"Well, did you try to kill that man for every pawn of Yummies? Good luck reporting, Washekt"

Brother Noufsa listened to my report and leaked his sigh. It was probably Brother Chisante who set me up this time, but it was on Sister Yumez's side who provided information on Sister Yumez's pawn. It's not so uncommon for those two to use each other to get rid of the intruders.

"Which one did Brother Noufsa say it was?

"Neither is the same. You must have done a stupid imitation."

"I think it worked, to think of him as a person."

"I know you're showing a cooperative attitude based on your understanding. The man is cowardly from anyone's eyes, but both Chissante and Yumies have the wrong connotation of cowardice. I'm not supposed to be hunted down."

I guess the sigh transmits. Cowardly humans are divided into two main types. One tries to escape fear, the other tries to eliminate fear. Needless to say, he is either. That type of hand should not be poorly hunted down for neglecting Yugra's ability as an individual of the star people.

"Brother Noufsa has a good analysis of him"

"I don't even have to think about it because I'm the kind of man who challenges the Demon King, hoping to live without difficulty"

"Must be."

Brother Chisante and sister Yumies have only been able to act on the basis of their own experience of success. This can also be said to be my fault or that of Brother Noufsa, but I do not want to take responsibility for it as the victim.

"Prepare to put out the fire here. Keep a thorough grip on Hilmera's reins."

"That kid turns his head more than those two. To be his enemy..."

"Mourshut, Hilmera's escort, is killing the dark part that caused the earlier incident. He's not even trying to hide the body. He's a lunatic."

I accidentally stiffened my expression to Mourström's name. Brother Noufsa will not be danced to uncertain information, I guess that's true if you say so.

"... where did that information come from?

"Chissante, Yumies' pawn, who was monitoring Moursht not long before the incident, was killed. The weapons that killed the surveillance match the shapes of the weapons that killed the dark guys."

It is also possible that Hilmera ordered it to be so, but should it be considered an act of rampage by the discretion of Moursht? Mourshut is uncalled for as a sword that protects Hilmera, but there are many other things that I find problematic.

"You didn't kill Brother Noofsa's men, did you?"

"If I make a disturbing move, I'm ordering you to interrupt the surveillance and prioritize the report."

"... I'll give Hilmera a nail so she won't be unscrupulous to her men."

"Keep it that way. You and your 'secrets' don't have to let that kid carry you."

Secrets, huh? Everyone in the royalty of this country lives with a secret. Every one of them is a sinful thing, a business that must be borne.

My wish may just be. But if I'm going to make that wish come true... I'm going to be ready to get this hand dirty. Even if you can no longer stroke my dear sister's head.

"What do you think? Have you had any movement on you on Yugra's star?

"Yes, there was. There seems to have been contact with a few of Yummies' breathtaking nobles."

"I made you see all that, and if he did, you still haven't punished him"

What did you say your name was, well, it doesn't matter. That guy showed a strange obsession with one of the pawns, so I tried to hang a guide on Chissante that he didn't have a hand in not using it... but I guess he couldn't live to the point of a disposable pawn?

All men's hearts are a thousand different, and there is always a core there. It either supports itself based on the experience it has lived or those who have supported themselves.

Those who have done everything on their own can break their core by taking away their confidence, and those who have relied on others for their support.

You of Yugra's stars definitely fall into the latter category. No matter how much you lose your head, a race that has to live dependent on others more than you understand its own vulnerability.

"I knew I'd have to take my people's lives. Did you come up with any ideas?

"You won't be able to do it first with a normal assassination. Because they are all first-class products just because of the quality. Even the man who was healing saw through the darkness with a single detective magic."

"You're the ones who protect the weakest men. There's no way they're bad quality."

Of course I'm not going to make you say you can't, which I'm naturally familiar with if it's under my command. Without choosing the means, the ability to act of those who understand that they have no future is really convenient. It produces a fiercely poisonous countermeasure, with a mad-stained idea.

"Prince Washekt is replenishing their supplies, but we already know the path. I thought I'd set it up from that side next."

"Oh, that's good. It's so good that you can't trust everything you say."

By the time you get into that guy's mouth, I'm sure another person will be harmed. That's good, because it can shatter your heart better.

"So I'm talking about the nobles I've been in contact with, and I can hear how they're trying to get into the auction thing."

"... yes. I knew you were good... too bad."

I understood that he was competent, but I can't believe he sniffed away the secrets he had carefully hidden so far... But it's no use. It's no use, I'm taking care of the assumption that even the other princes will be able to get there. By the time you have all the evidence you need to hunt me down, your people will be...

"Master Yummies! Oh, my God!"

"... that's noisy, what's wrong?

"Sir Mofas is about to fall back asleep under the star people of Yugra, a snitch from Sir Meekol!

"... what?

I don't know what you're talking about. If Sir Mofas betrays me, it will only result in the ruin of Sir Mofas himself. Because my collaborators are in such a state that they have a blade on their necks so that no one can betray them.

We just need to hear more about Sir Moffas' movements. Another subordinate showed up when he thought so.

"Master Yummies! Hurry up and report!

"Now what?

"That, Sir Meekol, is about to fall asleep under the people of Yugra's stars, a snitch from Sir Pochmat!


My men jumping in didn't stay this far. One by one comes the snitch of the aristocrats on whom my breath hangs. That every one of them is trying to report information about the auction I manage to your father.

But that's impossible. He uses my subordination when auctioning and makes sure he doesn't leave any evidence behind. (i) It is only taken as a delusion, without any fragment of credibility, that the nobility tries to sue on its own words alone.

The nobles are watching each other so that they can never betray me. That is why it is unlikely that this hand's report will come to a fold at a time. If we had truly received everything in the first place, almost all the nobles would have turned their backs. There is no way that a fallen aristocrat will report another aristocrat's falling asleep.

