After Xingchen took care of the beginning and end of this side, he took his younger brother and left as soon as possible.

After all, this is their home field, who knows if there will be another wave of robbers, it is best to leave as soon as possible while no one is chasing them.

After returning to the main road, Stardust rushed to the parking area at the fastest speed.

The elder guard here was also very surprised to see that Xingchen came back alone.

But Xingchen didn't have time to chat with these two, so he directly took out his spaceship parking card to prove his identity.

With identification, the two guards did not stop him, and Xingchen returned to the spaceship safely.

The next thing is much simpler. Once the two suspension vehicles are driven to the spaceship, the work is over and the loading is completed.

Of course, if you want to use a levitation vehicle to go to Waste Star, you have to unload the cargo on the vehicle, but the unloading can also be carried out during the flight of the spacecraft, so Stardust will not be delayed on Axi Lin Xing.

The car got on the spaceship, and Xingchen also completed the handover with the administrator next to him. Then the main engine of the spaceship roared, and the cargo spaceship went into space.

Next, Stardust set the coordinates of the junk star, and the spaceship accelerated towards the junk star.

It’s not too far away from the junk star, it’s just over 270 light-years away from “940”, and the entire voyage even counts the acceleration and deceleration time, it’s only 10 and a half hours

After the acceleration is completed, Xingchen arranged for the younger brothers to unload the goods on a suspension vehicle first. This vehicle is going to be used on the junk star, so there must be more than half of the goods running around there.

According to the agreement between Xingchen and Uncle Shaji, Xingchen used his equipment. This time, he not only had to bring the equipment back, but also lent Shaji a thousand spiritual fruits as a reward.

Based on the number of boxes, the thousand spiritual fruits are about thirty-one boxes, and this is calculated based on the lowest price among the spiritual fruits that Xingchen bought.

This is also a thousand spiritual fruit, so it is naturally more cost-effective to buy one with a lower price, but Xingchen is also quite conscientious, and did not buy the particularly bad spiritual fruit that costs 3000 ral per box.

This time, the spirit fruit that Stardust brought to Uncle Shaji was 6,000 Ral a box, and the quality was undeniable, so Shaji would definitely not be able to fault it.

Xingchen asked the younger brothers to load thirty-one boxes of spiritual fruits on the suspension car, and they would be pulled directly to Shaji's room together with the equipment later, so as to save him from not being able to see the spiritual fruits and having to nag a few more words.

At this time, the equipment has not been taken out in Dahuang's space. This thing is a bit heavy, and Xingchen dare not take it out during the flight. The weight of the spaceship changes too fast, and Xingchen is afraid of any accidents.

A few hours later, the waste star has arrived.

The cargo spaceship flew over according to the azimuth coordinates of the waste recycling station. Of course, this time it also had to stop a few kilometers away from the recycling station, and then passed by on a hover vehicle.

It's just that when Xingchen drove near the scrap yard in a suspension car, he found that something was wrong here.

Originally, the scrap yard was a very deserted place, usually there were only a dozen people working in turns, and the parking area of ​​the scrap yard was just four or five work cars parked there.

But this time, Stardust discovered that there were at least seven suspension vehicles that were different from the work vehicles parked in the parking area, which meant that there were at least twenty people in the scrap yard.

Hmm! What is this for? It shouldn’t be to block me. I didn’t say the exact time when I came back this trip, and I don’t know what time it was at Shaji.

Xingchen saw that there was something abnormal in the scrap yard, so he naturally didn't dare to throw it forward.

For the sake of safety at this moment, I still have to contact Uncle Shaji to ask about the situation.

Xingchen asked Rhubarb to send a message to Sha Ji through his number on the junk star. The message did not explain who he was, but only sent the word "Lingguo".

Xingchen believes that after seeing these two words, Shaji will naturally know that he sent it to him.

Sure enough, within a minute after Xingchen's message was sent, Sha Ji's message came back.

"Stardust boy, are you back? Are you on the waste planet? Come back, I'm dying of anxiety!"

"Yeah, Uncle Shaji, I'm going back to the waste station, and it's just outside the waste station! There are a lot of foreign cars parked in the station, so I dare not go there!"

"Let's not talk about the other things, you go to the small door at the edge of the scrap yard as soon as possible, I will arrange for the robot to pick up the equipment, and someone will come to check it, and the repair machine will be found soon, go quickly, don't delay! "

After hearing this, Xingchen didn't dare to waste time, and immediately went to the small gate that Sha Ji mentioned in the suspension car.

When we got to the small door, a floating car driven by a robot happened to come out. Xingchen arranged for the younger brothers to help move the fusion machine and supporting robot to the floating car

Then the robot that came out drove the suspension car into the small door quickly.

Hmm! It was really thrilling, and I finally caught up with it.

