This time, the place where Xingchen went was not in the same market as the store where he bought cleaning equipment just now. This is a store for various household equipment. That store is in a large machine store, but the two are not too far away.

The speed of driving the suspension car was also very fast, within 20 minutes, Stardust arrived at the place.

There are several shops here that sell this equipment, so Xingchen chose the one with the biggest appearance to enter.

For a store like this, only those with relatively strong strength will make their fronts very large, because large size means that they will occupy a large area and cost a lot of money. Only those who are willing to spend money can make it big. Naturally, only those with strong strength are willing to spend a lot of money Be the face of the gate.

Stardust is not afraid that they will blackmail him when he enters this kind of shop. A whole set of household equipment like this doesn’t cost much to buy, and he can’t hack much if he wants to! This kind of shop is actually doing long-term business. In some consumables Make money online.

There were still reception staff in the store to greet Xingchen, and after hearing Xingchen's intentions, they also took him to the area where these equipment were exclusively sold.

There is no replacement service here, but the reception directly introduces the performance and quotation of various equipment to Xingchen.

Stardust has various parameters of the household equipment in the dormitory. According to the corresponding parameters, he also selected some suitable special equipment and spare parts for dehumidification and dust removal, ventilation and water exchange.

It will cost about 10.9 million and 2,000 dolars to replace a set of things.

Xingchen felt that the price was reasonable, so he didn't haggle too much. He just discussed with the receptionist and asked the receptionist to send some consumables as gifts.

All these facilities and equipment have been purchased, but some need to be purchased for daily use.

Fortunately, this store also has them, but not in this area.

The receptionist wrote down the various equipment that Xingchen wanted, and asked the clerk to stock up, and he took Xingchen to pick out various daily necessities.

The daily necessities on this planet are relatively simple, a cushion of unknown material, plus a cover that can be used as a bed sheet. Putting these two things on the stone platform in the dormitory is the bed.

The body cover is also relatively simple, it is something like a sleeping bag. These Stardusts didn't know much about it, so they randomly picked out the ones of the same length and higher prices, anyway, the total was only two or three thousand rals.

On the contrary, the protective clothing Xingdust sold next to this area is more interesting. The protective clothing he is wearing now is brought out from the waste star. There is still a smell.

Xingchen already had some money in his pocket at this time, so he naturally wanted to change it.

However, I haven't seen any for sale a few days ago, so I haven't changed it. Now I meet a seller of protective clothing, so there is no reason not to buy one and change it.

There are many styles of protective clothing sold here, and the grades are divided into several levels: junior high school Advanced.

Stardust is now around the ninth human level, so the protective clothing he bought naturally needs to be of the corresponding level.

According to Xingchen's request, the receptionist recommended more than a dozen protective clothing with different patterns and styles for Xingchen to choose.

Although Xingchen is young in body at the moment, he is a human being in his second life, so he is not young in mind, so he didn't choose any fancy styles, and only chose a relatively solemn dark protective clothing for his daily wear.

Of course, this dark color is not the kind of brighter color. The main reason for choosing this color is to resist dirt. This is also Xingchen's past experience. He doesn't have time to wash clothes every day.

After picking out these items, Xingchen asked the receptionist to settle the bill. The total cost was more than 40,000 Lal, mainly because the price of the protective clothing was relatively high. Of course, the performance of this protective suit is also much stronger than what Stardust is wearing now.

Xingchen asked the receptionist to find someone to move all the goods to the suspension vehicle, and then returned to the dormitory in a hurry.

The main reason for coming back in a hurry is that I want to tidy up the house as soon as possible while the day is still bright, so that people can live in it at night.

The old instructor was not at the cleaning site to observe this meeting, probably because Xingchen was not around, and there was no one to chat with him.

Xingchen went to his dormitory to unload the goods, and then sent the car back to the old instructor.

The old teacher of Dika (cfaa) was staying in his own dormitory. When he came back after seeing Xingchen, he also said something, you guys are young, and your movements are quick enough. After such a little effort, the job is done!

Xingchen naturally said yes, and then thanked the instructor for borrowing the car.

After a few pleasantries, Xingchen came out, and Xingchen hurried back to arrange for the younger brothers to install and adjust all kinds of equipment. Whether he can stay in the dormitory to sleep well tonight is up to the younger brothers.


At this moment, the younger brothers of Stardust have stopped the work of clearing, clattering the leader, clattering the hands, and passing the tools. Anyway, all the laborers are busy repairing and changing equipment.

Xingchen was not idle either, he found a broom for cleaning, and swept all these rooms, and then used a soft cloth of unknown material to wipe the inside of the room again and again.

These few rooms have not been lived in for a long time, but the doors and windows are well sealed, and the dust is not too much.

After cleaning in this way, the room became a little more lively.

About half an hour later, all the equipment in the house that needs to be replaced, cleaned and repaired has been repaired.

Xingdust asked Hua La to install energy in the device, and then turned it on, um! The room felt different at this moment.

However, the equipment in the room had to work for a while to adjust the environment in the room, so Xingchen didn't wait in the room, and directly led the younger brothers to continue working.

The inside and outside of the courtyard had to be cleared again, otherwise the plants would block the road, and every day when I went out, I had to cut a road with a machete.

The day passed like this, and Stardust's little brothers cleared out an area of ​​about 60 square meters. To remove the plants in such a large area, the price was more than 80 cars full of waste residue.

But the courtyard is quite open and bright. At least it's not so awkward.

At night, Xingchen didn't let the younger brothers continue to clean up the plant forest here, because the noise of cleaning up the plants was quite loud, although the instructors didn't come to reprimand Xingdust

But Xingchen can't be so immoral, disturbing people's dreams at night.

Secondly, there are treasures waiting for Stardust to dig in that lake, how can we waste time cleaning these useless things here?

Anyway, there are no people living in the hundreds of meters around the lake, so I will secretly dig up some vines this night, maybe it won’t be long before I can dig out that treasure, which is worth hundreds of thousands of lales. I just bought a lot of things, and Lal spent a lot of money. If I dig out this treasure and sell it, it can also restore blood.

But Xingchen hadn't left for the lake yet, but that Dika instructor came over.

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