Qingqing touched the cold Tiantian with enthusiasm, they became good friends, and they also began a happy time living together

... Because the short video is not long, the first episode ends here, leaving the audience with a beautiful suspense.

Sun Xiaobai has participated in many filming and has a general idea of how to shoot videos, and after the script is written, it is very easy to operate.

The names of the two characters were given by Sun Xiaobai, and she was a little curious, "Why is one of our protagonists called Qingqing and the other called Tiantian?"

Sun Xiaobai didn't know how to explain it.

Sun Qing, Qingqing, what a historical name.

It is so unforgettable.

Sun Xiaobai really wants to tell Tian Xinxin the truth of everything, because I am Sun Qing.

Once I was a boy, once my name was Sun Qing, once I was so secretly in love with you....

However, reason prevailed.

Sun Xiaobai could never imagine what would happen after Tian Xinxin learned the truth.

She couldn't afford to gamble, and she didn't dare to gamble.

The current life is her hard-won happiness, and she doesn't want to let these happiness be disillusioned.

All she can do is work hard to get everything back to square one.

"I think the word green is very good, poetic, and then every day, there is a meaning of every day, every day is so happy, the meaning is very good." Moreover, Tian and your surname Tian are one sound, only the tone is different.

Sun Xiaobai said casually.

Tian Xinxin nodded, seemingly convinced.

"Little white sister, your name is really good!"

Tiantian represents himself, then Qingqing represents Xiaobai's sister.

Sun Qingqing, Sun Qing, it sounds good~

The matter of the script has been solved, and next, Sun Xiaobai began to study how to shoot.

This technical term is called storyboard script.

A script is made up of many plots, and each plot has a different scene in it.

When shooting each scene, there will be a lot of shots.

For example, all of a sudden the male protagonist is talking, all of a sudden the female protagonist is talking, and all of a sudden it is the co-production of the male and female protagonists together, and occasionally some scenes are shot.

The storyboard script is detailed to each shot, so that it is very clear how it should be shot.

However, Sun Xiaobai has not learned this and does not know much about drawing, but she can think a little about how to shoot.

Now Sun Xiaobai's learning ability is very strong, and she can use her memory to think about how those professional photographers in the past filmed.

In general, lenses are divided by size.

If the entire screen is the face of the protagonist, or above the shoulders, this is called a close-up.

If the upper body of the subject is captured, it is a close-up scene.

If you capture most of the entire body of the protagonist, from the calves to the head, then it is a medium scene.

If the protagonist is on the screen entirely, it is a vista.

This is the simplest distinction, and the professional distinction will be more detailed.

Xiaobai only heard the staff on the scene mention it, and she remembered it very well.

A scene scene, generally speaking, these four shots should be available, and then adjusted according to the needs and the design of the lens.

Sun Xiaobai took the scratch paper and tinkered for a while, and the preliminary shooting idea was formed~

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