It's just how long it will take for them to check, so I can't just wait here!

Xingchen waited outside this door for a while, but no one appeared, and the number of Uncle Shaji was not replying, as if he had forgotten himself!

It's not a problem to wait at the door all the time, the air here is stinky, and it's not used to the stardust.

Hmm! After running outside for a long time, it's really uncomfortable to come back to Waste Star. I stayed here for so long, but I suffered from the boss.

Stardust didn't want to suffer in vain here, so he could only return to the spaceship.

I don't know how much Uncle Shaji will have to finish, Xingchen can only do his own things first.

In Xingchen’s hand, there is still a robber’s explosive equipment in his hand, because the spaceship is flying at the speed of light. Xingchen is afraid that this space equipment will affect the flight, so he didn’t open it on the spaceship. It will be fine, so let’s check first. Check out the loot!

This storage bag is slightly larger than a mobile phone. It is made of unknown animal skin as a whole. The surface of the leather is a little dirty and the original color cannot be seen, but there is a brightly colored flower on the front that is more conspicuous.

The storage bag still held some weight in Xingchen's hands.

Different from rhubarb's space storage, this kind of storage bag can only compress the size of the items and store them in the bag, but it can't reduce the weight of the items. That is to say, if you put multiple items into the storage bag, then this bag will There will be multiple.

This storage bag weighs about two catties, that is to say, there are not many items in it that weigh two catties.

If the weight of two catties were money, it would probably be in the millions, but it's impossible to think about it.

Now that the bag was in Xingchen's hands, he was too lazy to guess again, and just poured out the contents of the bag.

With a few light bangs, several things fell on the deck of the spaceship.

Hmm! There are some banknotes, but the amount is only about 70,000 to 80,000.

Then there are a few stones, according to this appearance, they should be primary spirit stones with earth attributes, but they are not worth much...

The other few things don't look like valuables at first glance, they are probably identity tokens, a piece of underwear or something.

Hey! I thought I have a storage bag, so I should be a rich man, but the things I carry with me are not worth much, and this is still a third-tier master!

This time Xingchen faced off with the five members of Jiedao, he was still a little nervous at the beginning, because he didn't know the depth of the opponent's strength, and he was afraid that he would lose his life here if he couldn't beat them.

But when they actually fought, they found that the level of monks here is too bad. With such a level, how dare they come to rob and kill people?

Is it because the monks here are of poor standard, or did they kill all the cabbage heads before, so they are safe and sound?

Stardust also couldn't understand this.

But the other party has already lost his life, and it is useless to think about it, so I simply don't care about him anymore.

Xingchen packed up the spoils and waited on the spaceship for a while, but there was still no news from Shaji.

Hmm! Forget it, let’s get busy with my own affairs first, and then send the spiritual fruit over when Shaji replies to me.

After thinking of a way, Xingchen didn't wait here, and directly drove the spaceship close to the ground and flew near the urban area.

This is the place where Stardust made the last deal with Gilande last time, and it is also relatively secret, and usually few people come here.

Xingchen is planning to go back to school. When he comes back this time, Xingchen wants to pay back the favors he owed before. There is no benefit here for the trash star, and there is a high probability that he will not come back in the future, so he will do everything this time. appropriate.

If he wants to go back to school, the protective clothing that Xingchen is wearing now is not suitable, it is not the style of this planet at all, and he will be questioned when he enters the city.

So Xingchen took off his new protective suit and put on his original suit.

That set of clothes still had some smell after being washed a few times, so Xingchen didn't wear them again, but this time he had to change into the city when he was going into the city.

If you go to the city, the suspension car is too new, and it is not the model on the waste star, so you can only let Huala drive yourself to the city entrance near 2.0, and then enter the city by yourself on the suspension scooter.

You can't bring the levitation car, and the spiritual fruit that Stardust is going to give away can only be put in the space of Rhubarb.

Of course, there are other options now. Xingchen put the two boxes of spiritual fruits in the storage bag, so that he can directly take out the gift from the storage bag.

Xingchen took out the previously used backpack from Dahuang's space, this backpack was never thrown away because Xingchen was nostalgic.

Stardust put the storage bag into the backpack, and put the backpack on his back.

Here, Xingchen was just about to set off, but he stopped and thought about it, um! It’s enough for the head of the room to give a box of spiritual fruits, and the instructor gave someone a box. Leave some zeros.

Xingchen put ten boxes of spiritual fruits in Rhubarb's space, then opened another box of spiritual fruits, took out more than ten spiritual fruits and threw them in his backpack.

Although this kind of backpack is a bit heavy, it is more convenient to take out, and it will save you from exposing the secret of rhubarb.

Everything was ready, Xingchen asked Hua La to drive him there, and then ordered Hua La to drive the suspension car to stay near the entrance and exit of the city, and hide it ready to meet him at any time

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