"Remember the lyrics?"

Tian Xinxin held Xiaobai's hand and asked her gently.

In fact, she herself is also very nervous, but she always cares about Xiaobai, and she really loves Xiaobai as her most important person.

Xiao Bai nodded slightly, "Remember." With

the blessing of the system, her memory has been greatly enhanced, and such a little lyrics is not a problem.

The practice time was very short, and although it was not shown on the stage, Xiaobai already clearly felt that his singing voice was not so ugly.

Sun Xiaobai took a deep breath, anyway, this task is focused on participation, even if he takes the first place from the bottom, it doesn't matter.

Tian Xinxin and Sun Xiaobai held hands and slowly walked out from behind the scenes.

A beam of light fell on the two of them.

A girl as beautiful and delicate as a flower is so radiant.

The audience was immediately attracted by their beauty and temperament.

"Wow, it's the two major school flowers of our school!"

"It's Xinxin and Xiaobai!"

"Come on, we will always support you~"

Now Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin are considered to be popular figures in the school, their looks are well known and often sought after.

This kind of life is something that Sun Xiaobai, who used to be a boy, did not dare to imagine!

If you are an unknown boy in college, how can you imagine that soon you will not only become a girl, but also become the school flower?

Under the stage, the boy wearing the hat looked up at the two girls on the stage....

The lighting was too dim, and for the stage effect, almost only the stage was bright, and it was impossible to see what kind of expression he had.

"The lilies swaying in the wind are so pure and flawless... After spending 10,000 years of glitz, I would like to drift the world with you..." Sun

Xiaobai didn't dare to imagine that such a gentle singing voice actually came from his own voice.

Now she, although she can't rap how professional, but at least every note is in tune, with a moving melody and the atmosphere of the scene, as well as the already very good vocal conditions, it is almost to make the audience cry.

"Woo hoo, why does it sound so good."

"What kind of song is this, it is actually sung by them to a different kind of love song."

"Although it is two girls singing love songs, it is not against the harmony at all!"

Those students in the audience were about to boil, it was so touching.

I don't know why, they actually heard a feeling of entanglement in past and present lives.

Everyone said that the two major campus flowers of Beicheng Institute of Technology, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's relationship is particularly good, so good that they do not distinguish each other, and sure enough, the rumors are true!

It's really hard to imagine that two girls would have such a pure and beautiful friendship.

The boy in the hat also seemed to be a little moved, he let out a very slight sobbing sound, and his voice was a little depressed, as if he didn't want the people around him to hear.

I didn't expect such a good stage effect!

Sun Xiaobai has much more confidence, sure enough, the system is in hand, and I have it in the world.

The premise is that the small pit should not give her a set.

This is only the lowest level of singing skills, if you continue to improve, wouldn't it be a natural sound?

Just when the atmosphere was harmonious, suddenly a girl rushed up from the dark audience with a large bucket of unknown liquid, and the imposing appearance seemed to have been planned for a long time!

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