Xingchen's new opponent was probably afraid that he would give him a few ruthless blows, so he was always a little timid in the practice!

However, after several hours of sparring, I finally felt relieved, and I was no longer as nervous as I was at the beginning!

Because he didn't train well for 5 days, Xingchen showed a little bit of fat on his body.

So after being able to train normally, apart from completing the training items specified by the coach, Xingchen took the initiative to practice many additional items in order to consume the energy accumulated in his body in the past few days!

After the day's training, Xingchen went to eat dinner, and after a short rest, he went to the training venue he often went to for an evening training session!

This is Stardust's daily schedule!

After more than ten days in this way, the school day of this month is over, and then there will be another 5-day rest day!

If Xingchen's wallet is relatively full, then he will continue to train during the rest days in order to break through earlier!

But it's a pity that he only has a poor hundred or so rals in his wallet. If he doesn't make any money during the rest days, he can only eat Common meals for the next month!

For this reason, Xingchen had no choice but to drive his commuter car back to his home in the waste area on the afternoon of the last school day!

Of course, he put the box of that dish in the space of Rhubarb and took it home with him!

Together with those things, there are nearly thirty bags of Common food and fifty servings of water! Food is provided by the school, water is not only provided by the school, Xingchen also spent money to buy some!

No way, growing vegetables is a big water user, so it won’t work if you don’t prepare more!

Of course, the Common food Stardust received was not limited to these, and there were more than a dozen common foods left in the dormitory, just in case there is any urgent need in the future!

After returning to his home, Xingchen lay down comfortably for a while, and then got up to play with those vegetables!

After such a long period of growth, the five green vegetables have grown up, each of which has about seven or eight leaves, but the situation is not right, it seems that a long stem grows from the center of the green vegetables, as if it is about to bloom!

Let Rhubarb check the information to find out that the green vegetables that have been cut down and grown again, often after they take root and grow leaves again, they will make saving seeds to reproduce the next generation as their top priority!

In other words, these green vegetables are ready to bloom and bear seeds!

Forehead! This is also a good thing!

Originally, these green vegetables came from the roots halfway, and they didn't look very healthy! Although they grow a lot of leaves, the size is not up to standard!

But if the seeds can be produced, then there should be no such defects when planting next time!

Rhubarb calculated based on the growth of these vegetables, and in about 17 days, these vegetables will produce qualified seeds! How many seeds can be produced, but there is no way to accurately deduce it!

Um! In this case, this time the green vegetables can only produce seeds as the first priority!

As for the four red eggplants, they are growing well, and are now half a meter high!

Because these red eggplants grow too tall, the vegetable growing box I bought before is not enough!

It just so happened that Xingchen had already returned home at this moment, so he asked Hua La to weld a separate large box with various plates on hand in a warehouse at home, and use it as an area for growing vegetables!

The vegetable growing area of ​​the new work is not big, only about seven or eight square meters, and the height is about two meters! Did not dare to make too much space!

The main reason is that the space is large, and the water consumption will be higher. The water that is watered every day is not enough to evaporate!

With such a large space, there is no shortage of water. Xingchen asked Huala to make the box closed, leaving an entrance and exit. Except for Xingchen to take care of the vegetables for a while, it is usually closed to reduce water. consume!

Sprinkle a layer of gravel on the ground of this space, and then transplant the four red eggplants into this space!

Those few greens were not moved. First, the green vegetables are not too tall, so the box can be put down temporarily. Second, these five green vegetables are in the critical period of flowering and fruiting. It is best not to move them if they can not be moved!

After finishing all this, Xingchen went to rest early!

Early the next morning, Xingchen took all the younger brothers and headed for the waste dump area in a suspension car!

After almost half an hour, Xingchen came to the newest waste dump area, but there was no space left for Xingchen because everyone else had occupied their seats! Who didn't come over for the latest waste dump!

There was no land here, so Stardust had to go to the area where the waste was piled up last time!

Although the scavengers have filtered it here, there are also some accessories and metals that will be missed!

But because Xingchen is alone here, he must be careful of the attack of the stinger rat!

Fortunately, rhubarb now has more than 40% energy, and the detection range is full power and the whole area, which means it has a diameter of more than 300 meters! In addition, the detection of life biomass can reach a diameter of nearly 500 meters!

In other words, in this area, all the gorillas will be found by Rhubarb, which greatly reduces the risk of Stardust being attacked! As long as you are careful, there will be no problem!

The resource exploration range of more than 300 meters is already very large. An area of ​​several square kilometers like this can be inspected after just two laps on the suspension vehicle!

In this area, there are about 31 spaceship parts with good integrity. In addition, there are more than 300 kilograms of various pure metals, but these pure metals belong to different types, and the number of each type is not much!

But now Xingchen didn't pick any more, and ordered Rhubarb to send the location of the spaceship's accessories to the little brother who was working, and then he himself was on the sidelines to be vigilant!

Naturally, these spaceship accessories are taken next to those that can be used by the small spaceship of Stardust, and after those are taken, it is the turn of other spaceships to use! Anyway, if you don't use the accessories you get, you can exchange them for money, and it's not a loss!

After half a day's work, the accessories in this area were taken out, and some of the pure metals were also taken!

But this will gather too many thorns, Stardust must leave!

This area can't be done anymore, but this is not the only storage area in the past!

In the past month, those garbage transport spaceships have come at least three or four times, and naturally there are three or four areas that have been picked up by scavengers, except for the area that those people are picking up now!

There are two other areas where Stardust can go treasure hunting! Of course, this treasure is not very valuable!

Going to the next storage area, Xingchen first took Da Huang to explore the entire area, and then hid himself in the warehouse of a junked spaceship, letting the working boys go to work!

There is no way, this will be a hot period, the outdoor temperature is too high, we can't live with people! Robots don't matter!

Those stinging rats were also in no mood to trouble Stardust because of the heat! It's a lot safer!

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