Tian Xinxin was dressed in short-sleeved shorts in a white suit, standing next to Sun Qing so straight, quite a bit of a knightly style.

Princess Knight, super perfect match!"

"Do you like it?"

Tian Xinxin looked at Sun Qing, and there was joy in his eyes that could not be hidden.

At this moment, Sun Qing has been firmly attracted to himself in the mirror....

Wow, this beauty, is she

? It's so good-looking~

"Like, you are too good at choosing!" Sun

Qing really understood at this moment, what is called true fragrance

! Originally had no courage to step into a women's clothing store to buy women's clothing, but now tried how much fun it is!

"How much is this dress? I pay!" Tian

Xinxin immediately called the clerk, quite generous.

Sun Qing hurriedly stopped Tian Xinxin, "No need, I'll just pay for it myself." "

She is a man, how can she use a woman's money

, and if Tian Xinxin

really pays, won't her task be completed?

But I didn't expect that Tian Xinxin would pay the bill super fast

! Sun Qing just took out her mobile phone, Tian Xinxin has already paid successfully!

This dress should be a gift from your sister!" Tian

Xinxin has a lot of living expenses every month, for her, buying a skirt for Sun Qing is such a simple thing!


Qing was sad in her heart because of the failure of the mission, but after receiving the first gift bought by the goddess, she had to be happy.

Tian Xinxin smiled, "You're welcome, we're good sisters~ There are several more skirts, let's try it again." Hearing

Tian Xinxin's reminder, Sun Qing changed her slump at the moment

! Yes, she can also buy one by herself, wouldn't she be able to complete the task?

After having motivation, Sun Qing's enthusiasm for trying on clothes was obviously higher!

It's the kind of strappy-up little suspenders with mopping jeans, hot girls and cool coexist.

The third set, a college-style sub-shirt with a short skirt, is somewhat similar to JK.

The fourth set, sexy backless black sequin dress! The

fifth set, looking at a well-behaved and cute solid color lace dress, but why did it come with a rabbit ear headband?

How do you feel that Tian Xinxin's style of choosing clothes is so similar to Xiao Pit?

She used to be a man, and letting her walk around the street in these clothes, uh, it's really hard to accept!

No, no, no, it was chosen by the goddess, you can't say bad taste.

Sun Qing is so contradictory!

She secretly glanced at an ordinary sportswear on the shelf, which was the kind of simple hooded short sleeves with long enough seven-point sweatpants.

That's what she really wants, quite low-key!

"Wow, little white sister, your figure and temperament are simply too good, these sets of clothes are perfect for you!"

Tian Xinxin showed a salivating look at Sun Qing.

Her vision of choosing clothes is simply amazing, and she simply gives full play to Sun Qing's body advantage to the extreme~

"Beauty, I promise that there will never be a second person who looks better than you in these clothes! The

clerk began to persuade Sun Qing.

Sun Qing was a little hesitant, she still read the sportswear.

"You want to try this? Then try it!"

Unexpectedly, Tian Xinxin saw Sun Qing's thoughts.

But this ordinary ... It's not very distinctive!

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