In the next few days, Xingchen went to Huff's store every other day to sell some accessories!

Every time I go there, I sell a dozen or twenty items, which enriches Xingchen's pocket even more!

But Huff doesn't have any accessories that can be used.

This is a troublesome matter. After all, Hua La is a great contributor to growing vegetables, and Xingchen feels very sorry for not replacing the unsuitable body parts for Hua La!

So at noon that day, Stardust didn't go to Huff's shop, but flew towards Gilland's black shop again!

Gillander was dozing off behind the counter this time!

It seems that the gang of black shop bosses have a work and rest time!

Entering the shop, Xingchen put the backpack on the counter!

Gilland stood up and opened Stardust's backpack to look at the goods!

This time, Gilland didn't say that there are too many accessories and he doesn't want to accept them. Instead, he saw this batch of spaceship accessories and gave them a good price!

Stardust made a calculation, and the price Gilande offered was about the same as the price Huff is offering now!

So I nodded and agreed to sell it!

But today, Xingchen sells goods just by the way. I came to Gilland mainly to buy some accessories that can be used on Hula!

Of course, if Gillander has accessories suitable for small spaceships, Stardust is also needed!

Stardust and Gilande talked about the model of the goods they want.

Gilande thought for a while, and found a few accessories, which are suitable for Huala, but there are not all of them!

Xingchen accepted these few accessories, it would be nice to be able to buy some accessories, let's look for some more!

In addition, Gilland also found five accessories that are suitable for the small spaceship!

In the end, Gilande settled the accounts, minus the accessories that Stardust took, and gave Stardust a total of 570 rals!

Stardust took the money from Gillander, and before leaving, he asked him to help find some more suitable accessories for the small spaceship!

Gilande agreed, and this is what he was supposed to eat! If there is a business to do, of course he agreed!

Stardust went out of the black shop, but went back to school to continue training!

Although the progress has not been that great recently, but the strength is still gradually increasing!

When Stardust plans to stop increasing his strength, he will try his best to collect the accessories on the spaceship, and save the spaceship to go to the alien world!

Just like that, another 8 days passed, and Xingchen went to ask for leave again!

The instructor has already let him go, so it is very convenient to ask for this leave!

This time when Xingchen came home again, he didn’t catch up with the waste transport ship, but now Xingchen is also following fate, if he catches up, he can pick up the leaks, if he can’t catch up, he can go to other areas to pick up some good things!

The vegetables at home are growing very well. The red eggplants have already bloomed and are ready to bear fruit, but the fruit can only vaguely see the embryonic form. It may take a month before it really grows. up!

The green vegetables are growing very prosperous! The leaves of the first batch of 50 green vegetables have grown so big!

Looking at the posture, it will be harvested in less than twenty days!

Stardust handed the 60 servings of water in the bag to Huala, and let him put it in the locker!

Then Xingchen took out the accessories bought for Huala from Dahuang's space!

Xingchen doesn't need to do it himself to change the accessories for Huala, as both Qiliu and Dangdang beside him have this skill! And the efficiency of changing things is higher!

In about ten minutes, the new accessories of Hula have been replaced!

Now there is no such noise when I walk around again! At most there are some small noises!

But Xingchen didn't change the name of Huala, he was used to the name, and he had to get used to it again, there was no need for that!

The next day, Xingchen took his younger brothers to the waste dump area again. This time, Xingchen didn't catch up with the day when the spaceship came over, so he had to go to the last area to check again!

There were very few spaceship accessories in the area last time. Although there were more pure metals, Stardust was not very interested!

In this way, Stardust had been busy for a whole day, and besides the last area, he found some other areas, and only forty-three spaceship accessories were harvested!

There are no more than five pieces that can be used on a small spaceship! However, more than 200 kilograms of pure metal were found!

Now Xingchen is used to this kind of life, of course, it would be even better if he could catch up with the junk spaceship all the time!

This kind of life has passed for another ten days, and the middle of the stardust has returned again! But still not much gain!

When returning home for the third time, Xingchen postponed it by two days, so it was just in time for the day when the vegetables were ripe and ready to sell!

After returning home, Xingchen went to check on the vegetables first!

On the side of green vegetables, the first batch of green vegetables planted have fully grown and bloomed!

These fifty green vegetables are packed to the brim in that small area! This will affect the growth of the vegetables a bit, but the conditions here in Xingchen are like this, so we can only plant them like this first!

But the greens have grown, and Xingchen didn't directly harvest them!

Today is just an afternoon of leave, and it will not be too late for Huala to harvest the vegetables the next morning. In this way, the vegetables can last for more than one day, and the vegetables will be harvested later, and the vegetables will be fresher when they are sold!

In addition, the red eggplant fruit has already grown into fruit, and the fruit has grown quite big. Xingchen doesn't know how big this kind of fruit can grow!

However, according to rhubarb's information, this kind of red eggplant has different varieties and different sizes. Some are as small as a child's fist, and some are as big as a wrist!

Because the seeds of Xingchen were picked up and thrown by others, so he doesn't know what kind of these things can grow and how big they are!

Anyway, no one is rushing to ask for it, so just wait and see!

The next day, Xingchen went to the waste dump area to sign in as usual.

Stardust's luck was pretty good this time, and he waited until the transport ship unloaded again!

It's still the old rule, after unloading the goods, everyone ran to occupy the land!

Stardust takes up another area rich in accessories!

By the afternoon, all the benefits in the site occupied by Stardust had been collected, and Stardust went to the unloading place of the Shangbo waste spaceship!

Stardust is busy again here. Um! It's Xingchen's younger brother who is busy!

When returning home, Stardust counts the harvest!

A total of 141 spaceship accessories were collected today, 35 of which are common to small spaceships! More than 270 kilograms of pure metal! Good luck!

Xingchen put these accessories in order, and then stuffed a hundred or so unsuitable accessories into Rhubarb's space, these are for export!

After dinner in the evening, Xingchen arranged for Hua La to put away the green vegetables before he got up. In this way, when he went to school, he could just put the green vegetables in the space, saving time wasting!

Wow, of course, is very reliable. On the morning of school, when Xingchen woke up, he saw a pile of green vegetables beside the bed!

It was probably just watered, and there were still a few drops of water on the leaves of some vegetables!

Um! That's good, these vegetables are fresh enough, and they can be sold at a good price when the time comes!

Xingchen found a few boxes to pack the vegetables and put them in the rhubarb space! Then, as usual, I went to the commuter station in the suspension car driven by Dangdang!

I liked it and clicked the collection! Thanks!

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