"Huh? I disagree!

Sun Xiaobai was suddenly a little frustrated.

Why should she play a girl, she is the soul of a boy, a boy!

How can a goddess be allowed to be more manly than herself, and herself more virtuous than a goddess?

"There is no way to disagree, you have to listen to me in this matter~"

I didn't expect Sun Xiaobai to have such a big reaction, didn't she take the initiative to let herself choose?

Looking at Sun Xiaobai's aggrieved little appearance, Tian Xinxin was still energetic.

She said seriously, "Xiaobai, look, which of the two of us has a more lively personality?"

"Of course it's you."

"Then who is more daring?"

"I..." Xiao Bai was about to say himself, but thinking of his usual performance, it seemed that Xinxinzi was a little more courageous?

"No, it's you."

"Yes, I'm more like a boy than you, so don't fight me, it's the best match for us." If you think about it, if we choose a role that is not suitable for us, then no matter how well the script is written, it is not perfect enough! There are many great people on the draft, and if we don't give our all and do our best in every link, how can we achieve excellent results? "

Xinxinzi is worthy of being Xinxinzi, this eloquence is really good, speaking of a set of sets, the logic is simply bullish.

Sure enough, Sun Xiaobai began to hesitate.

Forget it, Xinxinzi is also thinking about the overall situation!

Then promise this time, but such an outrageous thing, if you encounter it next time, you can't easily agree!

"Okay, you are also thinking about the overall situation, although I prefer the role of the male lead, but for our performance, I play the female protagonist."

Even if you accept it, you have to make up a reasonable excuse for yourself.

Alas, at this moment, Xiaobai suddenly had a faint sense of sadness!

How did she feel that she was getting farther and farther away from the boys... After all the main quests are completed, can you really return to the identity of a boy?

At that time, she will still be her, no, will he still be him?

Sun Xiaobai shook his head irritably, not wanting to think about such a difficult topic.

Her main task now is to rehearse!

"Look at the script, what needs to be revised?"

Sun Xiaobai showed Tian Xinxin the handwritten manuscript, and at this moment, they had arrived at the lawn of the campus.

The sunshine in autumn and winter is precious, and now that the sun is out, the two of them sit on the grass and feel the warmth of the sun, discussing the script in such a beautiful environment, which is simply pleasant.

Tian Xinxin looked at it very carefully, and did not let go of every word.

This script is too precious, it was written by Xiaobai's sister herself, and it is a script that only belongs to the two of them themselves.

Although Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin have not studied drama-related knowledge, with full enthusiasm, both have produced many brilliant ideas.

After reading it, Tian Xinxin was immediately moved by Sun Xiaobai's script, which was really touching!

Woo hoo, little white sister is simply her god!

How can I write so well, I moved her to tears.

"Sister Xiaobai..."

Tian Xinxin's eyes shone with tears in her eyes, and she called Sun Xiaobai softly.

Seeing Tian Xinxin's appearance, Sun Xiaobai suddenly felt so painful.

She always felt that this scene had a sense of déjà vu, as if she had experienced it herself!

"Shin Shin, what's wrong with you? Could it be that the script I wrote was so bad that it made you look ugly and cry?

After a brief shaking of his head, Sun Xiaobai quickly returned to his senses and immediately asked Tian Xinxin.

Tian Xinxin turned his head to look at Xiaobai, and suddenly broke into a smile.

"Who would say that the script they wrote, of course, it will not be ugly, not only is it not ugly, but it is also very exciting, I am moved."

"That's good, I'm shocked by you."

Sun Xiaobai still has some confidence in the script she wrote, just now she has a lot of inspiration, and I don't know where the inspiration comes from, this kind of writing feeling is really wonderful!

"If I have to give an opinion, it is probably one or two small details..." Tian

Xinxin herself is a particularly excellent girl, also has her own ideas and ideas, her academic performance has always been at the top, her writing level is not bad, plus many years of experience in watching dramas, it is easy to give advice to the script.

Tian Xinxin told Sun Xiaobai all his thoughts, and Sun Xiaobai made some minor modifications after comprehensive consideration, and indeed, it was more perfect after the changes.

It's not just a simple drama, it's a fusion of dance and instruments.

The protagonist Yingtai, played by Tian Xinxin, is particularly good at playing the flute.

Usually some variety shows play most of the instruments are piano and guitar, classical instruments are pipa and guzheng, but flute programs are still relatively rare.

It just so happens that Tian Xinxin has learned to play the flute and has certain musical instrument skills.

And the protagonist played by Sun Xiaobai, Yingtai Qinqi is proficient in books and paintings, is a veritable lady show, and has a special personality. In such a traditional society, women dressed as men entered schools that only accepted men.

Sun Xiaobai will show a certain classical dance in the play, and she is ready to compose a particularly beautiful butterfly dance.

After changing the script to a satisfactory effect, the two can finally rest for a while.

I had been tensing my strings all afternoon, and I had been doing high-intensity mental work, and after suddenly relaxing, I found that the whole person had become very tired.

The two bought some dinner casually and went straight back to their cozy den.

No wonder some writers write too much to hurt their minds, and high-intensity creation does consume a lot of energy.

There was really no extra energy to rehearse today, and Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin simply chose to rest early.

Tomorrow morning I have to get up for class, I have already missed a class, Xiaobai got the news from his classmates, this afternoon the teacher in the class named it, it is estimated that two points will be deducted, but I dare not commit crimes against the wind again.

Although universities can be appropriately capricious, they cannot be too capricious, and those students who indulge themselves too much to postpone their graduation or simply fail to get their diplomas are too much to lose.

The next day, Sun Xiaobai arranged a total of two classes in the morning.

After both classes were over, suddenly someone she didn't expect came looking for her!

"Xiaobai! Long time no see!

Deng Shiyu greeted Sun Xiaobai warmly.

She is the president of the Sunshine Club, and she has taken photos of Xiaobai and Xinxin together before.

Deng Shiyu likes this elementary school girl very much, of course, not mainly because she is very suitable for being a model for taking photos, and Xiaobai's personality is also good, and she will feel very comfortable with her.

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