On the way back, it was still running like lightning, and the car had already felt like driving with a splash, and the steering adjustment speed was also done very smoothly, no longer the original cautiousness.

When he arrived at the Xinchuan Budokan, Xingchen first sent the cleaning equipment to the plant forest in the dormitory, and left Dangdang to start working.

After Xingchen parked the car, he greeted the uncle, boarded the spaceship, and returned to the dormitory.

The dormitory has just started to be cleared, and the large area has not been dealt with, so Xingchen had to park the spaceship in the open space next to it.

The ground here is all stone, and it seems to be paved with big stones more than one meter square, so it is extremely strong, and there is no problem at all to park the small spaceship.

"--t" But the location of the stop is close to other people's dormitories at the moment, and we can't stop for too long, otherwise others will definitely comment.

Dangdang is driving that enhanced professional clearing vehicle, and is working hard on the thick vines in the plant forest.

Those vines that are nearly as thick as a bucket are not easy to cut, and the power equipment hits the vines, making a very harsh sound. Although the sound does not travel far, the nearby dormitories should still be disturbed.

The debris knocked down and pulverized by the cleaning equipment is sprayed from a channel on the car into the waste bin at the rear of the car, but this waste bin is not too big, it is just a variety, and this bin is full of things.

At this time, Dangdang, who was driving the cleaning car, drove the car to the open space beside him, dumped the waste on the ground, and then drove back to deal with the vines.

Hmm! This is not okay.

Stardust looked at the various plants in the plant forest. There were too many of these things, and there must be a lot of waste. If they were piled up in the open space here, it would take a few hours to fill the open space. .

At that time, I'm afraid I have to clean it up by myself.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a good place to pile up the waste generated by these cleaning vehicles.

I don't know where the martial arts hall used to do this kind of cleaning, and where they put the waste. You have to ask the uncle about this.

Thinking of this, Xingchen sent a message to the uncle again, asking where the cleaned up waste should be placed, and if there are any requirements for this.

The uncle replied very quickly, but there was only one sentence waiting and nothing else.

Hmm! This reply is very succinct, but the meaning is not obvious. Does this mean that I should stop doing it first, wait?

Before long, the uncle ran over in his suspension car.

After getting out of the car, the uncle walked up to Xingchen.

"You're working very fast here. You've just started working in a short time, and you have brought such a large cleaning vehicle over here. How much area are you planning to clean up?"

"I don't want to buy such a big cleaning truck, but I asked a professional seller, and they said that such thick vines are not easy to deal with, and small tools can't be used at all. Just this big cleaning truck, I just bought it for a while. , I don’t think this progress is very good.”

"Among these plants, only those vines are more difficult to deal with, and the other plants are not difficult to deal with. It's just that there must be a lot of waste after cleaning."

"Yeah, just ten minutes after the start of work, there was a pile of waste as high as a person in the open space over there. If it was cleared for a day or two, the house might be buried with the waste. That's why I asked where to put it Is there any special area for waste residue? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a problem to pile it up here!”

"This waste is so old, it must not be piled up here. Fortunately, you asked me, otherwise the waste will have to be cleaned up later."

"I was just afraid that I would have to clean it up again, so I asked in advance, sir, you can just write me a letter, why do you make a special trip?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to find the place. It's a place in the Martial Arts Hall to throw waste, but the terrain is a bit complicated. If I don't take you there, it's likely that you won't be able to touch the place.

"It's done, sir, just take me to see the way. The layout here is not complicated, and the distance is not difficult for me."

"I said it all, I will call me instructor in the future, why did I forget!"

"Let's go, get in the car, I'll take you to identify the place, there is a landscape lake in the Budokan, the area is not small, but after the renovation, it is useless and gradually abandoned... Later, it was repaired everywhere plants, they piled all the waste residue in the lake.

After all, the uncle took Xingchen into the suspension car, and rushed towards the scenic lake with an acceleration.

The lake is not far from the instructor's dormitory here, less than one kilometer away.

At the speed of the uncle's driving, Xingchen lowered his head to hide from the oncoming air current, and when he raised his head again, he was in the right place.

But Xingchen was a little confused, didn't he say to pour the waste into the lake? What about the lake?

There is a hill in front of Xingchen, not big, um! It is about thirty meters high, but the area is not small. Looking at the surrounding area, it is probably the size of two or three football fields.

"Master, where is the lake you mentioned?"

"Ah! This is here." The uncle finished speaking and pointed in the direction of the hill.

Huh? Stardust was even more puzzled. Am I reading that right? Or is there a different interpretation of the word lake here?

"Master, isn't this a hill? Why is it a lake? You're not fooling me!"

"Whoever fooled you, this is the original location of the landscape lake. But later, the plants were trimmed and all the waste was poured into the lake. Then the various plants growing in it were too vigorous, and it became like this."

Stardust is speechless, "This is how much 2.8 waste residue has been piled in, and it can be piled out of the mountain. This piece was originally a lake, but now the plants here are at least 30 meters high, that is, The ten-story building is about the size of two football fields.

"Master, the terrain here is indeed a lake. The soil layer inside is in the shape of a big pit. The deepest part is eight or nine meters deep, and the shallower part is also three or four meters deep. But now it is full of vines. Plants, layer by layer. The thickest vines at the bottom are already more than one meter thick." Rhubarb quietly expressed his opinion in Xingchen's mind.

Uh! Well, the rhubarb has been checked, it must be a lake here, that's right!

But in such a terrain, how to dump the waste!

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