Sun Qing simply wrote like a god, and the speed that was so fast that it really made people wonder if she was possessed by some problem-making machine.

The invigilator is a middle-aged female teacher who wears a pair of glasses and has a slightly blessed figure.

The female teacher shuttled back and forth between the candidates, reminding everyone as she walked, "Be sure to read the questions clearly before answering, this is your first exam in your freshman year, take it seriously."

"That student, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, the female teacher focused her gaze on Sun Qing.

Suddenly, all the candidates looked over, and they thought that someone had been cheating and had been discovered.

At this moment, Sun Qing was supporting his head with his hands, and he had just fallen asleep....

The female teacher saw that Sun Qing could not wake up, so she immediately walked to her seat.


female teacher clanged the desk with her fist, and Sun Qing suddenly woke up!

"This student, it's only been more than half an hour since the exam, why did you fall asleep?"

Sun Qing rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry teacher, I was a little bored just now, but I didn't expect to accidentally fall asleep.

You look at others, they are all racing against time to answer, do you actually feel bored? Do you not want grades?" This

female teacher is obviously of the stern type, and it is such a few soul tortures.

Sun Qing glanced at the test paper a little innocently, and whispered, "I'm done..." "

What?" The

female teacher was so shocked that her eyes were about to fall out!

She has been proctoring the exam for more than ten or twenty years, and she has never seen anyone who can finish all the test papers in more than half an hour, unless she is writing blindly.

Out of curiosity, the female teacher glanced at Sun Qing's roll.

I saw that the handwriting on it was as neat and beautiful as the block letters, and every question was answered very seriously... Not writing nonsense at all.

The female teacher glanced at the name again.

Sun Qing?

She was not familiar with the name at all.

Every year, freshmen who have just entered their freshman year, there will be a few top students with excellent results in the college entrance examination, and those top students have long been spread among their teachers!

"That... If you are bored, when there is still half an hour left, you can turn in the papers in advance.

"Thank you, teacher.

Sun Qing cheered up.

Well, I knew that she wouldn't sleep just now, but I didn't expect to attract the attention of a wave of teachers.

When there was still half an hour left, Sun Qing was the first to hand in the papers and walked out of the examination room easily.

The two-day exam ended smoothly.

Although he felt that he had done well, Sun Qing did not know how well the others in the class did and whether they would surpass him, and now he could only wait for the test results to come out.

Finally, after the exam, Sun Qing immediately asked Tian Xinxin to relax together.

Today and Thursday is not only the day that Sun Qing finishes the exam, but also the day that Tian Xinxin moved in to live with Sun Qing.

A few days ago, because Sun Qing had been busy reviewing, Tian Xinxin was not convenient to trouble her, there were many things for girls, and it was troublesome to sort it out, so Tian Xinxin waited until Sun Qing finished the exam before moving.

Pedestrian street.

Tian Xinxin held Sun Qing's hand and asked her happily, "Sister Xiaobai, what are we going to play?"

Because she was very homely before, and now she is about the same.

Where do you think it's more fun to go?" Tian

Xinxin looked at the advertisement on the street and suddenly had an idea.

"How about we go to play in a haunted house, super exciting!" "Haunted house

..." Sun

Qing has not played yet, but she is bold, not afraid of ghosts at all, but isn't Tian Xinxin quite afraid, so why should she go?"


Xinxin smiled, "Although I am afraid, but with you accompanying me, let's go!"


two of them first looked around a certain group and finally chose the one with the best evaluation.

It is said that business here is good, and all the furnishings and ghosts inside the haunted house are super realistic.

Just walked to the door, and already felt a gloomy atmosphere!

At the door, there was a hideous-looking imp pushing the stone mill, and the stone mill was all red liquid....

A few boys with schoolbags in elementary school looked at the door and rolled on the ground in fright.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xinxin suddenly had a trace of fear.

Originally, she was holding Sun Qing's arm, but now she held Sun Qing's hand, and quietly put her fingers in, interlocking with her ten fingers...

Sun Qing saw that Tian Xinxin was so afraid, so he couldn't help but squeeze her.

As soon as they walked in, the two fell into darkness.

"Shin Shin, I will protect you.

Sun Qing obviously felt that the girl beside her even became a little short of breath.

She comforted softly.

Tian Xinxin walked forward nervously, her appearance was very cautious, lest she see or hear something terrifying.

"Ah!" At

this moment, a skull suddenly floated over!

Tian Xinxin shouted in fright and went straight into Sun Qing's arms.

Sun Qing seemed to be a nobody, she gently comforted Tian Xinxin, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it has already floated over." After

a long pause, Tian Xinxin continued to walk forward.

Unexpectedly, there was a small cell in front, and the corpses inside made a strange whining sound!

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I'm afraid!" Tian

Xinxin quickly hid behind Sun Qing.

Sun Qing glanced at the cell, although the corpse was very realistic and scary, it was all made of props, as for the sound, it was just terrifying music.

Sun Qing calmly covered Tian Xinxin's ears.

"So you can't hear it, let's keep going.

Tian Xinxin suddenly felt a full sense of security.

I really didn't expect that she, the soft and weak little white sister, also had such a manly side!

Well, she really likes it more and more~

"Be careful!" When

Tian Xinxin was immersed in sweetness, she was suddenly pulled by Sun Qing.

Sun Qing can be regarded as knowing Tian Xinxin, although she has been shouting about watching ghost movies and playing haunted houses, but in fact she is very timid, and when she really sees these terrifying things, her heart is very afraid.

This zombie is too realistic, it should be played by a real person, the blood on the face is super terrible, Sun Qing is worried about scaring Tian Xinxin, so he quickly pulled her in advance.

Tian Xinxin still didn't know what the situation was, but only felt that he had fallen into a very warm embrace.

The two girls hugged together, the picture was very loving, even the zombie froze!

Good guy, why do you smell a trace of Ji Qing?

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