After completing another task of picking up trash, Xingchen returned to the dormitory!

Those that can be composted are naturally thrown into the compost bin to soak.

There is already a strange smell in the box at this moment. These vegetable tubers are chopped and thrown in the box. After about ten days, they are decomposed by nearly half. The decomposed juice can be diluted with water to pour vegetables!

But according to Rhubarb, these fertilizers are still not enough. When these vegetables are still seedlings, only a little fertilizer is needed! The nutrients in the fertilizer box can still be supplied!

But when the vegetable grows to the middle stage, it will grow a lot of roots and leaves! At this time, the adequacy of fertilizer will affect the health of the whole plant. Unhealthy plants will grow much less edible leaves!

And in the later stage of vegetable growth, they grow very fast, and the required fertilizer supply will increase exponentially! Close to the current fertilizer, it is enough for a vegetable!

Why! That's right, the plant roots picked up from the outside seem to be quite a lot, but each piece is not big, and they are all root parts with low energy content. After these things are decomposed, they can be used by a vegetable!

But what about the other four? Do you still have to go out to pick up trash every day?

At this time, Rhubarb hesitated and said: "Master, in fact, in addition to those plant substances that can be decomposed into fertilizers, the few bags of food in your bag can also be decomposed into fertilizers, but the cost is higher! But if the vegetables here If the price is higher, it’s worth it!”

oh? There is such a thing?

That's right, food is also a combination of various nutrients, so it's not uncommon for it to be used as fertilizer after decomposition!

If I wasted food like this before, I probably wouldn't be willing to give it up! But now I have a lot more money on my hands, if it only consumes a few servings of food, it's not impossible!

I don't know how many pieces of food are needed to grow these five vegetables, but in order to be able to eat vegetables, let's try!

Thinking of this, Stardust still took a piece of Common food and chopped it up, then threw it into the compost bin! Leave it alone while composting, just water it every now and then!

Afterwards, with a stable source of fertilizer, Xingchen no longer went out to pick up trash, but practiced honestly according to the requirements!

In the past two days, Xingchen has already fed the two boxes of energy bars to Rhubarb! With the addition of a total of forty energy bars, Rhubarb's total energy has reached 46%, but it still hasn't been filled.

There is no way, there are only so many energy bars to buy. Although Xingchen still has some Ral in his hand, that amount is not even enough for the food expenses of this month's spiritual meal. The most important thing for Xingchen now is to cultivate to a higher level , the rhubarb energy can last for a while, so there is no rush to fill it up!

Although rhubarb's energy has not been replenished, but in the current state, the functions that were restricted before have been fully restored!

In other words, the detection range of Rhubarb has reached a diameter of more than 300 meters, and the storage space can also be used! However, using this space once will consume a certain amount of energy depending on the size and weight of the items to be accessed. Although it is not too much, less than 1%, it is enough for Stardust to feel distressed!

Anyway, there is nothing to access, so that space has never been used!

Rhubarb has sufficient energy now, so you can slightly adjust the size of the wristband. Originally, Xingchen wore this wristband, but because the ring was a bit big, it was loose to wear, and he worried that it would fall off from time to time!

Now the wristband is completely suitable for the thickness of his wrist, even if he wears the wristband to fight with others, he doesn't have to be afraid that it will fly away!

Another five days passed in a peaceful life.

During these five days, Xingchen worked and rested at the same time, every day he was either practicing or on the way to practice! I usually eat a spiritual meal in the morning, and an enhanced nutrition meal in the evening!

After these days of intensive training, according to the data checked by Rhubarb, Stardust has already reached the level of human level 7!

This is great news! But, there is another bad news, the Lal on Stardust is not enough!

In the past eight days, Stardust's daily expenses were almost 80 Ral, plus the money to buy a box of gravel! Stardust now has less than 600 Ral in hand,

According to the current standard of living, after seven or eight days, there would not be a single stardust left!

No way, in the following days, I can only eat enhanced nutrition meals twice a day!

In this way, you may have to eat Common meals for two days to live! Why! Poor!

It is very hard to have no money, but there is also good news.

Those few vegetables grew pretty well, not only did the root system grow from the bottom, but also a stem nearly two inches long grew from the top! There are several small leaves on the stem!

Xingchen, who hadn't eaten vegetables for a long time, almost wanted to pick off these leaves and throw them in his mouth!

But in order to be able to eat vegetables every day in the future, Xingchen endured it!

In addition, the seeds of the red eggplant fruits, Stardust also soaked them in water for a whole day according to the method recorded by Rhubarb, and then planted them in another box! That box also contained some sand and gravel, and poured half of it with water!

After the seedlings grow, Xingchen will add some fertilizer to it little by little! This can't be sloppy, this kind of young seedlings are most afraid of fertilizing vigorously. If there is less fertilizer, at most it will grow slower. If fertilizing too vigorously, it will die!

This morning, Xingchen had breakfast and went to the training ground for class as usual!

Today's pre-class training is the same as before. After the training, the instructor asked everyone to conduct a monthly strength test!

The strength test is to use a tester to record the various indicators you can achieve, and when your comprehensive strength value reaches a certain level, it can be said that you have reached that level!

Many students in the class have been promoted, and so is Xingdust! Estimated according to the numerical value of the muscle explosiveness of Rhubarb Probe, Stardust's various indicators should have reached the middle reaches of the 7th human level! However, the difference between the downstream and the midstream is only three to five points, which is of no great significance!

The boy who always practiced against Xingchen before, didn't get promoted this time, he was still at human level 6!

There are only three or four students in the class who are still in the sixth grade! They are all students who don't work hard at ordinary times!

Of course, everyone has their own ambitions, and other people's backgrounds may be great. Don't think that they are not as strong as you at the moment, but when you go back to work, maybe they will still be your boss!

These things have little to do with Stardust. His goal is to increase his strength as soon as possible and find opportunities to develop on a better planet! Rather than competing with a group of poor people for the few resources on this planet, it is better to look for opportunities elsewhere!

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