After working for about an hour, Xingchen came back from dumping the waste from the lake, and saw Instructor Dika standing not far from Dangdang's cleaning vehicle.

Stardust stepped forward and greeted.

Instructor Dika nodded, and then took 850,000 rals and handed it to Xingchen.

This is handed over over there, and Tengbao has been sold to students.

Xingchen didn't refuse, so he took the money and put it in his pocket.

Dika didn't leave after giving the money, but stood on the side chatting with Xingchen, and at the same time became the industry supervisor.

From the mouth of Dika's instructor, Xingchen also knew the students who had bought the Vine Treasure, and immediately started to climb the ladder after getting it.

But this student is not blood relative to Instructor Dika, so there is no need for him to stand by like Uncle Pafu.

The student has his own subordinates at his disposal, so the things that need to be done next are naturally arranged properly, so there is no need for Dika instructor to worry about it.

The two vine treasures dug up by Xingchen this time are of good quality. After the grandson of Uncle Pafu and the student who bought the vine treasures use them, the chances of success in climbing the ladder are very high.

If both of them successfully reach the 4th level of the prefecture level, then the strength of the Xinchuan Budokan will naturally increase by 25 in this ranking battle. Not to mention aspiring to the first place, the top five should be able to win.

Stardust was also a little speechless after hearing this.

This side spent a lot of money, using two vine treasures to guarantee the advancement and increase strength, but in the end they could only fight for the top five.

If this was not blessed by Tengbao, what would the dish be like?

Of course, these words are not easy to say, Xingchen can just mutter in his stomach, if he really wants to say it, he will probably get beaten.

However, Instructor Dika has lived for so long, so he is naturally a human being. Seeing that Xingchen didn't take it seriously, he also explained it.

It turns out that at this time, not only the Xinchuan Budokan will use things like rattan treasures to increase their strength, but other powerful Budokans will naturally have some rich students who use the same method to rush. order.

There are too many martial arts halls that have advanced, those who have not advanced will naturally fall behind.

Even if Uncle Pafu's grandson has successfully passed the ranks this time, the main opponent will probably be students from other martial arts gyms who have also passed the ranks.

At that time, they still have to fight for their own martial arts level and play the situation on the spot.

The situation that Dika said is possible. There are things like Tengbao here. As long as you have some strength, you will naturally try your best to get them. When there are more people who rely on this, everyone's level will be the same again. , We still have to fight for real hard power.

Xingchen has no objection to this either, he is not a student in Xinchuanli, nor is he related to anyone, he is just a resident who pays rent. It has nothing to do with him what the ranking battle here is like.

But it's not wrong to say that there is nothing to do with a dime, after all, Xingchen earned 1.41 million rals from it.

Instructor Dika chatted here for more than an hour, and was a little tired, so he greeted Xingchen and went back to rest.

The instructor is not young anymore. For the sake of Tengbao, he has been staying by the lake for a whole day and most of today's day.

After a long time, his body couldn't bear it, after all, he was not a young man like Xingchen.

But before leaving, I made an appointment with Xingchen to have dinner together at night.

Xingchen stayed here for two days as a martial arts officer, and had two dinners with Instructor Dika. Seeing that on the third day, the instructor wanted to treat him, he thought about inviting him back.

But the instructor disagreed, saying that the previous two meals were to thank Xingchen for clearing the plant forest, but today's dinner was to thank Xingchen for selling vine treasures, the two were not related and should not be confused.

Hmm! Just please. Even an old man like Instructor Dika has rich life experience, so the reason for inviting a guest can be changed.

The cleaning work lasted until the evening meal, and most of the yard of the Stardust dormitory had already been cleared [the remaining part could be cleaned up with about half of the unfinished work.

As for the part outside the courtyard that Dangdang cleared, after hard work, an area of ​​nearly 200 square meters was cleared.

Looking at the results of the younger brothers in the afternoon, Xingchen was very happy, so he gave the younger brothers a holiday and could rest at night.

Of course, the main reason is that the noise of the cleaning equipment is too loud, which will affect other people's rest at night.

Then Dika came over to have dinner with Xingchen. Xingchen now seriously suspects that Dika is looking for a place to treat himself to dinner in order to find someone to join him for dinner.

Of course, Xingchen himself really needed dinner, and if Dika didn't invite him, he would go to dinner himself.

After Xingchen and Dika had dinner, they went to exercise again, and then went back to the house to rest.

The next day's work was still the same, and the removal work would take many days to complete.

After another half day of work, he finished cleaning up the yard. Apart from some falling debris, there was no vine left in the yard of the entire dormitory.

Seeing that the small clearing machine stopped and finished clearing the yard, Xingchen, as an old man, wanted to check it out.

He got off the suspension car here, entered the yard and was patrolling around, ran to the suspension car in a sloppy manner, climbed up to the control seat a few times, and then skillfully drove the suspension car to replace the already loaded car. The location of the full car.

Uh, this sluggish work is quite active. Although he is a little smaller, his work efficiency is not bad. At least his attitude of rushing to work is worthy of praise.

There is no need for Xingchen to drive the 710 car, Xingchen is also idle. However, there was still some waste left in the yard, and it didn't look too clean, so Xingchen took a broom and other tools to clean up the small yard.

The environment is clean, and Stardust is comfortable to live in.

Previously on the waste star, except for the spaceship cabin, it was better, the other places were full of waste, the feeling of being full of waste, Stardust really didn't want to recall it anymore.

Now that I live in the dormitory of Budokan, I naturally want to improve the environment around me.

After finishing the work in the yard, Xingchen went to check on the work of the younger brothers.

But I found that when Dangdang cleared the plant forest, a large stone carving was cleared out. This thing is on a piece of rough stone paved ground, it should be some kind of landscape.

At present, only a small corner of this stone carving has been cleaned up, but the exposed carvings can be seen to be some human figures. These carvings look quite exquisite, and there are some texts next to the human figures.

Xingchen was a little curious about what it was, so he leaned forward to observe it.

I was watching it vigorously, but suddenly a sentence came from behind,

"This is the basic movement and stillness method here in Amaya!"

These words almost made Xingchen jump up in fright, and when he looked back, he realized that the Dika Church had come behind him at some point.

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