Sun Qing was frightened.

He is still at least a woman now, what if there is no male or female?

Therefore, Sun Qing had to reluctantly pick up the leopard print suit that he had just thrown aside.

Under the training of Xiaokengkeng, Sun Qing watched several Internet celebrity sisters dancing on a certain sound, and the summary is, straighten the chest, tummy tum, lift the buttocks, swing the crotch, and twist again.

Alas, remembering that he would also perform such a section later, Sun Qing really felt that the festival was broken to the Pacific Ocean.

He struggled to untie the strip of cloth, and as soon as he put the leopard print suspender on it, he found that he had forgotten to wear the bra.

It's really time-consuming to take off and wear it again.

Finally understand why it takes so long for girls to go out!

Finally dressed, Sun Qing decided to go out with an umbrella, just to block his face.

Unexpectedly, the pit goods began again....

[Xiaoqingqing, discuss something with you, you will look better with makeup! ]

"you, no!"

If Sun Qing hadn't been unable to see the real person in the system, he would have rushed up and beat him up a long time ago!

It's really getting bigger and bigger.

The system is a little disappointed, but well, come to Japan....

Sun Qing took an umbrella and tied a coat over her shorts, otherwise she was really afraid of being taken away by the dormitory aunt as a pervert.

Sun Qing twisted and walked out of the dormitory, and when the honey was cold, he saw a long queue here.

Oh my God, the sorrow is so great!

Sun Qing quickly took the umbrella to cover his face, and looked at whether there were any acquaintances among these people, and waited until all of them were confirmed and relieved before entering the team.

Unexpectedly, his appearance caused a lot of commotion!

"Wow, that beautiful woman's legs are so long, it's just as perfect as a catwalk model."

"Mu Mu, the young lady looks so tall, I feel 170-172."

"The skin is also white and shiny, it must be a big beauty!"

Listening to the envious words of the girls, Sun Qing's heart was complicated.

In the past, when he was a boy, although his height was 168, the man was shorter, and even some girls thought he was only 165.

But now I have become a girl, but I suddenly feel 4 centimeters taller!

This point system really did not lie to him, really no longer have to worry about height.

[Host, now you know me, right?] Young people don't know that the system is good, and mistakenly treat discipline as a treasure. 】

The little pit is really a chatterbox!

Sun Qing was still a little angry, and he didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

With the familiar magic song "Sweet honey, refreshing and refreshing, honey cold you are the best..." constantly looping, the team in front of Sun Qing is almost at the end.

In this short ten minutes, he was always nervous, and he kept secretly observing the passers-by next to him, fortunately he didn't see his acquaintances.

"Welcome to Honey Cold! What do you need to order beauty? The waiter asked kindly, and Sun Qing finally waited.

"Are there any dances and drinks today?"

Sun Qing spoke nervously.

Because of the change of girl, his voice has also become that kind of soft female voice.

"Yes, then please dance to our songs."

"Sweet honey, refreshing and refreshing, honey cold you the best, sweet honey, refreshing and refreshing, honey cold you the best..."

Sun Qing hesitated for half a minute, then threw away the umbrella, took off his coat, and twisted it casually.

I don't know why, after becoming a girl, the flexibility of the body is much higher, and it is not difficult to do such difficult movements, and it is particularly coordinated.

Someone next to him has already whistled!

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