"Yes, how do you like it?

"Naturally, it's not all true. If that's what you did with Yugra's stars, I'm sure you'll find something in this mess."

Trying to create a suspicious ghost among the nobles and lure them upset? But what do you get from that?

"Yu, Master Yumies!

"Again!? Now who?

"Mo, Sir Mofas has made an accusation about the auction! They showed up to deliver the evidentiary documents to King Serende!

"What the hell!? There can't be any such thing! It would be decided to make it up!?

Because my direct reports can't possibly make the mistake of letting evidence remain, such things are determined to be fabricated fakes. But it's not that simple. At least the aristocracy entrusted with the administration of the territory, the content of which will be carefully investigated beyond the charges that have been made.

If you have truly betrayed us, we need to root it out so that the investigative hand does not reach this way on that premise.

"Master Yummies! Sir Meekol has brought charges against the King!

"- Huh!?

"Master Yummies! Sir Pochmat..."

"Wait, wait a minute! What the fuck!? What's happening!?

"Domination of fear can be a very strong ground. If you defy me, you will have no future, so ah everyone will be desperate. But let me tell you something, it's the same as exposing the steeple."

My magically invisible compatriots are watching the nobles appear one after the other in front of the castle gate. I check the list on hand one at a time to see how well the plan is accomplished.

"This is... what's going on?

"Ekdoyk. Do you remember Hasharukdecht and Faebushas? Something like that."

"You're a great demon who had the specificity of" connected right arm "and" lost belly ". In the midst of a battle with the Purple Demon King, he was trying to turn his countrymen against orders..."

Faebushas had read the memories of his compatriots and was trying to obtain differences in knowledge and thought between different worlds. But the act touched upon the contraindications set forth by the colorless Demon King, and he was slain, and Hasharukdecht was also executed as a show by the hands of Duvleoli.

Both great demons tried to resist their destiny to be crushed as pawns under the purple demon king, and went out and scattered in aggressive measures. I also feel that this situation is somewhere similar if you ask me.

"To move a person dominated by fear, all you have to do is drive more fear than that. It's a simple story, they're afraid Princess Yummies will cut them. So I made them understand the fear ahead."


"If you can fake yourself completely like the princes. Still, if you're just someone you're hiding, you can uncover enough with 'me' observations. In what position did you participate in evil and how did you satisfy your personal desires? After that, you should face it directly and pull it out with specific numbers and contents camouflaged with verbal skill. And at the end of the day, you say, 'You've done a terrible thing. Princess Yumez will hang you up without hesitation."

It is true that if we use the observation and speaking skills of our fellow countrymen, we will be able to speak as if we are really suppressing evidence. But is that all you really believe in?

"What are you going to do if you talk to Princess Yumez and other nobles?

"I can't talk to you. There's no way anyone in a dominant structure created by fear can ask their top opponents and those who are watching each other, 'What they say is true, did I really haunt you'"

I see. Even if you're lying about grabbing evidence, what you're saying is true.

To be in touch with Princess Yumies would be a suicide, and there is no way to consult with those who are watching over each other not to betray each other more than to be sure that the lie is a lie.

Princess Yumez is the kind of person who disposes of her men. If you do poorly, you're more likely to be cut, even if you're lying.

"What's left... is the way to get rid of the threat of Princess Yumez before she's cut..."

"Yes. They are all afraid of Yumies, but they are therefore trying with all their might to get out of Yumies' hands. I'm sure he'll present a lot of disguised evidence and somehow try to avoid just the worst ending"

"Worst of all... or..."

From an aristocratic standpoint, it is a state in which evidence of its own sins has been held back. If you do nothing, you will be judged unilaterally by the state. If you're just limited to Princess Yumez, it's still possible that you can push all that responsibility. Princess Yumez would surely scare the nobles if that was how it came.

When I get here, I can also read why I was the first to let the nobles report signs of a turnaround. I guess this is not to upset Princess Yumies, but to enlighten the aristocracy that there is movement between them.

If you try to press charges on your own, there is also the possibility that fear will prevail and stop moving. But seeing as the others move for their own protection, they shake that they should move, too.

If we were to make contact in half, we would use a relationship so strong that we could not work together in reverse...

"It's unlikely she'll be brought to justice if Yummies doesn't put out the bollocks herself."


"I didn't originally leave any evidence. Evidence prepared by the nobles who accuse them is all but ineffective. But more than this many nobles have betrayed me, Yumies' golden route is a devastating blow. I suppose you'll be reminded that I was dependent on the nobles."

What my countrymen did was as much as taught lies to many rulers at once. That's just it. Let the royal elite ruin the ground they've built over the years.

"... that's enough for Princess Yummies, right?

"Right. As for" I, "she kidnapped me and had a plan to give me a taste of the feelings of those to be sold... let's just say she didn't show the colour of reflection"

That would not be the case if it were not for compatriot entanglement, such as overreacting to a person's singular name. But don't make me feel any different. I guess the Ilias who are kept waiting are also feeling complicated inside by now.

"You were Prince Chissante next. I was calling Duvreoli back, but how are you going to set it up?

"Yumice sold Topala's information to a certain extent. I've kept it as long as I can, but I'm going to take a little more drastic measures on Chissante, who's directly darkened it."

"Is it going to be a fight?

"No, that won't happen. I rather don't need an escort." Me "and Chissante, we're going to finish talking alone."

My compatriots at this time of singleness don't have much power in their emotions. I suppose it's only natural to say that it's a standing position when you solemnly respond, but the soft smile that makes you look that sorry only feels creepy.

It's just that one thing is clear… the pernicious habit of not firmly explaining what is at the heart of any standing compatriot is alive and well.

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