The piano video ended happily.

Sun Xiaobai is a little hi at the moment, she is already looking forward to the next content more and more... How do you feel that every video shooting is like a dream come true?

Although some of these scenes she had not fantasized about before, who didn't want to experience these scenes?

Life is always full of sweetness and bitterness, but this idol drama-like tone makes life only sweet, wonderful and wonderful~

The third shot video is quite distinctive! You can't imagine it!

Although it is the most common and even rotten street dress-up terrier in short videos, the changed shape is very special.

With this classic little black dress, coupled with Menglu's sexy smile covering the skirt, it is simply a dream linkage.

These two shapes, can also knock?

Anyway, it's amazing!

Of course, Xiaobai's hot body cannot be wasted in vain, wearing a white sexy halter skirt perfectly shows what is called front and back up.

Tian Xinxin put on the classic little black dress, and the whole person suddenly became more mature temperament.

The director got a blower!

Wait a big role.

Although Sun Xiaobai's hair has grown a lot now, it is only over the shoulder and not over the bear.

So, the stylist specially got a lot of wigs for her to connect to create a super sexy big wave.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Sun Xiaobai was dumbfounded!

Ah, why can't you fall in love with yourself! She suddenly felt a pity.

Although this idea seems too narcissistic, when you see yourself dressed up very beautifully, you really won't be moved? I believe that everyone will it~

Tian Xinxin couldn't open his eyes.

I never thought that Xiaobai was sexy and hot, and it was simply two hundred percent lethal.

She just looked at it a few more times, and she felt that she was about to "die"!

Naturally, the beautiful Sun Xiaobai also attracted the attention of others present, and even something super exaggerated happened.

How do the staff present always feel that there are several changes around?

Coming and going, I feel that the flow of people is huge, and there is a sense of déjà vu of the vegetable market.

After a closer look, I found that many people came to see the beauty.

The arrival of Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, two beauties, made all the employees of Yawen Media anxious.

Although I can't have such a beautiful girlfriend or girlfriend, it's always okay for me to take a look at it a few more times, right?

Tian Xinxin was very unhappy!

Hmph, all of you are coveting the beauty of my little white sister!

No, her beauty can only be appreciated by me.

Tian Xinxin deliberately blocked in front of Sun Xiaobai, and seeing that some miscellaneous staff jumped left and right in the crowd and could not see Xiaobai's full picture, she finally relaxed.

This time the cross-dressing video, the clip before the cross-dressing has been filmed in advance.

At the beginning, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin wore the same sportswear, looking like two young and energetic college students.

Then, they suddenly changed into two super beauties with a variety of styles!

The director turned on the blower, and Sun Xiaobai's skirt was blown up by the wind.

Of course, this kind of shooting must have been taken in advance, and Sun Xiaobai also wore safety pants in his skirt, and there will definitely be nothing wrong with him.

Sun Xiaobai subconsciously covered it, at this time, Tian Xinxin who was passing by turned around and smiled back, and the eyes of the two seemed to be drawn wire, blending in the air....

"Perfect! Card! This one passed. The

director stared blankly for several minutes before shouting the end.

The scene just now, he would like to call it a divine work!

Even the directors who have such rich experience and have filmed countless plots are greatly shocked, and you can imagine how vivid the performances of Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin are.

It's not a show anymore, it's like a scene that happened naturally.

Various staff members stepped forward to help Tian Xinxin and Sun Xiaobai sort out, and at the same time did not forget to express their amazement!

"Wow, it's so beautiful, you just perfectly interpret Menglu's charm, this is Menglu Benlu, right?"

"I wanted to go to B Zhan to edit a wave of Menglu and Heben's video, but I really didn't expect that the great beauties of these two centuries could also spark."

"How many years have you known each other, the relationship is really super good, so tacit understanding!"

Most of these costumes and makeup staff are girls, and all kinds of twitter make Tian Xinru's extraverted personality a little embarrassed.

She replied with a smile, "Although Xiaobai and I have not known each other for a long time, it seems that we have known each other for a lifetime, we are best friends now, and we will always be in the future!" "

This is something that Tian Xinxin has identified!

Confidant is not about the length of time they have known each other, but whether they have a common heart.

The relationship between her and Xiaobai may have long been more affectionate than that of some girlfriend.

Xiao Bai was very moved after hearing this.

In these times when they get along day and night, they are almost inseparable, and they are all very important existences of each other.

But hearing Tian Xinxin's heartfelt words, he was still so moved.

"Shin Shin, we will definitely go hand in hand together, no matter what changes there will be in the future, what kind of dangers we will encounter, our feelings will never change!"

When the relationship is good to a certain level, this kind of fleshy words will naturally be spoken.

It doesn't seem awkward at all.

The staff looked at Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin with envious eyes.

I believe that everyone has good friends who play, but there must not be many who can reach such a realm!

What a blessing and happiness it is to meet a soulmate in life.

It's really enviable.

The director seemed a little moved, and he secretly rubbed his eyes to look at the photographer on the side.

"A-jie, or we..."

I have a wife, and my wife is my best confidant! The photographer quipped.

The director sighed softly.

Alas, after all, it was he who asked for it!

Forget it, he better continue to make films, this is the right thing.

Next, there are seven more videos to shoot, and the script content is all interesting.

Zhou Hong is a fairly responsible strong woman, and every work is arranged in an orderly manner.

In fact, Sun Xiaobai did not put forward any requirements before, but all the clothing, Zhou Hong chose very distinctively, coupled with exquisite shapes, added a lot of points to the entire short video.

The director of Yawen Media and all the staff of the shooting were very professional, and the whole shooting scene was smooth and happy.

After a day of shooting, Sun Xiaobai was simply confident.

This is stable, absolutely stable.

It seems that Little Pithole has given her another skill through a simple side quest.

Is it just really going to go that smoothly?

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