the location of the city center, which is very crowded and lively.

Sun Xiaobai has been a girl for a while, and now her behavior is becoming more and more feminine, and she can't walk down the street when she sees some dazzling boutiques on the street, and she can't help but be impulsive when she sees those flowery and green skirts, and I want to take a look and try it on.

It's just that she still has a little resistance in her heart.

How can you do this yourself?

Or don't go shopping, endure, endure!

But his eyes couldn't help but glance at all kinds of things....

"Let's go, let's go and see~"

Tian Xinxin had already seen what Sun Xiaobai was thinking in his heart.

Since Xinxinzi wants to see it, then I will also "reluctantly" go to see it together

~ At this time, Sun Xiaobai finally found a suitable excuse, and she happily ran towards a clothing store~

Clothes are very important for girls, if they see what they like, the whole person will become happy, just like boys are so excited when they see a luxury car.

"Welcome, two beauties, recently launched a lot of new autumn and winter models, you can take a look~"

The salesman greeted warmly.

Tian Xinxin jumped in and walked in, and directly fancy a khaki long-sleeved dress.

This color is very suitable for autumn and winter, and the upper body is decorated with small broken flowers, which is fresh and natural.

"Does this set have a size M?"

Tian Xinxin asked the salesman.

The salesman hurriedly came over and looked at the hang tag, "Yes, I will pick it up for you now."

Sun Xiaobai asked suspiciously, "Xinxin, aren't you wearing size S, I don't see that you haven't gained weight recently."

"It's not for me, you try it, you must look good in it!"

Because Sun Xiaobai's upper circumference is proud, some size S is really small, so generally she will be more comfortable wearing size M.

"Picked for me?"

Sun Xiaobai didn't have time to see it, but she didn't expect Tian Xinxin to help her choose a set so quickly.

I have to say that in terms of being a girl, I still have to practice and cultivate again!

Sun Xiaobai walked into the fitting room with his skirt.

Although she didn't have time to appreciate it carefully just now, she believed that Xinxinzi's vision would definitely not be wrong.

Now Sun Xiaobai will no longer be troubled by the zipper, bow straps and other designs of some women's clothing, and it is simply quick to change.

Within a few minutes, Sun Xiaobai, who was dressed in new clothes, walked out of the fitting room.

"Wow..." She

was greeted with an exclamation!

Not to mention Tian Xinxin and the salesman, even the other customers who were picking clothes on the side were dumbfounded.

This is also too beautiful, and very seasonal, let people feel a strong autumn mood ~

Khaki is a very common color in autumn and winter, many clothes and shoes will use this low-key and versatile color, but there will be a big problem, rotten street.

Although this skirt is also khaki, but the design is very eye-catching, the upper body is used white as the base color, embellished with small broken flowers, the sleeves are chiffon texture, light fairy, the lower skirt is made of similar cotton material, the khaki skirt looks warm and generous, and the small broken flowers on the upper body are also mixed with a hint of khaki, just echoing up and down.

The design is indeed beautiful, but you also have to meet the right people to wear it to inspire the beauty of the dress.

After Sun Xiaobai put on the skirt, he immediately had the temperament of a scholarly family.

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