After the match, the two sides finally got together.

Fang Zhou and Han Xi won two games in a row. During the break, Han Xi's cheeks were red and the alienation on her body was not so obvious.

It should be the joy of the upcoming victory that made her feel very good. She turned her head and said to Fang Zhou: "You are awesome."

Fang Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then calmly accepted the praise from his ex.

When he was with Han Xi before, she never praised herself.

Whether it was the candlelight dinner that he spent several hours making or the carefully designed couple ring pattern, he could not get a sincere compliment from Han Xi.

Fang Zhou liked her before, and understood that she was an introverted person, not good at expressing her emotions, and never cared about these.

But in today's beach volleyball, Han Xi actually took the initiative to praise him.

It was just a belated compliment, but it was still too late.

Fang Zhou's inner joy was not very obvious. He knew very well that if Han Xi could praise him more when they were in love, maybe the two would not break up so quickly.

Not long after the third game started, the accident happened.

As soon as Han Xi's spike passed the net and hit Qiao Sisi, she fell to the ground, tears streaming down.

Everyone quickly surrounded her and asked about the situation.

"Sisi, how are you?"

"Are you okay? Is there a scratch on your arm?"

Han Xi was stunned for a while, then looked at Fang Zhou in a bit of a loss, and finally panic appeared in her always cold eyes.

It was as if she was saying to Fang Zhou: "What should I do? I didn't mean it."

This was Han Xi's previous habit. When she encountered a problem in life that she found difficult to solve, she would ask Fang Zhou for help.

At this moment, Han Xi was no longer the CEO who was in charge of the company and acted vigorously. She was more like a helpless woman in the storm, who could only grasp Fang Zhou as her only straw.

It was this strong sense of contrast that made Fang Zhou feel a strange sense of satisfaction and pride.

He knew it was wrong, but he was still happy that Han Xi asked for help at the first time.

This was probably the male chauvinism of men.

Fang Zhou gave her a soothing look, walked to her side and whispered: "It's okay, go and see the situation."

Everyone was chattering around Qiao Sisi, and Han Xi stood outside like a child who had done something wrong, apologizing to Qiao Sisi.

"I'm sorry, Sisi."

Qi Le raised his head suddenly and yelled at Han Xi: "Why did you hit her so hard? Sisi is so weak, do you want to kill her?"

Fang Zhou raised his eyebrows and almost forgot that Qiao Sisi had another persona in the entertainment industry, a weak little white flower.

However, the character setting is just a superficial appearance, and the glass heart is the essence of Qiao Sisi.

Based on his understanding of Qiao Sisi, it is very likely that she lost two games in a row and her mentality was unstable. She didn't want to lose too badly, so she just pretended to admit defeat.

Fang Zhou pulled Han Xi behind him and said in a deep voice: "It is normal to get injured on the sports field. There is no need to blame Han Xi so much."

Qi Le was furious when he heard it. He stood up and roared at Fang Zhou: "What do you mean by getting injured is normal? Do you want Sisi to get injured?"

"I don't mean that. Don't make things up."

The two stood tit for tat, one on the left and one on the right, as if they were going to fight the next moment.

The barrage has begun to revel.

"Vocal! Start! Start! I like to watch the lively!" "Hey, poor Sisi, I was beaten when I learned the volleyball, oh woohoo, I felt sorry." The curtain was more lively than the scene. Wing Han Xi smiled. "Don't blame you, Han Xi, I'm too weak."

Han Xi was yelled at for no reason, and his mood was extremely bad. He waved his hand and sat aside to rest.

The crowd also separated Fang Zhou and Qi Le, and Sun Haotian happily acted as a peacemaker in the middle, and the two sides shook hands and made peace.

After this scene, the comments went crazy.

"Qi Le is really Sisi's loyal licker! I don't know if he can finally get the beauty."

"Haha, I think Qi Le looks like Feiyangyang. When the time comes, Feiyangyang, you Baga Yalu will be amused."

"Fang Zhou is also quite manly, defending his teammates like this."

"I didn't expect that this show with amateurs and celebrities mixed together would be so interesting."

The rest of the game, probably because of Qiao Sisi's previous experience, all played very restrained.

The winner was soon decided.

The winner was already sitting on the lounge chair arranged by the program team to bask in the sun, while the loser could only go out to pick fruit together.

The huge difference in treatment made Dong Donghui sigh: "You still have to be a winner in life."

Liu Hao, who was standing next to him, smiled and glanced at him, teasing: "Brother Dong has already become the general manager of the Asia region, isn't he still a winner?"

Dong Donghui lay on the bench, kicked his feet, glanced at Han Xi, and said meaningfully: "If you haven't found your ideal person yet, of course you can't count it."

Han Xi has been silent since she sat here, with a gloomy face, sitting like a dull gourd.

Others thought she was pretending to be cool, but only Fang Zhou knew that she was sulking.

Han Xi was born with a cold face. When she didn't speak, she looked angry. In fact, when she was really angry, the corners of her mouth were down.

Fang Zhou knew that what happened just now had an impact on her. She was prone to stomach problems when she was angry.

When her stomach problems flared up later and she couldn't eat, people would inevitably think that she was taking revenge on Qiao Sisi.

Qiao Sisi had many fans, and she was young, so she was easily impulsive. In addition, the fan circle was really disgusting.

If Han Xi does this, she might be bullied online by her fans.

After thinking about this, Fang Zhou took a bottle of water, sat next to Han Xi and talked to her.

"Don't take it to heart, it's not your fault."

Han Xi's body was sluggish for a moment, and she turned her head to look at Fang Zhou, her eyes seemed to say: "Who said I took it to heart?"

Fang Zhou couldn't help but laugh and teased: "Yes, yes, President Han, the only thing left is hard mouth."

I don't know what this sentence hit Han Xi, she raised her hand and hit Fang Zhou, angrily said: "You are the one who is hard mouth."

After a fight, she was finally not angry.

Fang Zhou sighed: coaxing an ex-girlfriend is also a technical job.

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