"Yes, yes, the body is good to the extreme, super delicate, an absolute stunner in the world, in comparison, Tian Xinxin can only be regarded as a small fresh."

"Agree, although Tian Xinxin is very beautiful, there is no harm without comparison!"

Listening to the good brother's remarks, Qian Yixuan seemed to have made a decision.

He said slowly, "It's just a girlfriend, and it's not a married wife, of course, you can change." I am tall and handsome, my family runs a company, there is no need to hang myself from a tree. With my status, Tian Xinxin is simply climbing! You guys keep your mouth shut about this matter first, help me find out who this beauty is, and I have chased her!

"Wow, Brother Qian!"


"Wait for the dwarfs to be out of reach!"

The brothers praised Qian Yixuan one by one, not feeling that there was anything wrong with such behavior, but showing envious little eyes.

Maybe it's all about things clustering and people grouping.

With the support of his brothers, Qian Yixuan became more and more energetic, and he solemnly promised, "As long as anyone helps me find out the news, one person will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan!" "Good


Sun Qing on the side quickly hid under the umbrella and ran away.

Bah me!

What rich and handsome?

Just a stinky man like Qian Yixuan who is in the middle of the day is simply a typical scumbag!

I really didn't expect that Qian Yixuan was like this, and Sun Qing immediately became anxious.

Isn't that Tian Xinxin kept in the dark all the time?

It's just pathetic....

Sun Qing wanted to tell Tian Xinxin the truth, but she didn't know what way to do it.

What a headache!

The system seemed to see what Sun Qing was thinking.

[Host, the second task it came, it came, it really came! ] The host needs to be Tian Xinxin's friend within three days. Our slogan is, only more pits, no most pits! Determined to be a small pit with a disabled Zhijian than ~Tweet~]

Sun Qing was so angry that he wanted to paste the sundae that had not finished eating in his hand directly.

He inexplicably became a girl, it was too late to hide, and he even wanted to be friends with his beloved goddess?

Woo hoo, then he really doesn't want to live ~

The farthest distance in the world, it's not that I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you, but I stand in front of you, but I became your girlfriend of the same gender.

After being angry for three minutes, Sun Qing decided to accept this reality.

He is now a girl, and that cannot be reversed.

Sun Qing ran into the convenience store and bought a lot of things, when the time came, he could reduce the number of times he went out.

It's just that this look, sooner or later, will be discovered by the roommate, what should I do?

I didn't think of a way for the time being, Sun Qing could only buy a box of masks by the way at the checkout.

After returning to the dormitory, Sun Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that none of his roommates had returned, and he quickly cleaned up.

First, he took off the leopard print and bra on his body and changed into his men's clothes.

Then he took out the leather rope he had bought and tied his hair up.

Because she has become a girl, Sun Qing's hair has become a shoulder-length that is a very good-looking bobo hairstyle.

Twenty minutes later, Sun Qing, who tied her hair, could finally slow down.

I didn't expect that tying a hair is so time-consuming, tying two loops is too loose, and tying three circles is too tight, it is really difficult to die.

Alas, why do you bother so much about being a girl?

Sun Qing scratched her head, lay down on her bed, and wrapped her body tightly with a quilt.

Now there is a very critical problem that has not been solved!

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