I guess it's because I'm still tied to the sins of the past that I walk into a garden in Serende Castle when I have something to think about.

A wonderful garden well maintained by artisans, many royalties of the past were assassinated and bled in this place. That's why I feel like there's an unexpressed madness hidden in the beauty of the flowers blooming here.

"Oh, Brother Noofsa. It's unusual to walk outside, isn't it?

"Chissante to Yumez? Talking to each other without an escort is careless."

These two are also members of a royal family imprisoned in the history of Serende, who will feel something attractive in this place. But I want you to stop using places where people can relax in sentiment.

"Dahaha! The escort would have let you lurk, wouldn't he? If Yumez is going to hit me with that hand, I just have to give it back."

"Can I just say something that makes me sick? You don't have to worry so much about laughing because you don't have a product, you don't have a doubt in your eyes to identify the damage, do you?

I guess Yumies is also letting them refrain from escorting him nearby anyway. I don't want to complain if you won't ruin the garden.

"I hear the lives of the people of Yugra's stars and their companions were targeted. The killer was self-harmed, or just moved with money, and he didn't overflow any decent information."

"Oh, if you're Brother Noofsa, you're quick on your hands, aren't you? Or maybe Brother Chisante?

"It would be you anyway, wouldn't it, Yummies? Dahaha!"

White two, but it sounds good to see them both as black in this way. The modus operandi of attempting to abduct fellow Yugra star people to an assassination with a poisoned knife is different for those who thought about it. Each would be an M.O. by a different planner.

"If you don't know, that's fine. But I will not forget my position as a Selende. There are limits to what you can handle."

"Oh? As far as I'm concerned, I'm very interested in Brother Noufsa's limitations?

"Dahaha! That's what I was wondering too. Anyway, Brother Noofsa can even fake the number of dead!

It is assumed by history that we kill each other, but we do not publicly acknowledge it. For killing the people of Yugra's stars, it will be the prince who could not inherit the throne that will bear its responsibility.

Those who are cut at that time are of low priority to those who have inherited the throne. The losers will be borne with all their disadvantages, and will be buried as the foundation of this country's history.

"And you of Yugra's star, you're healthy, aren't you? I can't believe you're exploring our neighborhood with all that interference."

"Follow the mighty, starting with the Demon King, and defeated that 'true eye' Ritial-Zentry with intelligence. From him, I guess it's just us and other children of the Lord of one country, dahaha!

If we consider only the simple power of war, the power of the people of the stars of Yugra will never draw on the total power of this country either. But warriors can only show their true worth in places like the battlefield.

Individuals are consumed by groups, which change their orientation by the will of their vertices. The rightening of greed here is made to understand how it works so badly that they are good at manipulating it.

disregard for humanity, disregard for human life and respect for human rights. But his own appearance remains clean, and he holds them up and masters public opinion. It is a monster in the name of man who is here. You look like a person, you name a person, you live like a person, you're not human.

"... it doesn't make sense to come breathing and be stuck breathing. Let's just say I'm going to bed today."

"Oh! I can't believe that Brother Noofsa is resting as soon as the sun goes down! I'm sure you haven't slept in days, have you?

"Dahaha! Ordinary humans are something to sleep in every day, Brother Noufsa should learn more about resting. I want you to rest!

Whose fault is it that I can't do that? No, I guess it's my fault too. Someone important is dead when you sleep and wake up. I have to blame myself for sleeping long enough.

I need to do a little more than I can do right now and go on for a little longer. Because that's what I should be doing with my sins.

How the hell is he admired by strong men like Ilias and Wolfe, who only show up powerlessly no matter who sees him? I appreciate the opportunity to see it in person. But I was reminded that I couldn't even keep up with the past technology.

- That's the guy.

He staked out only a little in front of the mall and made contact with the man after he laid eyes on a particular person. At first he was a man with a strange face, but as I talked to him, he gradually began to overflow information inside the mall.

