After leaving this warehouse, Xingchen asked Huala to close the door! Then lead a group of younger brothers along the passage inside the spaceship to the exit!

Yes, his home is on a spaceship hundreds of meters long. Of course, this spaceship is relatively large, so Stardust only takes up one large compartment! Many of the rest of the parts have been disassembled, revealing a large space!

There are many spaceships like this on this planet, and most of those scavengers also live on such spaceships, and usually each person occupies one spaceship, far away from each other!

Xingchen took his little brother to the side door of the spaceship. This door was originally an automatic door, but it is now abandoned, so it can only be opened manually!

Naturally, it was not Xingchen's turn to do the job of opening the door. A guard robot next to him stepped forward and shook the mechanism, and the seven or eight-meter-wide door slowly opened! In addition to this door, there is also a large delivery port for loading and unloading at the rear of the spaceship! The entrance to the warehouse is twenty meters wide, but now I am only taking a few younger brothers for a trip, and the largest suspension car is only more than two meters wide, so there is no need for such a big battle!

When the door opened, Xingchen took his little brother out of the spaceship, and the guard robot shook the mechanism on the outside to close the door again! With two gates for protection, this home is quite safe!

There is a long passage outside the spaceship, and the entire passage extends obliquely upwards from the door of the spaceship to the top of the entire waste pile. After the original owner and his son chose the spaceship to live in, it took a lot of time to build this passage for travel. It seems that this passage is still stable!

Along the way, Xingchen took his little brother up leisurely! It’s not that you have a sick head if you walk instead of taking a car, but you won’t be able to fly in a suspension car!

This channel is surrounded by various metal parts. From time to time, one sticks out from which direction, or a large piece sticks out. If you fly all the way on a suspension car, you may be missing a few pieces. It’s okay. Will take that risk!

While walking, Rhubarb suddenly said in his mind: "Master, two unknown life breaths were found 71 meters ahead. The energy intensity is about 17 to 21. It is classified as dangerous and needs to be prepared!"

Um? It's dangerous!

Stardust stopped! This value is roughly equivalent to the monk level of the second-level human level. Generally, as long as people on this planet are trained, they can reach the fourth human level or above after they reach adulthood.

The strength of the second-level human level like this is that of a teenager or juvenile body! But no one like that would come to such a place!

If human beings are ruled out, then it is easy to know what these two unknown life breaths are!

Good guy, I ran into a goat rat just as I was going out! Stardust was a little speechless!

However, this guy Rhubarb is quite useful. You can find the existence of the stinger rat at a distance of more than 70 meters, so you don't have to be afraid of being attacked by this thing in the future!

It's just that rhubarb can detect millions of interstellar creatures? Why didn't you figure out what kind of creature it was this time?

oh! By the way, more than 70 meters, beyond the range! Rhubarb said before that there is not enough energy, so the detection range is only about 80 meters in diameter. Now seventy meters ahead is beyond this range! Um! Don't blame rhubarb this time!

"Rhubarb, after the two targets enter the detection range, immediately check the surrounding terrain and the target's location! I'm going to kill each other!"

"Okay, master!"

Next, Xingchen and his younger brother did not stop, but continued to walk up the passage! There are several passages with steering angles for stability, and there is no straight up and down! But it didn't take much effort to go all the way!

Less than 30 meters have passed since the rhubarb alarm to approaching the stinging rat and checking the surrounding environment, and less than ten seconds have passed!

At this time, Xingchen has already prepared the gun, and the knife is also placed where it is easiest to take out. Anyway, he is ready to kill!

As soon as he entered the detection range, Dahuang scanned all the situation in this area, and then the position of the goat rat and the surrounding terrain were all presented in Xingchen's mind!

Know the enemy, know the enemy, and win every battle! The situation at the scene was all in Xingchen's mind, so the encounter with the two squirrels this time was nothing unexpected!

These two gorillas did not stay together, but one hid behind the metal fittings on the left, and the other hid in a crack above the passage! It seems that they want to attack up and down, but are the animals here so smart? Will play tactics!

With Rhubarb's help, Xingchen knew the opponent's position, so he naturally prepared corresponding tactics!

Here, Xingchen led the younger brother without stopping, still walking towards the exit! When it was about four meters away from the goat rat on the left, the goat rat jumped out from its hiding place, and then threw itself on Xingchen's face!

This is also the usual method used by thorn rats to attack humans. Generally, people who pick up waste outside wear protective clothing. This kind of clothing is more durable, and it takes a lot of stingers to break through! However, there is room for the protective clothing on the face, as long as the echidnas pounce on the human face, their sharp claws can immediately cause serious damage to human beings!

Of course, this time Xingchen was on guard, this attack was useless!

At the same time as the agouti pounced forward, Xingchen raised the tip of his spear and stabbed at it! It's too late to say it's too late, this one pounce, one prick, and in less than a blink of an eye, the gorilla was on the top of the spear!

It's just that the stinger mouse's skin is thick and strong, and the prick this time is not too deep. The tip of the spear enters from the lower jaw, and the prick is less than half a foot! However, there is a mechanism on the tip of the gun, and Xingchen pressed the switch on the gun shaft at the same time, and saw that the part where the tip of the gun pierced into the rat's body trembled, and then the rat's chest and abdomen trembled. , and then the gorilla was silent!

But this is not the only goat rat here!

At the same time as the one on the left came out, the thorn rat above also got out of its hiding place, and then flew down!

At this time, Xingchen had just pressed the mechanism to kill the opponent, and it was too late to change the tip of the gun, but the weapon he was carrying was not just a long gun! Xingchen let go of the gun barrel with his right hand, grabbed the handle of the knife with his left hand and lifted it upwards, and at the same time grasped the top of the handle of the knife with his right hand to adjust the direction of the tip of the knife, and headed towards the prickly rat!

The stinging rat that jumped down couldn't adjust its posture in the air, and could only watch helplessly as the tip of the knife pierced its abdomen!

However, as I said before, the stinger mouse has a strong vitality, and it didn't kill the opponent this time. Although the thorn mouse that jumped down from above was injured, it still fiercely wanted to attack Stardust with its tail thorn!

After Xingchen stabbed the stinger mouse with the tip of the knife, he didn't stand still, but stabbed the knife against the broken old metal wall beside him! This time, the thorn rat was stuck on the knife and couldn't break free, and couldn't die for a while, it could only scream and struggle desperately!

Seeing that the two stinging rats had no attack ability, Xingchen slowly replaced the gun head, and then used the high damage spear to give the active stinging rat a sure kill!

alright! A double kill is done! pretty!

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