Zhou Qiansi didn't expect Sun Xiaobai's reaction to be so calm, and even showed a hint of contempt for her casualness.

Shouldn't she be very scared and overwhelmed?

Zhou Qiansi suddenly didn't get angry, she simply lost her wife and broke the army, not angry with others, but angry with herself!

However, anyway, Sun Xiaobai and her group member Tian Xinxin, the two of them have low status, they are just newcomers who have just signed a contract, even if they are not frightened by their own aura?

With their current qualifications, they can only stand on the side and carry their skirts.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiansi's mood improved a lot.

The director of the shooting was in the command position, and Zhou Qiansi deliberately chose a position that could block Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin.

The director saw that Zhou Qiansi did not come according to the arrangement, so he came over and reminded, "Qiansi, you are not in this position." Zhou

Qiansi changed her arrogance in front of others, and the whole person became delicate, and she coquettishly said to the director, "Oh, I know, I just think I'm more suitable for this position, you see, I didn't rob other people's places." Indeed

, the position where Zhou Qiansi is standing now is actually a little far from the main position, but she chose a good position, and still did not pull down her coffee position.

"Okay then, okay, then listen to the arrangement." The director seems to eat this set, anyway, Zhou Qiansi does not have the position of grabbing the big coffee, she is a little hot recently, so she just turned a blind eye.

"Then I must listen to the director."

Zhou Qiansi smiled like a flower.

The artist who was robbed of the position by Zhou Qiansi did not make much calculation, anyway, Zhou Qiansi's original position was higher, and she accepted the switch with joy.

Zhou Qiansi raised her eyebrows slightly, and the whole person was like a villain with a good will.

The director is making various arrangements for everyone to stand well, as for what kind of posture is free, they are all artists, they are very artistic, and they do not need to be taught by others at all.

Zhou Qiansi raised the hem of her skirt and deliberately made her skirt very occupied.

In this way, almost half of Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's bodies were blocked by skirts, only revealing their upper bodies.

The director has experienced hundreds of battles, and naturally sees it clearly.

Although it is not sure whether Zhou Qiansi is embarrassing the two newcomers, her move is definitely to want to be in the limelight, and even sacrifice others in order to be in the limelight.

If it is other big coffees who are taken advantage of, the director will definitely come forward to stop it, otherwise, what if the coffee is in a bad mood and strikes?

But now I am facing a small newcomer, even if the newcomer is not happy and does not shoot, it will not have much impact, but if Qiansi is not happy, she will stop shooting, and when the time comes, it will not go abroad in the magazine, and it will definitely have a lot of impact when it is passed out.

Perhaps, those fans of Zhou Qiansi will also abuse themselves as a director online, and more seriously, the company will also be condemned by fans.

This consequence, the director of this old jianghu, is not willing to see at all!

After all, people nowadays are particularly realistic, who makes others hot and famous?

It's as if the rich will always have a lot more power to speak than the poor, and although it is particularly unfair and sounds unpleasant, it is a cruel fact that society is like this now.

Tian Xinxin has already begun to be secretly unhappy, and it is enough to bully her, but this time, even Xiaobai has been bullied!

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