Xingchen was about to set off for the trading place in a rattling suspension vehicle, when he saw some people and vehicles gathered at the entrance and exit of the parking area!

Anyway, he was going to pass by there, so Xingchen went over to see what was going on!

Only those who asked the outsiders knew that there are often large caravans going to the trading area, and other individual tourists often go there with such a large team for safety reasons!

Such a large caravan is often composed of one or several huge cargo spaceships, and there are many merchants in it, and they came here together to purchase goods!

Large caravans often employ more and stronger guards, so it is much safer to act with them, even if there are robbers blocking the way, they dare not touch such a large group of people!

Stardust is not stupid, if there is such a good thing, of course he will not miss it!

But if you want to act together, you have to pay the other party some fees!

The fee is not high, a car costs 200 rals, Xingchen paid the money very quickly, and then just wait a while and set off with the caravan!

The caravan didn't wait long, and after about twenty minutes, the whole caravan set off!

Stardust's hovercar followed the entire caravan. Like Xingchen, there were more than a dozen people who chose to pay to join them, and there were a total of twenty-seven or eight hovercars!

These vehicles look quite a lot, but compared with the more than 300 suspension vehicles of the big caravan in front, they are nothing!

The suspension vehicles of that large caravan are all standard vehicles, and the entire suspension fleet uses a large standard commodity suspension vehicle. The load capacity of that type of suspension vehicle is several times that of the suspension vehicle used by Stardust!

Stardust heard from his partners before and after, that such a caravan can only be regarded as a Common caravan!

Usually some large caravans come here, the suspension fleet has two to three thousand vehicles, and the goods are transported back and forth more than ten times, so it is called business!

Xingchen is also very envious of that kind of big business, but he only has two hundred thousand cash on hand, and there is such a small spaceship!

If you want to develop to such a scale, I'm afraid it won't be possible for a while!

The trading area is about 100 kilometers away from the spaceship parking area, and it doesn't take much effort to drive with a hover vehicle!

The entire caravan was not flying fast, but after about 20 minutes, the caravan also reached the boundary of the trading area!

This trading area is outside an urban area.

The entire trading area has an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers, and there are dozens of shops in it!

Of course, it is not appropriate to say that it is a business name! The signboards of the merchants who sell goods here are all so-and-so, so-and-so! It's like the sect of some practitioners!

When we got to the place, the leading caravan was naturally divided into several groups and began to contact the various factions!

Xingchen who messed with the team like this also left the team, and started their own activities!

For a novice like Xingchen, everything here is unfamiliar, and he needs to feel for everything!

So he didn't rush to various factions to inquire about prices, but watched how the few small merchants who came together bought goods.

Of course, Xingchen's watching is also watching from a distance, and he didn't run behind others and stare closely!

Anyway, with the help of Rhubarb, as long as you are within 150 meters from the other party, you can roughly know what the other party is doing, and if you get closer, you can also know the price that the other party negotiated with those sects, how much they want to buy, etc. !

As for business, if you know the market price and are more accurate about the quality of the goods, you will not lose money, at most you will earn less!

Walking all the way, Rhubarb checked the various commodities placed around from time to time.

Most of the products sold here are all kinds of spiritual fruits, fruits!

There are also some sects that have a large number of spiritual food, that is, things like spiritual rice!

However, the price of spiritual food is relatively low. If you want to make money, you need a relatively large trading volume. Therefore, those who can trade spiritual food are often those big companies, and the spaceships they dispatch are also huge!

Stardust is interested in all kinds of spiritual fruits, of course fruits are also good. It's just that Stardust's spaceship is too small, and the transportation volume is pitiful. It's okay to buy some high-value spiritual fruits and sell them, but it's no match for others to transport fruits!

Following those small merchants and visiting some stores, Xingchen has a relative understanding of the prices here!

There are more than ten kinds of spiritual fruits sold here, and the grades vary from high to low, so the prices naturally vary greatly!

The most common spiritual fruit is about the size of a walnut in the previous life. This thing is sold by the box, and it looks like more than ten catties in a box, and it only costs three thousand dollars!

