It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 81 Secretly Digging For Treasures At Night

After Xingchen and Instructor Dika finished their meal, they drove back to the dormitory together.

After saying goodnight to Instructor Dika, Xingchen went back to his room first.

But he didn't come back to sleep.

It's also dark today, and it's time to dig for treasure.

The boys are all sitting around with nothing to do.

Hearing Xingchen's greeting, he immediately took action.

Treasure digging is in the depths of those giant mountains entwined with vines. Naturally, the professional clearing machine must be brought along, and the two suspension vehicles must also be driven.

Xingchen thought for a while, and asked Baliu to bring the small cleaning machine with him. Although this thing is small, but this time we will dig deeper into Fujiyama, maybe we will use it!

This professional clearing vehicle is relatively strong and durable. During the day, Dangdang drove it for a whole day of high-intensity operations, but the various accessories on this vehicle are still in good condition. It seems that they are connected. Doing this for dozens of days is fine.

The lakeside is not far from the dormitory, and Xingchen brought his younger brother to the "557" place in a short while.

When Xingchen came over to dump the waste during the day, he just took a cursory look, confirmed that there were treasures inside, and then rushed back to work, "I didn't carefully investigate the collective situation of the treasures inside.

There is no other interference at the moment, so it is natural to check the exact location of the treasure and its surroundings first.

Here is a mountain made of vines, and the treasure is deep under the entire vine mountain, so it is not so easy to dig it out.

Xingchen drove the suspension car to the place where the waste was dumped before, confirmed the location of the treasure, and then started to circle around.

The purpose of spinning around is to let Rhubarb take a good look at the surrounding environment.

That treasure is about two to three meters high at the bottom of the lake, where the vines are the thickest, and it is also the most solid area of ​​these vegetables discovered by rhubarb.

It is said that this vine mountain is only more than 30 meters high, even if the lake has a certain depth, the shortest distance from the location of the treasure to the outside is only less than 40 meters.

It's just that the forty meters are not easy to penetrate.

This professional clearing vehicle was originally designed to work in a horizontal direction. Even if the working direction can have a certain angle, it can't reach the level of going straight up and down.

Therefore, it is impossible to directly penetrate the vines from the mountain to the location of the treasure with the cleaning vehicle.

If you want to hit the treasure, you can only hit it from the side, so the vine mountain that needs to be pierced will be much longer.

The purpose of Stardust to study the surrounding environment is to find the most optimal channel direction.

Stardust walked around for ten minutes, and finally confirmed the best location.

If you penetrate diagonally from here, you can reach the treasure, and you need to penetrate the least mountain, the least time-consuming, and the highest security.

Hmm! Although the little robot is going to work, the safety requirements are not very high. Even if any danger occurs, there is a high probability that it will not be endangered to the extent of being scrapped.

But Dangdang and Huala have been with him for so long no matter what, if something happens and they are buried, Xingchen will naturally find a way to save him, but such a big mountain of vines naturally has a lot of living flowers to save.

So for the safety of my little brother, in order to prevent wasting his little savings, Xingchen carefully planned the safest and most reliable route.

Once the location has been chosen, the next step is to start working.

Dangdang was still driving the cleaning vehicle this time, but when driving the suspension vehicle, Hua La got on the borrowed large suspension vehicle first.

Uh! Well, the work efficiency of Huala is higher, and it is okay to drive more.

Then he got on Stardust's own suspension car, and after starting it, he lined up behind Hua La's suspension car, waiting to take over the position of Hua La!

Huh? This slicker is so active at work?

At first, I wanted to let it trim the messy vine branches in the passage, but I didn't expect it to run to drive by itself.

Turn it on, when it's cold pruning, turn it on to clear it

All three vehicles were driven by younger brothers, but Xingchen was idle.

But this vine mountain, Stardust only searched around in the direction close to the dormitory, and has not explored in the further direction.

It just so happens that the younger brothers are all working, and Xingchen has nothing to do, so let's go around this small lake to see the situation!

Going around the lake is not only to see the situation, but also to digest food.

It wasn't long after Xingchen finished his meal, so he naturally didn't want to sit still, but the younger brothers took away the opportunity to work, and when it was his turn, he could only go around and investigate the information.

The meal just now was considered the most delicious and energy-rich meal that Stardust has eaten since he traveled here.

I have eaten a few meals in the hotel before, but those are only common meals, so it’s okay to be hungry, so I can’t say anything about the energy.

The spiritual beast meat meal eaten at the Budokan this time is still very rich in spiritual energy.

After the meat was digested, it turned into strands of spiritual breath that was absorbed by Xingchen's body, and then began to flow slowly following the trend of Xingchen's luck during his practice.

These spiritual breaths travel around the body, are absorbed by the cells everywhere, and are transformed into various energies for the body... …

Once the body's energy is full, people will be a little excited. Even if Xingchen doesn't need to investigate the surrounding situation, he still needs to move around to consume the excess energy.

There are also some advantages to this turn. Rhubarb found another treasure in another location in the lake.

This newly discovered treasure is even better than the one discovered during the day, and its energy is two points stronger.

With such a discovery, Xingchen is also very happy, but after going on, there is no new discovery.

However, two useful treasures grew out of one lake, which was enough to make Stardust happy.

Wait for Stardust to return to the previously determined excavation location.

The little brothers have already cleared away a layer around this place.

A vine mountain like this cannot be excavated directly.

The outermost vines are the most tender vines, full of moisture and relatively brittle. If such vines are piled up together, if the bottom is empty, it will easily break and collapse and crush the excavating vehicles.

cause an accident.

The excavation plan formulated by Xingchen is to remove the outermost layer of tender vines first, at least remove the vines within ten meters around the excavation site.

The old vines exposed under the tender stalks are much stronger, enough to maintain the passage dug below.

Seeing that the younger brothers are making good progress, Xing Kong is naturally very happy.

However, this channel was opened according to the planned route, and at least 117 meters of vines had to be removed.

These vines grow layer upon layer, stacked together, there is me in you, and you in me, and I don't know how many vines are growing among them.

Maybe there is only one vine growing in the entire lake, or maybe hundreds of thousands of vines 2.0 are combined to form such a vine mountain in this lake. Anyway, Rhubarb searched a large circle, but did not find out exactly how many vines there are.

Anyway, the vines that need to be removed are so thick, and now we can only wait for the younger brothers to dig through them.

Xingchen stared here for a while, but he didn't intend to stay any longer.

The working process here is a bit slow, no more than during the day, most of the vines that need to be cleared are relatively tender vines, so the speed is still fast.

The vines here are old vegetables, as old as you want, as hard as you want, and the removal speed is much slower.

After roughly estimating the time, the younger brothers would have to work here for at least ten hours to dig in place, so Xingchen turned around and continued running around.

It's really running laps, running around the lake.

This time I ate enough, I need to exercise to consume excess energy, otherwise I will probably suffer from insomnia in a while.

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