"Nope! Can! In order to!

Tian Xinxin immediately glared at the middle-aged man with fierce eyes.

She can't watch Xiaobai's sister sheep into the mouth of the tiger, this kind of middle-aged man, at a glance, he has bad intentions, and he wants the old cow to eat tender grass, hehe, go and die! No way!

The middle-aged man's performance is very different.

He did not feel embarrassed or embarrassed after being rejected, but was amused by Tian Xinxin.

Although at the beginning he was more fancy to Sun Xiaobai, now it seems that this Tian Xinxin is also very interesting! Youthful, vigorous, energetic, full of girlish feeling.

"Two beauties, please don't misunderstand, I'm not a bad person, and I don't have any malice, this is my business card."

The middle-aged man handed the business card to Sun Xiaobai, after all, she looked better to speak.

Sure enough, out of politeness, Sun Xiaobai still took the business card, she looked at it, a little surprised, did not expect that this man who came to eat spicy fragrant pot like them turned out to be the agent director of Xingcan Entertainment, Mr. Wen!

Mr. Wen is very famous in the industry, and has been popular with a lot of traffic students and flowers, because he does not have high exposure like artists, so everyone basically only hears his name and does not know what people look like.

Tian Xinxin also came over and saw the business card, but she didn't have much good impression of Vincent, and there was a trace of doubt in her heart, could the other party be a liar? Deliberately forging this dazzling identity is to attract the attention of ignorant girls, and then deceive money?

It seems that you must be careful!

Vincent further explained his intentions, "I am an agent, I met you by chance today, I feel very fate, recently I just wanted to set up a girl group, the image and temperament of the two are quite compatible..."

Just said this, Tian Xinxin interrupted him, "Stop, do you think you can come out to deceive people with a district business card, I don't know if your identity is true or false, besides, we are just ordinary students, and we have no idea about entering the entertainment industry."

"It's normal to have concerns, after all, we didn't know each other before."

Vincent is still so calm, he opened his Weibo, and he can see that it is indeed Mr. Wen, the agent who is like a fake package!

Moreover, there are photos of him and other stars on Weibo, and their faces are exactly the same, and it is impossible to fake.

Tian Xinxin was stunned, she really didn't expect that the other party was really the famous Mr. Wen!

But even so, she didn't have the slightest idea of entering the entertainment industry.

"What if the identity is true, it doesn't mean that we have to promise you."

Vincent smiled, "Of course, everyone has their own choices, but this is a good opportunity for you, sometimes, learn to seize the opportunity properly, life can be different." In

fact, he is really optimistic about Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, but Tian Xinxin is too difficult to contact.

Vincent turned his gaze to Sun Xiaobai and asked her, "What do you think?"

"That's right..."

But it doesn't mean that Xiaobai wants to enter the entertainment industry!

She didn't have much interest in these swaggering things.

"In fact, I just hope that the two can go to the audition, not an invitation to sign, is it not that I have no confidence in myself and am worried that I can't get by? Yes, there are indeed countless trainees now, and all of them are superb..."

Vinson suddenly changed his tone.

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