It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 11 Start Collecting Spaceship Accessories

After buying things, Xingchen took the little brothers back on the suspension car!

While in the car, Xingchen replaced the energy bar with Rhubarb, but before the hover car drove home, the energy bar was used up and turned into a layer of skin! Why! This rhubarb is very capable, but it is too hard to eat energy!

After returning home, Xingdust slept soundly! Too many things have happened in this day and night, and I have been nervous all the time, so I always need to relax a bit!

When I woke up the next day, it was still the same warehouse space, surrounded by those metal parts in a mess! Why! It seems that there is really no way to go back, Xingchen sighed, in this case, he can only start his own life here!

I just sold a unit of metal yesterday, and I already have the money in my hand. I can save some of the money, and I will not worry about eating and using it for a few months! But you have to think about your own way out! It's impossible to nest in such a crappy place and keep picking up waste for a living! It's too embarrassing for the traversers!

It's just that the way out is not so easy to find. On such a planet where resources are scarce and job opportunities are highly competitive, I am just a rookie at the fifth or sixth human level, but I can't compete with others!

If you want to get ahead, you need to leave here and find opportunities in other areas with richer resources! This requires spaceships instead of transportation.

Of course, if you are stronger and earn more money, you can buy a ticket to another planet!

However, the planets that can be visited by public spaceships are generally planets with good transportation. In that case, the personnel on the place will be relatively complicated. Without the strength to go up to the ground level, there is a high probability that they will not be able to save their own lives! I am looking for opportunities, not death!

And a boat ticket is not cheap, a planet that is more than a hundred light-years away will cost thousands or even tens of thousands of rals for one ride! If you run over here, and you can't find a suitable job, you will have no money to go to the next planet to find opportunities! Then you must starve to death!

Depressed! How could he time travel to such a poor guy!

No way, it's useless to say anything at this time! I can only think about the way out in the future!

When he found the shell of the spaceship yesterday, Xingchen had an idea, that is to collect some accessories and install the small spaceship, so that it will be more convenient to go anywhere, and even if it doesn’t work, he can do things among the planets Earn shipping fees for transportation!

However, the spaceships here are all scrapped products. Even if some spaceships carry some usable parts, they cannot be collected in a short while! There is also the main power engine of the spaceship, which has been taken away long ago, and the ones brought over are all waste products. Without this thing, it is useless to install all the other parts of the spaceship!

Why! Worry! Fortunately, this body is young, otherwise, in just one night, a lot of gray hair would be there!

After thinking about it for a while, Xingchen felt that it is better to take a step to see!

Although the main power engine is hard to find, other parts are not easy to collect, so let’s collect them little by little first! In the future, maybe if you make a small fortune, you can afford it!

After thinking about this matter, Xingchen ate lunch first, which was still a piece of food, and then drank the rest of the water! That's enough for half a day! I also brought food and water in my bag, so it’s not too late to eat if you’re hungry or thirsty!

Next, I still took my younger brother out, all the way to the waste dump area before!

It's still the same here as yesterday, some of them probably got up late and haven't come here yet, and others are groping around and let the robot dig metal!

OK! Start working!

But now Stardust is not working on his own!

Rhubarb has already marked all the metals that can be recycled in this area and passed them on to Dangdang and Baliu! Then Xingchen took the rhubarb and turned around again, turning his own land around again! Rhubarb marked all the spaceship parts in this area, as long as they are relatively complete! When Dangdang and the others are done collecting metal, it's time to collect parts! What a busy day!

It's a pity that I didn't try hard to collect various parts of the robot before, otherwise it would be more efficient to install a few new robot brothers to work together!

I have already marked this area, now Xingchen, who is idle and bored, looks at other people's area again!

It's just that it's impossible to go directly to find things like this, that's too obvious! It would be bad for others to boycott themselves together!

Xingchen thought of a trick, or change things! However, the metal found by the younger brothers will be given to the black-faced old man for points, there is nothing to exchange!

Um! That's still the old rule! Replace it with a goblin! There are quite a lot of stinging rats here, and there is a cheating tool of rhubarb. As long as those small animals are within the range of rhubarb's detection, then don't even think about running away!

As soon as he said it, Xingchen walked around the edge of his own area first, and Rhubarb found a few traces of gorillas! We ruled out the three that hid too deep to kill! The other four can be killed and changed!

There is no area scope for killing thorn rats, as long as you find it, you can kill it! If you kill the thorn rats on other people's territory, it's too late for others to be happy! This thing is very harmful to the body. If someone helps to kill it, no one will refuse!

But if you go to other people's territory and kill every one, it will be suspicious! So the only ones who can be killed here are those near their own territory!

It took Xingchen less than half an hour to call and kill the four goats one by one! Then let the guard robot carry the prey and start friendly visits to other people!

Just walk over and ask if you need echinacea meat, change it if you need it, and go around to the next person if you don't need it!

This trip has traveled more than ten kilometers, but the effect is not bad!

Under Rhubarb's investigation, he actually found a lot of spaceship accessories that can be used, and some suspension car accessories! Although the integrity of these accessories is average, most of them have considerable wear and tear, but second-hand goods, what more do you want to pinch a bicycle!

It's just that this meeting can't be done, this is a lot of people's territory, and it's a taboo thing to steal other people's things in the past! And it's still a taboo for so many people!

Um! go back first! When everyone goes back to spend the cold night time later, I can do a few things while I have time. But don't waste too much time, in case you come home late, it will be uncomfortable to rush home in severe cold weather!

When they returned to their own site after this round, they had already collected the metal, and they were collecting spaceship parts and the like.

Stardust looked at the collection situation! Um! It's almost the same, there is a little more than 0.4 units! The deal negotiated yesterday will give the old man 0.23 units of metal! This time, send it over to him! Don't let the old man talk about himself, maybe he will lose his life! right?

I liked it and clicked the collection! Thanks!

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