Sun Qing patted a small black dog hiding in the grass with her.

"Xiao Hei, it's up to you!" This

dog is a stray dog near the college, Sun Qing is very kind, usually sees that he will always take the initiative to feed, or buy some meals for them to eat.

Xiao Hei is the smartest and smartest dog among them, and he has a very good relationship with Sun Qing.

Sun Qing specially gave it a particularly brave name - Black Panther, the nickname is Xiao Hei! Xiao Hei is

very human, followed Sun Qing to hide for so long, no sound came out, Qian Yixuan did not find them at all.

Now it's finally time for the panther to come out

! The panther is very powerful, after Sun Qing's order, it immediately

rushed towards Qianyixuan with a swoop! "Woof!" The

black panther directly blocked in front of Qianyixuan, staring at him with great momentum! Qianyixuan

originally thought that he was finally safe, but he didn't expect to kill a wild dog halfway....

He subconsciously shook his calves.

Mom, what he is most afraid of is ghosts and dogs, why did they all run into each other tonight?

"Don't bite me, my meat is not delicious!"

Qian Yixuan tried to reason with the dog.

But where would the panther listen to him?"

the panther roared loudly, and approached Qian Yixuan step by step.

Those eyes were simply fierce, as if they were Asura who came to ask

for his life! "It's terrible..."

Qian Yixuan's lips twitched, and he quickly ran forward, as if running for his life.

Sun Qing hid in the grass along the way, secretly following Qian Yixuan.

Hmph, Qian Yixuan is afraid of dogs to this extent, and there is no one!

One person and one dog, chasing in this rugged mountain for more than twenty minutes.

Qian Yixuan's two shoes ran away, and now he is in a barefoot state, which is simply embarrassing to the extreme.

Seeing that the dog was about to pounce on him, Qian Yixuan, who was panting and had no strength, directly "plopped" and knelt in front of the panther

! "Grandpa dog, please, don't chase me anymore, as long as you spare me, I'll give you meat and bones to eat every day, okay?" The

panther obviously has never seen such a scene!

It tilted its head slightly, still such a proud little appearance~

Hmm, so what should I do now?

It only listens to its own owner Sun Qing, no matter how fragrant the meat and bones of other people's families are, it can't buy dripping ~

The panther is very witty, it does not look towards the grass, otherwise it is easy to expose the owner.

Before receiving Sun Qing's order, it was still glaring at Qian Yixuan so fiercely, shouting at him.

Seeing this scene, Qian Yixuan wanted to die.

He quickly stood up, feeling that he must have been a brain show just now, so what kneeling for the dog?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qian Yixuan hurriedly ran desperately to the way down the mountain.

As soon as the panther saw it, he immediately followed suit....

Sun Qing was shocked for several minutes.

I lost it, she really felt that Qian Yixuan was so spineless!

But after one night for him, it was almost the same.

Taking advantage of Qian Yixuan's lack of attention, Sun Qing secretly gave the panther a code word.

The panther quietly went around the grass and obediently in front of Sun Qing.

Qian Yixuan finally ran down the mountain at this time.

He glanced back in trepidation.

Fortunately, the wild dog did not catch up....

At this time, Qian Yixuan was barefoot, and the clothes on his body were also torn by tree branches, and he was gray-faced, if he took another bowl in his hand, he could go directly to the overpass to open and join the big team.

Looking at the crowds coming and going on the street, Qian Yixuan felt so humiliated.

He quickly blocked his face with his hand slightly, and then took out his mobile phone.

At this time, there was finally a signal.

I don't know what evil happened on the mountain just now?

It's really weird

! Looking back now, Qian Yixuan is still a little shivering!

He took a taxi and hurried back to the school dormitory.

Sun Qing, who secretly controlled everything, hooked his lips with satisfaction.

Chunxi Mountain is a hill near Beicheng Institute of Technology, and there is indeed a beautiful night view here, but it is normal to have a few lonely graves on the mountain, which Sun Qing accidentally discovered when hiking before.

Who makes Qianyixuan so timid?

Those ghost fires that suddenly appear can be artificially created, as for the mobile phone has no signal, of course, because Sun Qing used a signal jammer

! I didn't expect Qianyixuan to be so afraid, really, in the 21st century, you have to believe in science is good!

But speaking of it, the feeling of punishing scumbags is really great~

[ Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and successfully obtaining a mysterious reward: a Lamborghini and a parking space in Yong'an Community. Sun

Qing, who was immersed in joy, suddenly heard the sound of the little pit, and he was stunned! What

? Lamborghini

! The little pit is not joking, right

? Is it the kind of model car for children to play

? The little pit knew Sun Qing's psychological activities, and he immediately defended, "Isn't it! Host, am I awesome?


Sun Qing will not forget what happened when she was turned into a girl, and what kind of flickering words Xiao Keng said to her, there is indeed such a sentence...



it was this pit that killed her as a girl!

Sometimes she seriously doubted where the previous 107 members went?


At this time, Sun Qing's hand suddenly appeared a Lamborghini car key, as well as a parking space license.

"Xiao Qingqing, you go twenty meters to the left, and then press the car key. The

small pit reminded the stunned Sun Qing.

Happiness came so suddenly, Sun Qing almost lost the ability to think.

She subconsciously followed the instructions of the small pit to the left, and then took her car keys and pressed them.

The lights turned on, and a red Lamborghini seemed to be waving to Sun Qing....

Sun Qing sat up and felt what it was like to have these tens of millions of luxury cars.

Sun Qing just took the driver's license test during the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, and he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

She drove the car back to the garage and was in a good mood to fly.

"Little pit, what other good side quests?"

Sun Qing took the initiative to ask about Xiaokeng for the first time.

I already knew that there was such a good thing, not to mention the abuse of scumbags in women's clothes, she could eat the small pit bankrupt even if she ate Xiang!"

"Ahem, Xiaoqingqing, pay attention to discipline." "

For the first time, the little pit couldn't stand it.

Sun Qing only then converged a little.

Xiaokengkeng enthusiastically spoiled a little, "Xiaoqingqing, perform well in Hanfu club activities on the weekend, there are surprises~"

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