The best spiritual fruits are all placed in the stores of various factions, and they are all for sale! According to the quality, a fist-sized spirit fruit can be sold for two to three thousand rals!

Of course, these are just what Xingdust knows from Da Huang after walking this circle.

Maybe there are more valuable spiritual fruits to sell, but with such a little cash in Xingchen's hands, he can only buy a dozen or twenty if he brings over tens of thousands of rals each.

How about setting up a stall at that time?

So Xingchen thought about it for a while, and he couldn't buy spirit fruits that were too high in quality and too expensive!

Of course, there are so many varieties of spirit fruits, Stardust has to choose a few suitable ones!

If it is easily corrupted, of course you can't buy it! Not very delicious, it is best not to choose!

For the selection of spiritual fruits, Rhubarb has never done it before.

It can only be used as a reference based on the various data of the high-quality spiritual fruits displayed by various sects. After detecting the values ​​​​of the stacked spiritual fruits, such a comparison shows that the data is similar to the good fruit!

Of course, for the same fruit, the higher the psionic value, the better it is! These rhubarb are also to be considered!

Stardust is picking the right fruit here, and he heard the noise coming from the center of the trading area from a distance!

Listening to this kind of sound seems to be the kind of show or performance!

Although Xingchen is not very interested in this kind of thing, but he has come here, and he naturally wants to go to have a look if there is excitement!

I didn't know until I got to the front that this is a propaganda activity every five days!

First of all, there are naturally several performances, which are dance programs carefully choreographed by beautiful disciples selected by various factions!

After the buyers from all around gathered around, each faction sent people to the stage to display the spiritual fruit and other items that they most wanted to promote!

There are not only Xingchen and his group of merchants who come to this trading area, there are hundreds of people who just stop and watch around this promotional platform!

Hundreds of merchants may not seem like many, but these people are all like stardust, with vehicles such as hover cars!

The area around the display stand is already quite large, but it is still very crowded with nearly hundreds of suspension vehicles gathered together!

So these suspension vehicles can only be parked outside the display stand, and those merchants walked to the display stand with their entourage to watch!

Stardust naturally made the same choice as these people, he took Dangdang to the display stand to watch!

Hula is staying on the suspension vehicle and standing by!

After watching this display for a while, Xingchen also has a deep understanding of the various spiritual fruits on this planet!

The most important thing is that Rhubarb has investigated the high-quality spiritual fruits displayed by various factions, and has more sufficient data support for how to choose spiritual fruits in the future!

After the demonstrations of various sects, there will be a head covering activity!

This event has a long history. It means that each faction will pack and seal the high-quality spiritual fruits displayed, and mix them in nearly a thousand boxes of spiritual fruits to sell together!

These more than a thousand boxes of spiritual fruits are all sealed in the same box, so they can't be seen from the outside, and the weights are about the same!

However, the spiritual fruit on the fruit surface is very different.

Some boxes of spiritual fruits are only two to three thousand rals, and some boxes of spiritual fruits may be worth hundreds of thousands of rals!

Of course, more boxes range from three to four thousand to eight or nine thousand!

The price of these boxes is uniform, and a box sells for 6,000 rals!

At that time, you will pay for as many boxes as you choose in the goods area! As for how much the goods in the box are worth, it depends on your own luck!

Some people are lucky, 6000 rals can buy more than 100,000 rals of spiritual fruit!

Some people are unlucky and have chosen a lot of boxes that may be three or four thousand rals of spiritual fruit, so they can only hide and cry, no one sympathizes with you!

It's like a sweepstakes for everyone to have fun!

There are some old merchants around who often come here, but they have no interest in this activity, probably because they have suffered a lot in the past, and they don't want to continue to be taken advantage of!

But like Xingdust, those who don't come here often are more enthusiastic about this event!

After Xingchen understood the rules, he was already happy!

Isn't this giving him money!

Others went up to touch the boxes blindly, but Xingchen went up with the help of Rhubarb. Which ones are good in these boxes? That's right!

I liked it and clicked the collection! Thanks!

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