The two of them stared at Fang Zhou, and they seemed to have been holding the flower-giving posture for a long time, but in fact, only a dozen seconds had passed.

During these dozen seconds, Fang Zhou experienced countless struggles, looking at Qin Yun and then at Chu Xinran.

Finally, he made an unexpected move.

Under the attention of the crowd, Fang Zhou raised his hand and asked the director of the program group loudly.

"If I understand correctly, the three of us can go together, right, director?"

Just now, they were asked to invite one person each, which means four people can go together. In this case, three people can also go together.

The director of the program group, who was originally watching the excitement but was suddenly called, was confused, and then nodded in Fang Zhou's expectant eyes.

"It's not impossible, if you both agree."

After getting a positive answer, Fang Zhou no longer hesitated, took the flowers from Qin Yun with one hand, and took the flowers from Chu Xinran with the other hand.

He smiled and said, "Then let's take them together."

Only children make choices, and adults of course want them all.

Two red roses bloomed in his hands, blooming warmly and wantonly.

But the two girls who gave the flowers away were obviously not as happy as Fang Zhou.

Qin Yun's mouth showed a hint of smile, and her eyes passed across Fang Zhou's face lightly, as if saying: You are really amazing.

Chu Xinran on the other side looked quite happy, jumping back to her seat, and seemed to really support every decision of Fang Zhou.

However, only she herself knew whether that smile was sincere or fake.

Fang Zhou's move made the audience in the live broadcast room call him brilliant.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of it, Fang Zhou. Adults really want everything."

"Oh my god, this will hurt the hearts of the two sisters, right?"

"How else? If I ask you to choose one, can you choose? One is a pure school beauty, and the other is a sexy queen."

At the same time, the other guests present were also surprised.

Sun Haotian came over, patted Fang Zhou on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Brother, protect Xinran well. If she gets hurt, I will never let you go."

The look of treating Chu Xinran as his property directly aroused Fang Zhou's disgust.

He threw away Sun Haotian's hand and said: "I know without you reminding me that you have to change your fatherly speech, buddy."

After speaking, Fang Zhou didn't even look at Sun Haotian again, and followed the program director directly to the vicinity of the helicopter he was about to take.

This is a civilian helicopter. The capacity is not large, but it is small but complete. It is really handsome just from the appearance.

Qin Yun and Chu Xinran followed one after the other. After a brief training by the program director, the three of them got on the helicopter together.

This seat was also quite particular. Fang Zhou originally wanted to sit on the outside, but Qin Yun said that if he sat on the outside, he would block his view, so he asked him to sit inside.

So, Chu Xinran sat on the inside, Fang Zhou sat in the middle, and Qin Yun sat on the outside.

There was a pilot in front of the helicopter, and a camera was above to broadcast live to the three of them.

Their expressions and movements were all seen clearly by netizens.

It was after discovering the camera that Fang Zhou felt relaxed. With the camera, the two of them should not do anything unexpected.

However, when the helicopter started and the three of them began to leave the ground, Fang Zhou realized that it was too early to say what he had said just now.

Because Chu Xinran and Qin Yun, each holding his hand, snuggled up tightly, and screamed constantly.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! I'm afraid of heights!!!"

"Help!! I'm scared too! How can it be so high!!"

Fang Zhou said: I want to scream too.

Perhaps it was an instinctive reaction of the body, causing the thighs to automatically start shaking after the helicopter left the ground for about 20 to 30 meters. When he looked down, his heart was hanging in the air.

The screams of the two women beside him were right next to his ears, like sharp explosions, almost blowing his ears apart.

Fang Zhou reasonably suspected that the two of them did it on purpose and must be taking revenge on him.

After an unknown amount of time, the helicopter finally stabilized, passing over the blue sea, and looking up was the clear sky.

"Look! There seems to be a seagull."

Chu Xinran, who finally stopped screaming, pointed to the seagulls outside the window and said excitedly.

Fang Zhou followed her line of sight and indeed found a group of white birds flying below.


It's a seagull, very beautiful. "

Chu Xinran was very happy to see that he responded to her. The two hands that had been holding his left hand slowly slid down from it and directly held Fang Zhou's left palm.

She didn't say anything, but this action was better than a thousand words.

I want to see all the beauty in the world with you.

Fang Zhou didn't expect her to do this, and he suddenly became uneasy. When he was about to struggle out of his left hand, his empty right hand suddenly touched something soft.

It was Qin Yun's hand.

Turning his head to look over, he saw that the royal sister smiled gently, her almond eyes blinked, beautiful and moving.

Fang Zhou's hands were placed on his side, and now each person held one side, and no one could see the other side.

The person involved couldn't see it, but the audience in the live broadcast room could see it!

"Ahhhhhhh! What is Fang Zhou doing!!! He actually held the hands of two female guests!"

"Oh my god! Turn your head quickly, sister! Shura Field is now!"

"Fang Zhou, this damn scumbag! Aquaman! It's not enough to hold the hand of a pure and sweet girl, he also wants to hold the hand of a queen! Damn it!"

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, it seems that the female guest took the initiative, and Fang Zhou just sat there motionless. Can you blame him for this? "

Fang Zhou's hands on both sides were held by someone, and he was sweating all over.

No, don't play tricks on me, sisters.

If they find each other, he might not be able to get off the helicopter smoothly.

It is entirely possible to come in vertically and go out horizontally.

Qin Yun is a person who can't tolerate any sand in her eyes. If she finds out that Chu Xinran is cheating under her nose, Chu Xinran will probably be in danger.

And Chu Xinran is not sure about her temper now. If she sees that he is so close to Qin Yun later, he will be furious.

Thinking of this, Fang Zhou immediately struggled to get his hands out, pointed at the clouds outside the window and said, "That cloud is quite strange!"

The two of them missed their hands, and were stunned at the same time. They looked in the direction he pointed, a little confused.

"What's so strange about this? "

Fang Zhou, who was making up a story, smiled bitterly and stopped talking.

Help me, I should have known not to get on this pirate ship!

You are too clever, my family!

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