Xingchen is not used to the opponent's faults either!

Tell the other party directly, there is no need to talk! Looking back, I can go to the accessories store to order a working engine, but it costs a little more money, and the safety is much higher!

The other party's second boss probably also knew the truth about the engine, seeing that Xingchen didn't buy it, he didn't get angry, but put on an attitude of being willing to negotiate!

Stardust actually had some intentions to buy this engine, but the other party's asking price was too high, so he gave up!

At this time, since the other party showed an attitude of being able to talk, it is natural to talk about it!

After several rounds of tit-for-tat negotiations, Stardust and the other party reached a mutually acceptable condition!

This power engine exchanged 2200 vegetable leaves from Stardust!

It is said that the price is a bit high, but the suitable power engine is not easy to find!

The other party also told Xingchen an unspoken rule! That is, there are certain restrictions on private spaceship construction on this planet!

Not that you can buy things with money!

Of course, there are no such regulations on the surface, but in fact, if you want to buy some new sets of important components such as power engines and main control system integration, those merchants will not sell them to you!

This unspoken rule was probably created by some vested interests on this planet, in order to maintain their own status!

However, in actual implementation, some merchants implement this regulation more strictly, while others implement it more loosely!

But the team that exchanged the power engine with Stardust spent a lot of effort for the parts in the engine, and couldn't buy suitable accessories from those merchants!

Seeing that after so long, they couldn't gather suitable accessories, the people there gave up. It happened that Xingchen wanted these things, so he exchanged them for the scarce greens!

Stardust found out about this, and felt a little impatient about it! But the accessories have been collected for so long, and I have spent too much time and energy, so I can't give up halfway!

Besides, with my own strength, if I can't build a spaceship and run out, there is not much development on this planet!

Anyway, let's take a step and see one step at a time! In case there is no way to build a spaceship when the time comes, then save some Ral and buy a ticket to go out! It's better than staying here and dawdling around!

Stardust and the other party agreed on the amount of exchange. However, there is still some discrepancy in the time of the exchange. The other party wants to complete the exchange earlier, and plans to divide it into four times, with 500 to 600 vegetable leaves each time!

But Xingchen can't afford so much at a time. Although the quantity of each batch is more than this number, Huff has a fixed demand. There, Xingchen's biggest source of income is now, and he doesn't want to cut it off!

After thinking about it, Xingchen gave the other party 200 vegetable leaves in each batch, and exchanged them in eleven times!

The other party thought about it and agreed!

At this point, the transaction is established! The agreement has been agreed upon here, and no one will violate it, otherwise everyone will no longer believe what they say to you, so there will be no way to gain a foothold here!

And the other party is also a big force, if Xingchen doesn't want to fulfill the agreement, the other party will definitely come to find trouble, and no one on Xingchen's side will be willing to intervene in this matter! That stardust is really cool!

So, the other party handed over the engine to Xingchen, made an appointment for the delivery and went back!

Stardust has gained a lot this time, a power engine accounts for quite a large proportion of spaceship accessories!

Of course, many parts of this engine need to be replaced. Xingchen asked Da Huang to write down the types of parts needed, so that he can go to the store to buy them in the future!

Of course, you can go shopping, whether you can buy it or not is up to you!

After finishing this matter, Xingchen looked around for several storage areas, picked up some accessories and went home!

This time an exchange agreement was reached, but the amount of vegetables in the house was still not enough!

No way, let's increase the number of plants by ten more!

Before the increased vegetables grow, Huff's supply may have to decrease a bit!

After arranging things at home, Xingchen returned to school and started his normal routine!

Now Xingchen eats two meals a day as spiritual meals, and usually trains very hard, so judging from Dahuang's calculation data, Xingchen will reach level 8 in more than ten days!

Of course, there is still a long way to go from Tier 9! Not to mention crossing to the prefecture level!

Now that there is a power engine, Stardust's main goal is to restore the power engine as soon as possible!

There are still forty-two parts in this engine that need to be replaced, and Stardust doesn't have any suitable parts on hand right now! I can only ask Huff if there is any stock when selling vegetables!

There are three accessories available in Huff's store, and there will be no more!

Stardust asked Huff to ask in his channel to see if he could accept some! Anyway, Stardust still has some Ral in his hands now, so it's okay if the accessories are a little more expensive!

Huff also agreed!

In addition, Stardust went to Gilland's black shop, where Stardust found five suitable engine parts! In addition, Stardust also placed a purchase order!

The next engine parts will be a bit troublesome, otherwise the gang of scavengers wouldn't have been unable to collect them for so long!

Next, Xingchen will go home every eight days to complete the exchange agreement. In addition, when other people have accessories, Xingchen also uses some older vegetable leaves to exchange!

Gradually, Xingchen has nearly a thousand accessories in his hand! And that's not including that power engine!

Another month or so later, when Huff was buying Stardust's vegetable leaves, he let go, packed up the spaceship accessories he took at a loss last time, and handed them over to Stardust!

There are still more than 390 pieces of these accessories, and Huff has only sold a few pieces after so long! There is no way, he priced too high before, no one else wanted the goods, and now only Xingchen is willing to ask for such a large batch of goods!

Huff's shipment also includes the spacecraft's main control system, of course it's only a part of it, but the most important part is still there, which makes Xingchen very happy!

However, in order to buy this batch of accessories, the more than 100,000 rals that Xingchen had saved before, lost 70 to 80% in an instant!

Fortunately, those green vegetables can bring Xingchen tens of thousands of rials in income every eight days. As long as Xingchen is given a little more time, more than 100,000 rials can be saved again!

In the following time, Stardust collected hundreds of suitable accessories one after another!

But the components of the engine system don't have much to gain! It seems that the unspoken rules do exist!

However, Xingchen knew that Huff had an acquaintance in the ship repair yard, so after spending some money, the little boss in the ship repair yard used his relationship to slowly help Xingchen buy it through certain channels. Some useful engine parts!

But with this way of buying, you can only buy seven or eight pieces a month! It will take at least three or four months before the engine is finally ready!

Stardust has no other way out, so he can only wait!

Besides, Xingchen doesn't have much Lal on hand now, and he can't do it if he wants to buy accessories in large quantities!

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