The doctor said that the doctor was very careful.

Someone suddenly walked in and asked them what they were doing in a cold voice, which made Fang Zhou pause in wiping and look up.

Qiao Sisi was standing in the ward, staring at him, her eyes seemed to be on fire.

Fang Zhou quickly withdrew his hand, and also took back the tissue that helped wipe his tears.

Ah? Why do I feel like I've been caught cheating?

No, he and Qiao Sisi have nothing to do with each other, and Zhang Zhiyin is his friend, what's wrong with helping her wipe her tears?

Why should I feel guilty?

"No, I didn't do anything."

The man tried to explain, but he failed. These few weak words made him seem like he was trying to cover up something.

Qiao Sisi's eyes also became dim. Her thin lips were tightly pursed, indicating that she was in a bad mood.

The aura around her was even colder, like a late spring cold in February.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Fang Zhou hated his tongue.

Ah, why did he stutter when he spoke?

There was no way. Qiao Sisi's eyes were so scary now. It really felt like the wife was catching an adulterer in the hotel.

Just when Fang Zhou was annoyed by his stuttering, Zhang Zhiyin quickly lowered her head and wiped her tears with her hands.

After managing her expression in a few seconds, she turned back to look at the uninvited guest.

She was holding a cup of fruit tea in her hand, and had pink hair. Although she was wearing simple clothes, it was obvious that she was wearing a big brand. She was carrying a Gucci bag, which was low-key and luxurious.

With a perfect head-to-shoulder ratio and a fair and small face, she was born to be on the big screen.

At that moment, Zhang Zhiyin felt that her whole body was frozen, and a voice sounded in her heart: It was her, Qiao Sisi.

Qiao Sisi also saw the woman sitting on the stool.

She was very beautiful, with outstanding temperament, delicate features, and a hint of worry between her eyebrows. The innate sense of brokenness was reflected in her vividly.

The red eyes were like flowers that had been ravaged, making people feel pity.

If they were traveling together, Qiao Sisi felt that this person's popularity might be comparable to hers.

She had just met this person.

This was the new guest who had just arrived on the island, and the chief director flattered her for a long time before pulling her out to meet everyone, Zhang Zhiyin.

Originally, Qiao Sisi didn't care about this person, and just thought it was a routine operation of the love variety show to attract more traffic.

Unexpectedly, she actually appeared in Fang Zhou's ward, and the two of them behaved ambiguously. I don't know if she was wiping tears or doing something else. This is worth thinking about.

When the two looked at each other, an invisible spark ignited in an instant, and then extinguished with the smiles that appeared at the same time.

"You are here too."

Zhang Zhiyin smiled, and it was completely impossible to see that she was crying sadly just now.

No matter whether the other person's smile is sincere or false, you can't hit a smiling person.

Qiao Sisi would not vent her anger on a homosexual she just met.

Although she saw Fang Zhou wiping tears for someone just now, her mind exploded and she wanted to come in and kill someone immediately.

If you want to blame, you have to blame Fang Zhou, a good guy. No matter which woman cries in front of him, he may hand her a piece of paper.

Qiao Sisi, who was born as a professional actor, smiled more realistically.

She smiled at Zhang Zhiyin and replied softly, "Yes, I came to see Fang Zhou, but it seems that I came at the wrong time."

"I didn't expect Fang Zhou to know such a famous female writer. It's incredible."

Qiao Sisi turned her head to look at Fang Zhou, her eyes changed instantly, and a stern murderous aura was projected from her.

Fang Zhou felt a chill on his neck, and he got goose bumps when he heard her sarcastic words.

Why does Qiao Sisi feel angry?

Based on Fang Zhou's understanding of Qiao Sisi, this tone is definitely angry.

He opened his mouth and was about to explain, but someone was faster than him.

"I have known Fang Zhou for more than ten years. I didn't expect him to be on this show. I heard that he was poisoned, so I came to see him."

Zhang Zhiyin explained something with a smile, but she didn't explain it completely.

She mentioned the reason why she was here, but she never mentioned what the two of them were doing just now.

This reason was impeccable. Qiao Sisi raised her eyebrows after hearing it and asked in confusion: "Oh? Have you known each other for so long? Why do I seem to have never heard Fang Zhou mention it?"

Qiao Sisi's words also have a mystery


On the one hand, she was not familiar with Fang Zhou in public, so how could she have the opportunity to hear Fang Zhou mention his friends.

It can only mean that she and Fang Zhou have a deep friendship in private.

On the other hand, she was hinting to Zhang Zhiyin that he never mentioned you in front of his friends, probably because he thought you were not important.

Unfortunately, Qiao Sisi's calculations fell through.

When she was dating Fang Zhou, that incident happened before she had time to meet Zhang Zhiyin.

Fang Zhou would definitely not take the initiative to mention a friend of the opposite sex who liked him in front of his girlfriend.

This would not only make Qiao Sisi, who was already delicate and hypocritical, jealous, but also disrespect Zhang Zhiyin, and it was a bit suspected of showing off with her own suitors.

"Zhiyin has been abroad for many years and has not come back many times."

Fang Zhou was concise and explained it, but did not go into detail about the reason.

This was a matter between the two of them. Qiao Sisi was actually one of the protagonists of that incident that year, so it was better not to know the reason.

Zhang Zhiyin was such a smart person that she didn't take Qiao Sisi's provocation seriously.

She had been unwilling to contact Fang Zhou over the years, and Qiao Sisi had misunderstood the priorities.

"You came here right away because you knew he was here."

Zhang Zhiyin smiled, finally stood up, and threw the wilted lily in her hand into the trash can.

Such a relaxed state, like the mistress of a ward, made Qiao Sisi feel a little angry and aggrieved.

It was not easy to find a time when no one was around, and she wanted to come and see Fang Zhou, but she saw this scene.

A hazy mist rose in Qiao Sisi's eyes, and darkness and distortion were surging in them, ready to pour out at any time.

She felt that she was the outsider and was not welcome here.

After all, they were good friends who had known each other for more than ten years, and she had not even known Fang Zhou for as long as she had.

"I see. I won't bother you anymore. I'll leave first."

Qiao Sisi put away her smile, put the fruit tea in her hand on the table, and then hurriedly left the ward.

Fang Zhou didn't understand why and called her loudly.

"Hey, don't leave so fast!"

The doctor doesn't allow you to drink this fruit tea now!

Unfortunately, Qiao Sisi didn't slow down at all, leaving him with only the closed door.

Zhang Zhiyin tilted her head to look at him and asked a fatal question.

"Your first love was driven away by me, so you don't chase after her?"

(ps: The keyboard is on strike, crowdfunding gifts to buy me a new keyboard and add more chapters)

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