"Xiao Xiaorong, why don't you go together now and choose a restaurant you like?"

Sun Xiaobai now has a strong ability to see people's hearts, as long as he observes the other party's expression, he can basically guess what the other party is thinking.

Obviously, Xiao Xiaorong was shaken, and she would definitely agree!

"Okay, since you are sincere, if I don't go, I will be stingy."

Xiao Xiaorong still felt a little energetic, but she had already agreed.

Tian Xinxin didn't understand a little, this little little Rong is quite annoying, and it's not easy to deal with, and I don't know why Xiaobai's sister has to wronged herself to please her?

Woo, I really feel sorry for Little White Sister!

So along the way, Tian Xinxin did not give Xiao Xiaorong a good face, and even looked at each other with a straight face.

It's not how precious a smile is, but I don't want to show a smile to this kind of person at all, it's a waste of my expression!

Xiao Xiaorong was unceremonious, and directly chose a high-end restaurant.

In contrast, Sun Xiaobai does not mind, now, she is not too short of money, these are small things, as long as the task can be completed early!

After entering the box, Sun Xiaobai directly opened the door, "I saw that your video number was indeed very successful, although I signed a contract with Xingcan Entertainment now, I don't know if there will be any development in the future." I think making a video number is a good choice, at least, do it well or do it badly, in your own hands, you have more initiative and autonomy.

"It was natural, and there were companies that wanted to work with me and sign me up, but I refused. This is the fruit of my own labor, and I don't lack any professional team, so why let others get a piece of my pie? "

Mention this, Xiao Xiaorong is very proud, although she is still a college student, she already has her own professional team, both as the anchor and the boss.

Before, Xiao Xiaorong was snubbed on the side of the Baoqing brand, and she always felt blocked in her heart.

Why is she considered inferior to her ability to develop her career?

Now, Sun Xiaobai gave Xiao Xiaorong great affirmation and praise, and Xiao Xiaorong instantly felt a little better in her heart.

Yes, that's right, they are not inferior to artists when they do self-media, and they even have more space.

"You're a very thoughtful person."

Sun Xiaobai nodded approvingly.

Tian Xinxin on the side was displeased when he heard this.

Oops, why do you always praise her!

What's so powerful about Xiao Xiaorong...

"But if you also want to do video numbers, it's not a simple thing, and most people end up failing." What Xiao Xiaorong said was indeed the truth.

Sun Xiaobai did not refute, at the moment, the video number began to become popular, and the easiest to make money is always the group of people who dare to be the first to eat crabs, but when everyone sees the huge benefits, it becomes more and more difficult to succeed.

"So I want to ask you for advice, see if there are any experiences you can share with me?"

Sun Xiaobai made his intentions clear.

Xiao Xiaorong also guessed this a long time ago, and she smiled, "The most profitable core secret, of course, I won't tell others." However, some of my experiences can be shared with you. It's just that these experiences are actually asked by others, and maybe you can ask. Whether you can do it or not, it's up to you, I can only tell you, very, very difficult. Xiao

Xiaorong did not think that Sun Xiaobai had this ability.

In fact, since Xiao Xiao Rong made money, some relatives and friends around her are also eager to move, there are many people who try, but there are no successful people, which is also what Xiao Xiao Rong is proud of.

Others couldn't do it, but she did.

"Okay, listen up, I'm ready to try it anyway."

Sun Xiaobai smiled slightly, this is what she wanted!

Now Xiao Xiaorong, must not believe in his own strength, if the video number is really successful, then won't it be able to make the other party completely convinced?

When the time comes, the mission will be completed again!

Xiaobai feels that her head is really getting better and better, as if it will automatically upgrade, not only that, her charisma to the surrounding things is also constantly strengthening, although the small pit system does not give any hints, but Xiaobai does have a strong feeling, that is, she is getting stronger!

Xiao Xiaorong saw that Sun Xiaobai's attitude towards herself was so good, and those personal emotions were temporarily put down, and she enjoyed this feeling of being flattered, so she also talked to Xiaobai a lot about how to make a video number.

Of course, these things are relatively empty, and no one is stupid enough to easily tell the secret of making money.

Tian Xinxin was eating silently on the side, watching the two of them chatting all the time, and it was really not a taste in her heart!

Damn, is this possessiveness that belongs to girlfriends?

Obviously, everyone is of the same gender and is a girl, but when Tian Xinxin sees that Sun Xiaobai has been talking with the girl who is holding back, she will also be jealous.

Yes, that's right, this emotion is jealous. The heart is always sour and uncomfortable.

If it weren't for Sun Xiaobai, Tian Xinxin really wanted to rush over and drive Xiao Xiaorong away directly!

Even, I wanted to walk in front of her and said indignantly to her, "Sister Xiaobai is my best friend, don't think that you can be a video number, I tell you, I am the most important person for her, you will never be able to replace me!" "

Oh, what are you thinking?

After Tian Xinxin thought about it for a while, he suddenly realized that these thoughts of his seemed a little too crazy!

Girls really don't like their good friends and girlfriends being snatched away, or having new friends join them, but it's just a little temper, as if they haven't heard of which girl has such a strong possessiveness for her girlfriends!

It's the same as a couple tearing a third party....

Thinking of this, Tian Xinxin's little face suddenly flew into a cloud-like color.

Sun Xiaobai and Xiao Xiaorong chatted for more than an hour, and the meal was finally over.

Originally, the confrontation between the campus meeting, Xiao Xiaorong deliberately asked Sun Xiaobai to vent her dissatisfaction, in fact, there was no personal meaning for her, after this meal, the two people can be regarded as not acquainted, and the relationship eased a lot.

However, Xiao Xiaorong is still very confident in her career, although she does not explicitly hit people or anything, but she does not believe that Xiaobai can make a video number, even if she gets a hundred thousand fans, she has done a good job.

Now there are still many anchor companies doing video accounts, and the success rate is not high.

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