The uncle first looked at the spiritual fruit on display, and only said that your spiritual fruit is quite fresh, then turned to look at the meat.

Hmm! It seems that the uncle is not very interested in the spirit fruit.

But this time, the meat of the spirit beast is the big one. Even if the spirit fruit is sold slowly, as long as most of the meat of the spirit beast is sold, then this time it will be profitable.

The meat boxes on the car have been opened. Two boxes are full of spirit beast meat, and the other box is half of spirit beast meat and half of common beast meat.

The spirit beast meat in these three boxes belonged to different kinds. If anyone bought them together, they would not be afraid of eating too much of one kind of meat and getting greasy.

The uncle stepped forward to carefully inspect the meat in the three boxes, and nodded from time to time, looking quite satisfied.

Xingchen also stepped forward and introduced: "Grandpa, the goods I bought are all very fresh. I just brought this car back from Dolin Xing. It didn't even take an hour to land. I just put it on The stall will send you a message, and there is no delay!" "Five Five Zero"

The uncle didn't even turn his head, just said: "I saw that although your goods are not many, the advantage is that they are quite fresh. It seems that after I bought your goods last time, you bought them again. You It must be because I have a spaceship, otherwise I would sell it from other people, so I can’t have such a fresh one.”

"Yeah, yeah! I have a small spaceship, so I sell the goods by myself. It's just that the ship is small, and I can't ship much every time. I can't even get a truckload of goods, so I can earn living expenses!"

"Although your products are good this time, there are too few types of spirit beast meat. There are only three types. Hey! I will have to go to some stores to find more spirit beast meat later, sir!"

"Master, there are two or three kinds of this spirit beast meat that you can eat instead. What are you dreaming of with so many varieties? You can't find ten small species of spirit beast meat over there and eat them in turn for ten days. "

"Hey! It doesn't matter at other times. It doesn't matter if you have spirit beast meat or not. The problem is that today we have a deputy gymnasium master celebrating his birthday. Although there is no need to hold any big celebrations, a relatively high-end banquet is still good. To put on.

"This requires a good banquet, so of course there must be fresh spirit beast meat. Normally, there are some people selling this stuff, and no one keeps it."

"I was informed last night that I need to get more spirit beast meat for the banquet today, so I'm a little nervous at this time."

"As a result, I took a look at the trading area today, and there are no spirit beast meat sellers left. Even if there is some stock, the quality of the meat is not very fresh."

"I only found out after asking them about those merchants. Their inventory is all cleared, and I just wait for some trade fair to buy new goods and come back to sell them!"

"Just now, I went around in circles for a long time. I didn't buy any useful spirit beast meat. I was in a hurry. I didn't hear that you had meat, so I ran here quickly."

"Fortunately, there are three kinds of fresh spirit beast meat in the goods you bought, and it can be regarded as a good deal when you buy them back."

Stardust: ".

. . . . . .

The spirit beast meat here is out of stock, can the goods I bought be sold at a high price!

Xingchen was beautiful in his heart, Lord Yin looked up and saw a kid on the car again.

"What's in that little box of yours? So something worth shipping back and selling? Is it something good?"

"Master, there is also spirit beast meat in that box, I bought it for myself to eat."

"Huh? Eat it yourself? You can enjoy it enough. Let me see what good things you have left for yourself!"

After the uncle finished speaking, he opened the small box.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, because you are so happy to slap your thigh!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Little guy, I didn't expect you to have so many good products in stock. Don't eat this box of meat yourself. I want it, sir. With these kinds of spirit beast meat, you can make up eight or nine of them. It’s a decent dish, and others will not be picky about the quality of the banquet.”

"Master, I really keep these spirit beast meat for myself. If you buy it, I won't have anything to eat!"

"You don't have anything to eat. You have your own spaceship. Go and buy some and come back. It won't be a big deal. I'm in a hurry here, otherwise I won't bother to ask for this little meat! That's it, This time I won't bargain with you, and the last discount will be 3 points. Hurry up, sir, I'm in a hurry, hurry up and settle the score!"


"Master, what do you want? Do you want these three boxes of meat? Do you want a few boxes of these spiritual fruits? They are also very fresh!"

"Don't be silly, I want all the goods you have here, you should settle the score quickly!"

"All right, all right, I'll settle this!"

Xingchen wiped a few drops of sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly began to settle accounts.

There is no way, the customer is the uncle, and the uncle is the uncle, so I can't afford it!

This time, Xingchen brought over two boxes full of spirit beast meat, and the price of these two large boxes of meat at Duo Lin Xing was 300,000 lales a box. On Amaya's side, the price of each box of spirit beast meat is 435,000 rals. Although the two types of meat are different, the price is similar!

The third box of spirit beast meat is only about two hundred and twenty catties. The price of this kind of spirit beast meat is slightly lower than the two kinds just now, but it can also be sold for 200,000 rals here in Amaya, plus the meat in the box The 2,000 dolars for Common animal meat is still around 200,000...

The price of the two bags of spiritual food is relatively transparent. When I bought it at the beginning, it was 8,000 rals, but it can be sold for 11,000 rals in Amaya. The spiritual food Xingchen bought this time is not the same as last time, and the price is quite different, but he can still make some money.

Sixty boxes of spiritual fruits cost 370,000 rals, and they can be sold for 490,000 rals in Amaya.

There is also the small box of assembled spirit beast meat, which cost 20,000 rals when I bought it, but it can be sold for 30,000 rals here.

The total selling price of these goods was 1.6 million rals, and there was a little bit of change, so Stardust erased it for the sake of settlement.

Calculated according to the conditions of the three-point discount last time, the uncle needs to pay 1,552,000 rals this time.

Well, the mantissa of the two thousand rals and the star dust were also erased by the uncle, which is considered a gift from the uncle for buying so many goods.

The uncle is still satisfied with Xingchen's settlement. Not only is there a three-point discount, but he also wiped out several thousand rals.

But wouldn't this be a good time to chat, the uncle wants to send back the spirit beast meat as soon as possible. So the uncle hurriedly took out Lal to pay the bill, and at the same time urged Xingchen to arrange for the robot to be loaded into the car.

Hmm! Uncle is a big customer. Since he was in such a hurry, Xingchen didn't dare to neglect. Here he was watching the uncle counting the money, and on the other side, he had arranged for the younger brothers to load the goods into the uncle's own car and lost them.

In less than a few minutes, the transfer of money and goods between Xingchen and the uncle has been completed.

The business was done again, and within 20 minutes of Li Xing 3.2chen putting the goods on the stall, his goods were sold out.

Xingchen was about to watch the uncle leave, standing on the last post of a businessman. Before the uncle got into the car, he turned around and said: "When you come back from the next shipment, send me a message first, so as not to have to come here to set up a stall to sell, don't forget!"

"Master, I shipped two trips to sell the goods, and I didn't sleep well in between. I haven't had a good rest for nearly seven days. The goods will be sold out. I have to rent a place to live and have a good rest for a few days."

"You want to rent a place to live? Uncle, I have it. The rent is not expensive. You can go back and have a look."

The uncle had already sat in the car after talking about this meeting, and before leaving, he also told Xingchen that he would send him a message soon, and that he was in a hurry to go back to deliver the goods, and he didn't have time to take him to the place where he lived.

Just like that, Xingchen watched the uncle leave his empty booth in a hurry!

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