After collecting the spaceship accessories in the new storage area, Stardust didn't waste time here! After making an appointment with others to bring the spaceship parts to exchange tomorrow, he took his younger brother and flew towards the old storage area!

The old dumping area is not one place, and in recent years, waste has been dumped several times a month! These waste products are sometimes piled up in several layers, and sometimes they are piled up in pieces. After the scavengers filter it, there are still some things left!

Stardust's target now is these fish that slipped through the net!

But it was a bit late today, Xingchen only took Rhubarb to explore two areas, collected more than ten spaceship accessories, and the sky darkened!

When the time is up, I have to go home quickly, otherwise it will not be so comfortable to go on the road after the temperature drops!

When Xingchen returned home, he first checked the vegetables he had planted.

The green vegetables planted in the box are in good condition, the flower buds have already leaked out, and the estimated seeding time estimated by rhubarb is only an approximate day, and they still have to be carefully looked after these days, so don't expect any surprises!

The four red eggplant plants are growing well, and can grow about two centimeters in a day, but I don't know if it is too tall, I have to check the relevant information later!

I poured some water on the two vegetables, and then sealed the box as it was. There are light sources in the box. Although they are old, they imitate sunlight well, and they should be able to meet the needs of the plants!

Now that the two kinds of vegetables have grown relatively large, at least one and a half or even two servings of water a day is enough! However, in order to collect money for selling vegetables in the future, these investments are necessary!

The next day, Xingchen got up early and glanced at the vegetables, yes! Looking good!

After ordering Huala to guard the house well, Xingchen led the scavengers team out the door!

However, there are some spaceship accessories on the suspension car today, which are to be exchanged with other people. According to the situation asked yesterday, those people will bring more than forty pieces of accessories that can be used on small spaceships.

So Stardust brought fifty accessories that didn't fit the small spaceship to exchange! At that time, the exchange ratio will be determined according to the situation!

By the time Stardust arrived, many people had already started working on the new storage area.

But the younger brothers are the ones who do the work. Generally, scavengers are just seekers. When they find something suitable, the younger brother will go out to collect it, and I will look for the next place!

Stardust exchanged things with the few people who made an appointment yesterday!

Now there are over forty more available accessories!

I can’t just sit around, I only visited two areas yesterday, and I haven’t seen the rest of the area yet. Today’s task is to take my little brother around to collect accessories. Except for the hot season, I never idle for a moment!

Of course, this result is there. There are more areas to run, so the harvest is naturally more. Stardust has obtained more than 70 accessories, plus more than 200 kilograms of pure metal!

There are not many harvests of this pure metal, after all, it is an area filtered by so many people! It's not bad to have this harvest!

Going home at night and putting away the booty, Xingchen fell asleep and went to a lot of places this day, and he had to be careful if the stingrays gathered to make trouble, he was exhausted physically and mentally!

But Xingchen is a young man, and his body recovered quickly. After a night's sleep, he went out full of energy again!

Stardust's task today is still to explore the old storage area!

These storage areas are really too vast. If these scraps were not often stacked several times, Stardust might not be able to find them for several years!

Now Stardust is looking for areas that have been piled up in the past year or so. After finding these places, Stardust is going to check those old areas that have been around for a long time. Anyway, collecting more accessories is a victory!

By the last day of the rest day, Stardust had harvested 217 suitable spaceship accessories, and 337 other types of spaceship accessories!

This is a good number. Although the completion rate of the collection of shared accessories is only 3%, if other accessories are sold, it can bring a lot of income!

Stardust selected more than a hundred pieces of spaceship accessories from 337 other types, and he was going to take them to the city to sell them!

Of course, Xingchen's own small backpack would definitely not be able to carry it, but who let him have rhubarb!

The storage space for rhubarb is more than ten cubic meters, and the hundreds of accessories are not too big, and the space for putting rhubarb is not full!

It's not that Stardust doesn't want to sell more, it's just that this thing also has a market saturation, you sell too many accessories, and the market can't digest them, so the price will drop to ridiculously low!

At that time, even if you sell twice as many accessories, you will receive about the same amount of money, so why bother to sell so much!

On the morning of the school day, Xingchen asked Dangdang to drive the suspension car to the commuting point of the waste station according to the old habit!

Then I took the commuter car to the city.

Fly from where your commuter parked to school or on a skateboard! The situation is similar to the last time I came to school, but this time there are more than a hundred spaceship accessories in the rhubarb space!

With these accessories, Stardust doesn't have to worry about living expenses this month!

But the most important thing is to eat breakfast!

Stardust only has less than a hundred rals in his pocket at this time, but at noon he can go to Gilland's store to sell some accessories, and then he will have money, so he still eats a spiritual meal for breakfast!

The living expenses are relatively sufficient, so Xingchen decided to raise his own dietary standards this month and exercise well.

Maybe this month I will be able to rush to the 8th human level!

According to this speed, maybe by the time of graduation, I might have the opportunity to rush to the prefecture level!

After eight days of serious training in school, Xingchen took a day and a half off!

He has to go home. The vegetables he grows have been taken care of by Hua La at home, so I don't feel at ease if I don't go home to have a look!

In addition, there should be a waste transport ship coming these days. It would be great if he can catch up to occupy a piece of land. If he can't make the trip, he can also go to the old district to investigate and pick up some leaks!

During these 8 days, Stardust was not all training. On a few days at noon, Stardust would go to Gilland to sell accessories with a bag on his back and a skateboard!

Of course, Gilland also has some spaceship accessories that Stardust can use, so Stardust will buy them too!

After several transactions in this way, Xingchen had seven thousand dollars and thirty-four accessories in his pocket!

The money from selling accessories is enough for Xingchen to eat spiritual meals twice a day for two months, so he is not so picky now, and he can eat spiritual meals when he should, without hesitation at all!

However, Stardust still doesn't want to receive the Common meal benefits that the school distributes every day!

On the afternoon of the day he asked for leave, Xingchen took the commuter car back to the scrap yard, because he had set a time in advance for Dangdang to come and pick him up from the station, and after arriving at the station, Xingchen took the suspension car driven by Dangdang back home!

As soon as he got home, Xingchen ran to the place where the vegetables were grown and checked carefully!

Um! The situation is not bad, the chain has not been dropped! These cauliflower flowers have already bloomed, and the thin buds with many seeds have grown on the stems. In about ten days, the seeds will be available!

In addition, the red eggplant fruit has grown to a height of more than one meter. Xingchen checked the information, and it said that this red eggplant fruit plant can grow to a height of two meters.

But it's only one meter high at this time, so there's no need to worry about it!

Wow, the technique of growing these vegetables is not bad, but the water stored at home has been almost used up, Xingchen took out another 20 bags of water from the bag and put it in the storage box!

With this water, there should be enough until about the next time I get home!

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