A nice red lip print was left on the mirror.

Sun Qing looked at the red lip print, and suddenly woke up, she really wanted to slap herself twice!

But such a white and tender little face, and reluctant to start....

Oops, as if the mentality is getting more and more wrong.

Narcissistic appearance, when I was a boy before, I never did this?

Since when exactly did something go wrong?

I can't really remember.

When Sun Qing was upset, he heard an alarm ringing.

Because she lives off-campus, it takes about ten minutes to walk to class, so in order not to be late, she specially set an alarm clock reminder.

No matter how much it is, let's go to class first!

Sun Qing put on her schoolbag and went out beautifully.

I don't know how to drop, maybe I think today's makeup is very successful, Sun Qing is jumping with joy, it is simply a young beautiful girl.

Xiao Pitpit followed her while smiling lewdly.

【Host, the evaluation of makeup results on the second day is starting...】【Host

, congratulations, the makeup results on the next day are good! Keep up the good work~]

Well, it's good!

I actually got a higher evaluation than a passing grade, and it seems that the level of makeup the next day is quite perfect.

Sun Qing felt that she would definitely be exempt from punishment!

When applying makeup on the third day, Sun Qing suddenly discovered something!

No wonder girls like makeup so much, it turns out that this is really an addictive thing.

Looking at her beautiful self in the mirror, she is simply happy ~


She really loves this feeling.

Sun Qing became more and more handy, and smoothly got a satisfactory evaluation again, this time, the evaluation directly rose to excellent!

"Little pit, you can't break your word this time, can you? You promised me, I recorded it all!

Sun Qing triumphantly took out her mobile phone.

Xiao Keng smiled proudly, "Xiao Baibai, did you really record?" Then I'm so scared~

" "You know I'm afraid, right?"

Sun Qing quickly clicked on the recording file at that time, strangely, why was there no sound in it?


the little pit threw himself back and forth with a smile.

"Xiaobaibai, no wonder you bind me, we are talking with our minds, and you can't record it!"

Sun Qing suddenly realized.

Then, her face began to turn white and red.

Uh-huh, she's so confused.

I didn't even think of this, I thought that I had pinched the small pit, but I didn't expect to make such a big joke in front of it.

Woo hoo, is there tofu, she wants to bump into it....

"No matter what, you, as a system, can't lie to me, and you must have integrity."

After the embarrassment, Sun Qing solemnly emphasized!

The main thing is that she doesn't want to become a F Zhao Cup, super ashamed, and will she still be able to walk steadily when the time comes?

Holding two large watermelons when walking, the waist will break off soon, right?

The horror of the dream, she shivered in retrospect.

"Although I said that there may be a turnaround in the next two days of good performance, but..." A hint of cunning flashed in Xiao Piteng's eyes, "You have to do a temporary mission."

"What, another mission?"

It was simply a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which just fell on Sun Qing's head!

Woo hoo, she knows that Sun Qing will rest in the dead pit, and if she doesn't die, the small pit will not give up every opportunity to pit her...

Abominable, nasty!

"Don't be so afraid, it's your welfare."

The smile on Xiao Piteng's face was bad, even a little astringent.

[If the host side task is detected to fail, the host will accept the punishment, and the cup (Zhao Cup) will be directly upgraded to two larger numbers, and executed after 8 hours.] Note! The penalty is permanent unless the host receives a new task to make new adjustments to its body size. 】【

The host triggers a temporary task, only needs to accept 24 hours of side mission punishment after completion, and returns to its original size after 24 hours, please take a look and touch...】

This time, the small pit was mysterious, and it was secretly pasted to Sun Qing's ear, telling her the specific temporary task content.

"No, no, absolutely not! My Sun Qing won't do it even if he dies!

Sun Qing's face was red, as if he had heard something like that.

"Xiao Baibai, this is a special opportunity for you to save me, then I can only do business..."

said Xiao Keng with deliberate regret.

Then, Sun Qing felt that his bear was starting to get bigger!

Well, what a familiar feeling.

This feeling is also experienced in dreams.

"Don't, don't wow~"

Sun Qing was about to cry out in a hurry.

She was so afraid! Hehe~

"Heehee, Xiaobaibai, I'm just joking with you, the punishment will be carried out after 8 hours, no, now it is only 7 hours and 52 minutes, it is exactly after you finish all the classes in the afternoon, and the punishment will be executed after 1 hour." You think clearly, there is only one opportunity, and if you miss it, you will not be there. Do you want to be looked at obscenely as soon as you hit the street? "

The small pit is really worthy of being a small pit, and it simply accurately grasps Sun Qing's psychology.

"Okay, then I'll accept the task."

Anyway, she is a girl now, it should have nothing to do with it, right?

"That's right, love you, chirp~

" "Disgusting, go to the side!" What are you a man to coquette? "

Sun Qing can annoy the strong man loliyin in the small pit.

Obviously a strong man's voice, but also pretend to be loli coquettish?

I don't know how bumpy my appearance is!

Because the small pit pit pits Sun Qing again and again, Sun Qing has automatically brought in the image of a strong man with a scruffy beard for it in his mind, well, similar to a butcher.

Because he accepted a very shy temporary task, Sun Qing has been touching fish for today's lesson.

Since you want to see what... Then you have to find an excuse, right?

Otherwise, how embarrassing!

Tian Xinxin will think of himself as a pervert.

Sun Qing doesn't want to evolve into that, she wants to always be a pair of good friends with Tian Xinxin, so that she can always be by her side.

In order to think of a reasonable way, Sun Qing immediately asked Du Niang.

She typed in the search box - what's wrong with the girl bear not feeling very comfortable?

Sure enough, a whole bunch of things were found!

Good fellow, simply something Sun Qing had never known before.

"If it's a slight swelling pain, and it's only about a week before the aunt, then don't worry, it's normal, because the hormone levels will be like this, and when the aunt leaves, it will return to normal."

"You see if you can feel the hard lump, if there is, it is accompanied by tingling, it may be like gland hyperplasia, you have to go to the hospital for examination, do a bear ultrasound."

Seeing the answers of these doctors, Sun Qing subconsciously glanced at himself.

Well, it should be quite healthy, right?

I didn't expect that girls would still have this disease, it's really not easy!

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