When Sun Qing heard the task, his head "buzzed", and he

was immediately dumbfounded: Woo-woo

, the small pit is too pitted, and he is not even given the last trace of the dignity of a "boy"!

If he becomes Sun Xiaobai, won't Sun Qing disappear in the future?

Although it's okay to be a girl now, Sun Qing has never given up the idea of wanting to be a boy again.

After all, the identity of a boy has followed him for eighteen years.

And his baby, well, it was a symbol of his male status, but now it has been lost for a long time.

"I'm not doing it! excessive, hehe~"

Sun Qing directly sang the opposite tune with Xiaokengkeng.

"Xiao Qingqing, you have to think clearly, you won't be able to become a boy again when the task stops~"

Xiao Pitkeng is very happy, isn't that just

right? "But what is the difference between this and letting me be a girl forever? Sun

Qing's eyes are full of sorrow, maybe it has been a girl for a long time, but there is a slight flattery at the same time.

"You stupid!" Xiao

Piteng poked Sun Qing's head with his hand.

Well, he's so stupid, no wonder he is always pitted by himself.

"Wouldn't it be good to restore Sun Qing's identity when you become a boy again?"

Sun Qing thought about it, and it was indeed such a truth.

"Okay..." In

order to be able to return everything to normal, he couldn't bear it for the time being.

The next day.

Beicheng Institute of Technology suddenly became an unprecedented sensation!

I saw a beautiful girl with long legs wearing a college-style plaid skirt and walking into the campus full of youth.

Her skin is white and snowy, her big watery eyes seem to be able to speak, her curly eyelashes tremble slightly, and her tender pink lips are small and delicate, which is simply fairy under the ordinary!

"Who is she? I want to know all about her in three minutes!"

"Why haven't I seen this beautiful woman before?" "

Ah, I'm going to die, I was killed by the beautiful eyebrows with long legs..." Facing

the coveted gazes of the boys, Sun Qing ruffled her hair awkwardly, still a little uncomfortable.

From this moment on, she is Sun Xiaobai, and this is

the first time that she has never used her identity as a girl to roam freely on campus.

Sun Qing hurriedly walked in the direction of the classroom.

When she stepped into the classroom, she felt countless lights gather on her, as if a hundred flashing lights lit up in unison.

"Well... It's beautiful!" Some

boys have already shed indisputable nosebleeds.

Last time, Sun Qing wore women's clothing Lolita, but it attracted the attention of many boys, but since then, everyone has not seen her again.

So, the big beauty is rubbing class again today?

Oh, it's almost the season of revival of all things, and spring is bright in an instant.

Xu Zhifan looked at Sun Qing dumbly... He did not expect that Sun Qing, who has always been a woman dressed as a man, would appear in front of everyone directly in women's clothes today.

At this time, the head teacher appeared.

"Students are quiet, before class, I want to say one thing," the class teacher looked at Sun Qing and introduced everyone with a smile, "This is Sun Xiaobai and Sun Qing's cousin." Sun Qing went abroad to study, Sun Xiaobai transferred to our class, everyone applauded and welcomed.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers from the audience, and thunderous applause.

After the introduction, Sun Qing said a few polite words, then walked off the podium to find a seat to go to class.

The boys all looked at Sun Qing with longing eyes, and they didn't know who the big beauty would sit next to?

(Today's update is a little less, just began to recover please forgive me, tomorrow strive for four thousand words, rush duck rush duck, I'm so happy, hee-hee, finally released, are you all still there, two months, pick up the book again, can the plot be satisfactory)

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