The live broadcast of a game was a live broadcast.

In a live broadcast room of a certain game, the anchor was controlling the character to change weapons and equipment.

He opened the eight-fold mirror and aimed at the enemy on the opposite hill. Bang! One shot.

The game settlement screen appeared.

"Good luck, chicken dinner tonight."

Celebratory fireworks appeared on the game interface, congratulating the anchor for winning the first place.

Compared with the excitement in the game, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was very few and seemed very deserted.

After watching the anchor win the first place, a dozen scattered people left silently without even a 666.

It was as if they were robots given by the platform.

Fang Zhou originally wanted to play the next game directly.

A few messages in the live broadcast window attracted his attention.

"Brother Fang Zhou! You are so awesome!"

"When can you play with fans? I really want to join."

"But I am not very good at playing, please don't look down on me."

With the popularity of the game, there are more and more anchors of the same type, and there are countless anchors who make a living, which has taken away a large amount of traffic.

There are no longer many people watching Fang Zhou's serious technical live broadcast room.

It is rare to see a few barrages in a day.

Fang Zhou has not seen such a message that is obviously from a girl for a long time.

He cleared his throat and said, "Sure, you can play with fans at any time, just pay attention."

The viewer named 'Meichuan Kuchazi' immediately sent several love barrages.

"Really? That's great! Then I will download the game now, and I will trouble you to play with me later."

"Wait for me for ten minutes!"

Along with the two barrages, there was a gift special effect.

"Meichuan Kuchazi rewarded a rocket."

On this platform, the value of a rocket is two thousand.

Fang Zhou's pupils dilated for a moment.

It's not that he has never seen a rocket, but his outdated live broadcast room has not appeared for a long time.

This Meichuan Kuchazi is probably a rich woman from someone's family who came out to experience life and just gave a reward casually.

Fang Zhou has seen a lot of things, and has also encountered refund incidents for minors. After being shocked, he was scared.

He hurriedly reminded: "Minors should not give gifts, I just take you to play a game, you don't need to give so many."

Meichuan Kuchazi: I'm an adult, don't worry, just treat it as tuition.

Fang Zhou was relieved.

It's not impossible to take the apprentice to play games.

"I'm going to drink some water."

The anchor Fang Zhou took off his headphones and said casually to the audience in the live broadcast room, even though there were not many living people in his live broadcast room.

In the interval of drinking water, a message popped up on Fang Zhou's WeChat.

It was a message from Xiao Wei, the assistant of the guild.

"Brother Zhou, today is the end of the month, and your monthly turnover has not reached the target again."

"The guild stipulates that if the turnover does not reach the target for five consecutive months, the contract will be downgraded."

"I sent you a new contract, please sign it."

Fang Zhou swallowed the warm water, read the contract and called back directly.

"Hey, Xiao Wei, didn't we agree that my contract is for three years?"

"Why did you unilaterally break the contract?"

Fang Zhou is not a newcomer who has just entered the industry and was easily deceived by the guild.

Although he is now a retired anchor, when he was in his prime, there were also one million people online in the live broadcast room at the same time.

What a shitty guild, seeing that he is not making money now, they want him to sign a downgrade contract?

Fang Zhou is not unable to accept the downgrade, but the contract sent by the guild is too disrespectful of him, right?

The number of live broadcast days per month must not be less than 28 days, the duration of each live broadcast must not be less than 8 hours, and the monthly turnover must not be less than 5K.

Even so, they only give him a base salary of 3,000?

Haha, he would earn more than this if he drove Didi.

Xiao Wei on the other end of the phone was somewhere carefree, and the surrounding noise was very noisy.

She answered loudly in a hoarse voice: "We are not breaking the contract, we are just making appropriate adjustments based on your live broadcast performance!"

"Your monthly turnover is not even 2,000 yuan now, and we give you a base salary of 3,000, which is already very humane!"

Fang Zhou just wanted to laugh after hearing this.

When he was popular, it was normal for a live broadcast to have a turnover of hundreds of thousands.

Now you think he doesn't make money, so you just want to collect cheap labor?

The treatment of freshly graduated college students in the guild is probably better than his.

Fang Zhou said "Pah" to Xiao Wei on the other end of the phone,

He was no longer as easy to talk to as before.

"Let your guild boss come and talk to me, I won't talk to you."

This Xiao Wei was just a little girl who had graduated for more than a year, and had only been in charge of connecting with him for a few months, and had not seen his glory days.

Therefore, she only had an impression of Fang Zhou as a "month-by-month" out-of-date anchor.

In the conversation, although she would not take the initiative to offend Fang Zhou, she would not give him too much respect either.

Xiao Wei on the other end did not speak for the time being, but the noisy voice still reached Fang Zhou through the phone.

About a minute later, Fang Zhou finally heard her voice again.

"Brother Zhou, the boss is singing and has no time to tell you this. He asked me to tell you that this contract is very humane for outdated anchors, so don't be picky..."

Fang Zhou hung up the phone directly, angrily smashed the phone on the soft sofa, and cursed: "Zhou Baopi, I'll pick on you!"

Workers are diligent in live streaming, while capitalists are singing freely!

When he just started live streaming, he signed with the current Xingchen Guild.

At that time, the guild was just starting out, and it signed some small anchors. As the game that Fang Zhou broadcasted became popular, the popularity soared, and the guild gradually grew and expanded.

Boss Zhou Yongde even said bluntly, "Without Fang Zhou, there would be no Xingchen Guild."

As a result, now Zhou Yongde is unwilling to even negotiate a contract with him, and just asked a small assistant to perfunctorily.

Fang Zhou was very upset and thought about finding a new employer.

Even if he signs with the next company, the popularity of the live broadcast room may still be low, unless there is a popular clip that day.

Like today, the probability of meeting a rich woman like Meichuan Kuchazi is still too low.

Most live broadcast rooms still rely on the accumulated flow of people.

Fang Zhou tried to do a whole job, but his talent skills seemed to only light up the game, and the whole job was also not popular.

Even worse than pure technical flow.

Putting away the anger in his heart, calming down his emotions, Fang Zhou sat back in his seat.

Anyway, let's finish today's broadcast first.

Just when Fang Zhou was about to take the little rich woman to play games, he suddenly received a text message.

"Dear Mr. Fang Zhou, congratulations on your successful selection of the "Love 100%" program and becoming one of the guests. Please add the following WeChat account to discuss the subsequent program recording in detail."

Fang Zhou was shocked: What the hell? When did he sign up for the love show?

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