While the man was in a position to know what was going on inside the mall, he was dissatisfied with the treatment in which he had been placed. And there he went, wishing and shaking his heart.

Give effective advice that a man can be convinced of while accurately discerning the positions he is in and the grievances he has. There's supposed to be information there that you can't just see through about a man, but he talks about it as if he knows everything.

"One last time, please"

He took out a piece of parchment and gave it to the man. The man read it and left the scene with a satisfied face saying he understood.

"What's that?

"It's a proper supply purchase order. Slightly cheaper than the market, but to the extent that purchasing a certain number allows the price range to be applied to the discount without any problems. This conversation is meant to make it look like the other side is accepting a discount."

"... so someone else is watching your contact with the man."

If a man returns without any business talks, suspicions of insiders will emerge from the reports of those who were under surveillance. You won't be able to get rid of all of that, but it will still be some risk care.

"And then a few people, they take business talks in the same way. He seems to have absolute loyalty to the merchant hall, but he also depends on what we're talking about."

"I wonder if it's to convince the other side what they're doing. But it's amazing to be able to spot it."

"Humans in organizations always have a role. That's not so hard to figure out where and who if you get a rough picture of the whole thing. Even if everyone had pledged allegiance to the organization, there would always be a difference in that allegiance more than there was an individual difference. That difference is going to affect relationships, and it's going to be something that you can shake."

Its role is different even for persons of the same position in politics, commerce, religion and all organizations. Rather, it is the same position that makes it more common if you are aware of the person and feel superior or inferior.

I guess his observation of picking up those elements would fall into the unusual category just to keep looking at the people entering and leaving the mall. I felt like I somehow figured out what kind of work he was doing before he showed up in this world.

"But if we make aggressive contact with the merchants so far, which one of us will be able to keep an eye on them?

"That's what I'm here for. I'll leave the collection of information using the merchant with my eyes to the others in the future. What I do is gather their gaze."

"Oh, I see."

With him starting to act directly, I guess all the watchers will be turning their attention to his trends. That would make it easier for those who have been watched to move. This is the stage for those who specialize in covert actions, like Ekdoyk and Mix.

"Is this where the activities on the merchant side go? Ilyas, do you have any movement on the surveillance?

"There's nothing particularly wrong with that. The one who stays is on the aristocratic side, but we're headed there now?

"No, I leave that one to Duvreoli. Unlike merchants, nobility is small, so it's not that hard to grasp each other's relationship."

He observes the other person and is not acting solely on that understanding. Those in positions can be distinguished as races, and general policies based on rules of thumb can also be determined.

I guess he is still something close to a kind of craftsman. Familiarize yourself with the tendency of a creature called a person, which can be divided into finer classifications by observation, and use its actions to produce results. Techniques that cannot be imitated by those with strong arms alone can be trusted.

"So we're leaving already today? It's gonna take a little longer for dinner, and why don't we stop by?

"That's not bad either...... I found a guy who looks like he could have some more fun"

Apparently, he found someone among the crowds walking around the city, traveling in an unmistakable foothold. Ilias and Wolfe lean their necks on his actions like that, but follow them without failing to be on perimeter alert.

"... this must be troublesome, you're sad"

There were signs of the assassins. That number is roughly as far as I can tell. Maybe the Ilias and the others have found about ten. When they realized that they existed, they immediately darkened the color of their vigilance to avoid giving them a gap to penetrate.

In my case, Hilmera-sama's escort always made me feel signs of myself around her, but in their case, I am confident that I am holding her back. This will even make it difficult to make time for tricks.

He himself is observant enough to prevent the assassination of an unconscious child. The princes may have ordered me to kill them, but if I do poorly, I think it's more of a difficult question than assassinating another prince.

It's just convenient. If this is the only way to target his life with strict protection, those who do the trick should be quite skilled. Not a pawn that lets you say and manipulate things with gold, but a hand in changing the war situation the princes are keeping warm. The target I should be targeting moves.

