Sun Qing was in a dilemma.

It was already unimaginable for her to be friends with the goddess, and now, she even had to live together...

This should be something that all boys who have a crush experience

dream of?

Tian Xin was pleased to see that Sun Qing did not speak, so he took the initiative to take her hand.

"Little white sister, it's okay, I'm so afraid and need your company." "

I have to say that girls have always been very talented in coquetry.

Sun Qing immediately relented, but she still had some hesitation.

"But I only have one bed here."

Tian Xinxin looked like she didn't care, and even had a little expectation!"

"It's all girls, what does it matter?

After speaking, Tian Xinxin did not wait for Sun Qing's agreement, and actually walked in the direction of the bathroom without thinking!

"Then I will go to wash first?"


It's all at this point, and it seems that the refusal is a bit unkind.

A beautiful, cute and kind girl like Tian Xinxin should not let her be afraid.

Isn't it just a one-night stay, no problem.

"You didn't bring clothes, did you... Do you need to wear mine?"

Sun Qing remembered this.

Tian Xinxin immediately agreed, "Okay, I can only borrow your clothes, little white sister, you are so good, I like you very much~"

Sun Qing blushed shyly.

How could

she think so crookedly!

Two girls, what could happen?

What was she expecting!

After clearing up her chaotic thoughts, Sun Qing immediately rummaged through the pajamas that had been sponsored by the small pit.

Sun Qing chose the most beautiful one inside, a light red slip dress.

Well, it's kind of weird.

Looking at this style, Sun Qing had an indescribable strange feeling.

But she doesn't know much about women's clothing, so she can't say it.

Tian Xinxin, who changed into a nightdress, walked out, and Sun Qing suddenly felt that his blood was surging

! Oops, it was the feeling of wanting to have a nosebleed!

This slip

dress is made of silk, and the design of the suspender is simply infinitely reverie.

Sun Qing didn't dare to look at Tian Xinxin.

Because she was worried, what if she really had a nosebleed

, but at this moment, Tian Xinxin took the initiative to walk over to Sun Qing.

After bathing, Tian Xinxin had a faint rose fragrance on her body.


Qing couldn't help but take a few more breaths.

Tian Xinxin patted Sun Qing's shoulder, the soft and boneless hand was simply too good-looking, even such a simple slap action was so good-looking.

She urged sweetly, "Sister Xiaobai, you also go to the bath, after the wash, let's sleep together~" Uh,

how can there be an illusion that I am waiting for you on the bed?

Sun Qing subconsciously pinched his face.


! Can't think about it anymore, if you continue to think about it like this, something will happen sooner or later!

However, Sun Qing's action is infinitely charming in Tian Xinxin's eyes.

She is so cute and cute, and she has a hint of coquettishness, which is really interesting!

Sun Qing took a pajamas casually and quickly ran to take a bath.

Perhaps, the shower can temporarily cool her restless heart.

After changing into a nightdress, Sun Qing twisted and walked out.

How did she always feel that this nightdress on her body was so similar to the one on Tian Xinxin's body? Tian Xinxin

saw Sun Qing at this moment, but her eyes lit up!

She immediately rushed over, and then sighed again and again, "Wow, little white sister, you are too good-looking, wearing a nightdress is so beautiful!"

Sun Qing's body is a light blue nightdress, while Tian Xinxin's body is light red.

Since ancient red and blue out of CP!

The little pits are happily sucking melon seeds.

Sun Qing was praised by Tian Xinxin like this, and he was immediately happy.

She looked down and said, "Xinxin, you are the most beautiful." "

I didn't expect our little white sister, her little mouth is quite sweet~"

Tian Xinxin laughed, her laughter was as pleasant as a silver bell.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, she deliberately tapped Sun Qing's cherry little mouth with her finger.

Well, I have been coveting it for a long time

! Such a pink, still shiny, such a lip color and beauty, is it really real?

Sun Qing saw Tian Xinxin's bold action, almost petrified on the spot!

So girls, really like to move their hands and feet so much?

"Hee-hee, your shy look is better." Tian Xinxin did not forget to ridicule Sun Qing.

Sun Qing was at a loss, not only did he not know where to put his hands, but even his eyes did not know where to look.

Tian Xinxin only converged a little.

Her little white sister is timid, so don't freak her out.

"Let's go, let's sleep together~"

Tian Xinxin took the initiative to hold Sun Qing's hand, and then the two walked to the bedroom together.

Eleven o'clock in the evening.

The bedroom after the lights are turned out is so quiet.

Sun Qing was already asleep, but Tian Xinxin was a little sleepless.

I don't know why, she's so excited now!

This has never been experienced before.

Although I have not known Xiaobai's sister for a long time, I always have a feeling of 10,000 years at a glance.

I want to stick with her all the time, I want to tease her, I want to play with her.

At this moment, Tian Xinxin has not thought about the strange aspect, she still feels that she and Sun Qing are good friends.

Sun Qing fell asleep and suddenly rolled over.

The thin air conditioning quilt covering her stomach was immediately made to fall off by her.

"What an unconscious little sister!"

Tian Xin sighed, but there was a spoiled smile on her face.

She picked up the air conditioner and gently covered Sun Qing's body.

In this process, her hand accidentally touched a soft thing, and

Tian Xinxin was immediately stunned! When we were shopping for clothes together, Tian Xinxin was surprised by this size and was quite curious.

Although I don't understand it, obviously they are all girls, they all have this thing, but why are they curious?

Looking at Sun Qing's beautiful face under the moonlight, Tian Xinxin suddenly felt pity.

Remembering Sun Qing's blushing look is even more interesting.

Then it is better to take advantage of this good opportunity....

Tian Xinxin suddenly had a bold idea!

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