Sun Xiaobai's performance is so powerful, Xinxinzi naturally cannot lag behind, she already has an artistic talent beyond ordinary people, and performing something is not a problem at all.

This drama is only about ten minutes, and the entire plot is relatively condensed and refined.

In a short period of time, sorrow and joy are combined, joy and sorrow, and the character's mood swings are very large, and the difficulty is not ordinary, and it is precisely because of this that the wonderfulness is highlighted.

Deng Shiyu was fascinated to see it, if it weren't for the fact that her professionalism was restricting her, she really wanted to keep clapping her hands!

However, she was even more reluctant to disturb the wonderful performances of the two actors.

The final ending of this classic play is very sad, and the male and female protagonists are both butterflies, poignant and tactful.

Sun Xiaobai was faithful to the original and did not make changes.

After all, the reason why the classic is classic is that every ingenious design in the plot, if it is changed like some TV series, it will lose the original meaning of the classic and become no longer a classic.

When the performance came to the end, Sun Xiaobai suddenly came from sadness.

I don't know if it's too much into the play, Sun Xiaobai always feels that this scene is familiar, so sad that she can't breathe.

The state of the actors will infect each other, Sun Xiaobai is so involved in the play, Tian Xinxin's performance has become more and more dynamic.

Deng Shiyu's eyes were wet

... This is much cooler than chasing dramas, chasing dramas is still across the screen, and the scene is completely on-site CP! It's just that it's not sugar, it's bitter tears... Woo hoo, it's too good to cry!

Why can't two people who love each other be together?

Why should God be so cruel, why!

I'm willing to trade my vegetarian ten years for them to be together, ahhhh!

Deng Shiyu's heart was extremely excited, and he was completely immersed in the appearance of a crazy drama fan immersed in the play.

After the performance, Sun Xiaobai's brain was blank, she still stood still, but tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes....

That overwhelming sadness firmly wrapped her whole person, making her unable to break free, her consciousness seemed to dissipate, unable to withdraw out.

At this moment, Tian Xinxin also had a feeling of almost collapse.

Just now fully devoted to the role, mental and attention are highly concentrated, which is very consuming a person's physical strength.

Although Deng Shiyu did not participate in the performance, as an audience who watched the entire scene, he was also greatly affected, and he was a little stunned when he was immersed in the plot for a while.

In this way, the three people stood still in tacit understanding, and after about two or three minutes, Tian Xinxin and Deng Shiyu had returned to their normal colors, but Sun Xiaobai was still full of sadness.

Tian Xinxin felt that something was wrong.

Xiaobai, what's wrong with this?

Haven't there been a play yet?

"Little white sister, little white sister!"

Tian Xinxin called Sun Xiaobai a few times worriedly, but Sun Xiaobai did not react, she was still immersed in her own world.

"It's over, shouldn't she be unable to get out?"

Deng Shiyu is so worried!

There are also actors who fail to play, especially some actors with good acting skills, in order to play a good role, the whole person plunged in.

It's hard to get into the play, it's even harder to get out of the play!

Some people finish filming a play, and it even takes years to come out and resume their normal life.

This situation is all good, what's more, the role is substituted into life, it is impossible to distinguish whether it is reality or acting, it is useless to turn to a psychologist, and in the worst case, some people are depressed and end their lives in the most extreme way of suicide.

"Little white sister, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

Tian Xinxin was particularly worried about Sun Xiaobai, and her voice became choked.

In this world, Sun Xiaobai is the person she cares about the most.

Perhaps because he felt Tian Xinxin's affectionate call, Sun Xiaobai seemed to have returned to his senses a little.

At that moment, she saw Tian Xinxin wearing ancient costumes and combing a very fairy hairstyle.

"Don't leave..." I

don't know what's wrong, at this moment, Sun Xiaobai's heart was very reluctant, she hugged Tian Xinxin excitedly, after feeling the warm embrace, it was like having the whole world, her heart was no longer so empty, filled with love and hope.

Tian Xinxin was a little stunned.

Little White Sister, what the hell is going on?

How suddenly so sensational....

"Okay, okay, I won't leave, everything just now is just acting rehearsals, don't take it seriously."

Tian Xinxin thought that Sun Xiaobai was too deep into the play, she patiently and gently calmed Sun Xiaobai's emotions, and gently patted her back.

At this time, Xiaobai seemed to really come to her senses, she rubbed her eyes, and saw that Tian Xinxin's body was still the same modern outfit.

It's strange, did you hallucinate just now?

Recalling the reaction just after acting, Sun Xiaobai felt more and more incredible.

At that moment, her body seemed to no longer belong to her.

Could it be that there would be such a magical reaction when entering the play? It's as if something is under control.

And the appearance of Tian Xinxin's ancient costume just now, although it is only for a moment, but the appearance in front of him is really too real, as if Tian Xinxin has really dressed up so much!

Although there were many doubts in his heart, Sun Xiaobai did not think much about it.

At this time, Xiao Kengkeng's mood was extremely nervous, and he really didn't expect it....

Xiaokeng is now bound to Sun Xiaobai, Xiaokeng as a system can accurately feel all the host's experiences and inner emotions, of course, this induction cannot be reversed, Sun Xiaobai can not perceive everything about Xiaokeng.

"I'm fine, Xinxin, you don't have to worry about me, it's the first time I acted just now, and I wrote the script by myself, it's inevitable that I'm a little over-invested, I'm okay now."

Sun Xiaobai didn't want Tian Xinxin to worry about herself, so he quickly spoke to her.

"It's okay, I'm scared to death!"

Tian Xinxin smacked Sun Xiaobai's shoulder with a small fist, of course, she was reluctant to use any strength.

Xiao Piteng also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, Xiao Bai did not notice anything, with her current state, it is impossible to remember anything, don't worry blindly!

"I see, your rehearsal today is very perfect, it's better to stop here, I also go back and think about whether there is any optimization, the performance is really great, I can't even start..." Deng

Shiyu is a very good senior sister, seeing that the two senior sisters have spent so much energy, they quickly persuaded them to rest.

"It's okay, it should be fine to practice again."

Sun Xiaobai's voice just fell, but he was interrupted by Tian Xinxin.

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