"Are you sure you want to come..."

"I told you you'd make me this breakfast. I have to keep my word!

He is involved in adult men who cannot be easily approached. I'm guessing you're from a Yumez faction called Topala. If you look at the shape of your mind, you see a unique core that is not available to ordinary people. It's a trend well seen by operatives who gather integration information into society, but its core isn't that strong. The extent of being a pawn is below, a category of race that is disposable to the princes.

"Yes, but... hey, is it Master Moursht over there!?

"Yeah, it's that Moorsht! You're a Yumist, aren't you? Nice to meet you!"

"Duh, thanks..."

The other princes' factions are trying to stay out of Hilmera's surroundings so that they are not suspected of their plans to turn back. So all those who monitor Hilmera's surroundings are the only superiors who have sworn their absolute loyalty to the princes.

So engaging in this way with me, the direct escort of Master Hilmera, is an act that I would like to avoid if this man could. The feeling is very easy to understand on the face.

Oh, is that why he's allowing this man to care? This incompetent operative who is easy to read and who is open to him then.

"How about Moorsht, too? You wouldn't get a chance to eat a common old man dish, would you?

"Hey, to the boulder. Is that...!?

The look he is showing is much softer than previous merchants. I also feel like that's not so different from what I'm looking at. [M] I'm conscious of standing around to be liked by him, but I guess this guy is unconsciously so. Yeah, you're a little jealous.

"Haha, I'm not that bad of a character either. If I ask you nicely, that's all Yummies will see. It's a bit of a prank to get in the way of him living peacefully in this country."

"Well, that's too bad."

He looks sorry, but I guess that's not all he thinks. I'm sure you can see through my present mood and even understand that it's shaky. It's a little mean, but it also relieves me a lot of this unpleasant feeling if I think of it as his personality.

"I don't act anymore today, and when I finish eating at the person's house, will I go home?

"Right. I want to take about the ingredients from the base, so that's what happens given the time."

"Then I'll be here. I'd love to dine alone with you if I could... is that hard? Well, maybe three, huh?

If I come near him, there will always be Ilyas and Wolfe there. I don't even get into my sight while I'm aware of him, so it seems to come out when it's not a big deal, but I still feel in the way.

Nice, I'm very fulfilled right now. Because I've never had an experience that shook my heart about someone I like so much. I need to fully enjoy this mess now.

"... Well,"

I break up with him and then take a trip to the alley. I don't have any business here, but I don't think this place will catch anyone's eye. Looking around a few times, I open the lid of the crate that was placed nearby and look inside.

There's a cheap tool there that people living in this private house would be using, and I'll keep a piece of silver in it.

"That's it, let's go home"

Then close the lid and exit the alley once. Next, enter the adjacent alley, pull out your sword and fly to the roof of the house. Moving around with a roof legend and peeking into the alley where the box containing the silver coin was earlier...... I wanted to be there.

The guy who was monitoring my behavior today is exploring the crate. Nearby, we also saw a person watching the person.

Even though it's because it's less important and I don't even care about surveillance from day to day, it feels a little complicated that it's only filled with this level of talent.

Throw a sword at those in the back and fall off the roof. A man suddenly realised that the shadow had shadowed him, so he smiled and responded, knocking his whole weight on his knee into his face.

There was no way I could take the weight of each adult falling off the roof with one neck, and it conveyed what a hard feeling it was from the skull of a man slapped straight to the ground.

"This way... yeah, you're sticking it right in your throat"

Carry the two bodies to the back of the alley and keep them rolling in the proper shade. As early as today in this position, it will be found in a few days because of the smell, even later.

One more, there was surveillance, but the person seems to have already escaped the scene. Probably under Prince Noufsa's command. That guy, I don't know, 'cause he's kind of out of hand. But we could eliminate the surveillance of Prince Chisante and Princess Yumez, and that's enough.

Good luck with your work.

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