"I got confirmation from Master Ukka! It was still stolen from the cathedral of Mejs, Dear Proverbs!

Lachra's report corroborated it. It was the crystal for communication, the secret technique of Yugra, that was among the things Chisante had concealed.

This crystal is inherently very tightly controlled, although it is commonly used here these days to keep in touch with the kings of other countries. In this world without telephone equipment, this item, which is capable of voice communication, can hold an overwhelming initiative in information warfare.

"It's something Lord Lachra has always had, so you can't imagine it's still valuable."

"Mix is terrible...... We have also confirmed that it was managed in the same place that was seized from Mr. Ritial's lair!

Larheit also used a crystal for communication when communicating with the dark parts of Mejs he sent to Tayz. There is no doubt that the place where it was kept was out of sight.

I also had a few sidelines with the Necthars as they were moving in and out of Mezis, some of which were probably used to do business with Chissante as well. Confidential information about our unfriendly neighbor, the more we want from the royal family, the more we can get our hands out of our throats. Before that, it was also a very useful item for drug smuggling, so it is very likely that it was actually used.

"It's nice to think that Chissante's men lurking around hide the rest of the crystal. You don't mind if I leave your search to Mezzis?

"Yes, that's what Ukka wanted me to tell you."

As a mezzis, I guess you want to deal with it on your own as a domestic matter. I can also imagine that I don't really want to sell my thanks to this side. If this looks like it, he's going to be hiding tools to look for crystals, too, and let's not touch it too much.

"By the way, my friend, are you okay with the paralysis poison?

"My body still feels a little tense, but you don't have a problem. I'm also taking the medication you prescribed me later, and I'll be fine."

"Above all, if my poison leaves me with sequelae, I'll have a lot of pain!

"I'm not responsible because I drank it myself. I'd rather be proud of my own arm, which is able to formulate a poison that can be properly detoxified"

"... uh, mistress?

Lachra raises her hand in a nasty manner. I know what you're trying to say, and I guess Mix's gaze from earlier thinks the same thing.

"I'm not going back for a little while. This is all personal."

By bringing out "I" in this way, the "I" experience will be shared with all standing positions. If that happens, 'I' will also suffer from nightmares. Then you'd better live as long as you stay "me" and get used to this traumatic fear experience.

When I switched to this, I gave a brief explanation. A few days have passed since then and it will be about time I wonder when I will be back.

"Really...... It seems scary and painful to get involved in the current script..."

"If that's all you can say in front of 'me', I don't think so..."

Although everyone has some bad feelings, I feel a lot closer to distance than before. I understand that's because my mind's distance from 'me' has narrowed, but I remain uncomfortable for perceptions as something I haven't experienced in 'me'.

But maybe this isn't a bad thing. Closer to the concept of multiple personality would allow the 'I' practical experience to be isolated as a more objective fact. When people ask me if I can be a multi-personality person with the most spiritual training, I'm not sure because I have a practical experience.

"But now we've also found Larheit's collaborators. Can I assume that you've already done what you do in this serende?

I don't know about that.

I don't want to worry about Ilias, but this is not a situation where everything can be resolved and appeased. There are still a few things left to be desired.

"... what do you mean?

"There was evidence of a deal between Chissante and Larheit, but the whole deal has not been revealed. We still think we have information we can squeeze out of Chissante."

I understand the depth of Chissante's greed. I'm pretty sure I'd also respond to a deal with someone who's only suspicious like Larkheit. But I'm not sure what the deal is about.

Although it is difficult to compare value with information on crystals for communications and sites that serve as hideouts, goods and information, it is uncomfortable for Larheit and Chissante to trade.

"Are you saying that there are other troublesome things that could be used to trade?"

"They don't have anything to do with it as far as I can tell from the neighborhood of Chisante."

The person in question is already under control. In the future Chisante, as a sinful royalty, will not be able to act badly. Then we should now consider other possibilities and be prepared to respond. With that in mind, Duvreoli showed up.

"Humans, there's an example man coming. A knight named Mourström. I keep my guests waiting."

"Okay. I'll be right there."

When I took Ilias and Wolfe to the guest room, there was a figure of Mourshut waiting for me as I sang his nose and enjoyed myself. Moorsht notices this one with a slightly inclined neck but an immediate look as if a point had been made.

"I see, I see. That's how you switched. But are you okay? You look pretty burdensome."

"I'm going to have moved to be better than being shredded with jiri. And then you'll be able to slow down."

"Really? Sleeping tight?

Mourshut walks over here and peeks' me 'in the face up close. The illusion that the point of view seems a little off, no. Has this really changed what you see?

When he looks at people, he sees the whole thing as if it were a single picture. But now I make observations as if I were going to do a check-up with a normal person.

"Even though I'm prepared for some trouble sleeping. There's been a lot going on here."

"Sounds like it. Specifically, it's refreshing, but it's sensational. Good."

Moursht sits on the couch and slaps the next seat several times. I'd like to sit in opposite form if I could, but I don't have a reason to say no, so I'm going to sit in that place. I think I'm just a little envious of Mourshut, who looks happy with that alone.

"I guess we're going home to Tays in a little while, huh? I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll come back to see you. Washekt will ask you out, too."

"By the way, if you want, what if I told you I'd follow you...?

Ilias and Wolfe would not be the only ones who reacted to that word. But 'I' shakes his head quietly beside him.

"You won't. As long as Hilmera is a princess, you pass through as her knight. I don't think that stubbornness will shake even in the words of 'me' or 'me'."

Moorsht's charm lies in his emotional hiccups. Just as he favors the hiccups of Ilias as a knight, he wants to have a pure yearning for the hiccups of Moursht's emotions.

He decides he will surely return the favor picked up by Hilmera. There's no pride there as a knight, just the innocence of being able to respect your connection as a person for granted.

"... I'm glad. I can't believe you understand that much. Both of you take a good look at me."

"Even if you stand in a different position, it won't change your opinion of you."

"A tour of the ruins won't be enough, so I'll show you the view and all. You see, in your spare time, you're walking around in Serende."

"Oh, the next time I see you, I want you to show me the sights you love"

For a while, after talking about no other love, Moorsht returned with a satisfied face. For him now, I guess this was the best breakup ever.

Depending on who sees it, Mourscht can sometimes look crazy. That's because people are creatures who can change their decisions due to a variety of factors. Being that doesn't falsify itself no matter what, sometimes even goes beyond understanding.

But without falsifying my feelings for 'me' or 'me', you won't be able to dislike this man for leaving me innocent.

The grief about Topala is also being passed on to 'me'. Still, what I got in this serende wasn't all bad.

It's not something your father rarely calls you. Because that's only when you call me as a princess and you tell me as a king.

You've never done anything to me purely as a father, but I'm not going to be dissatisfied with that either, fine dust. Instead, if they did that, I'm sure I wouldn't have been in the world already. Because if your father tries to blind you, it will be perceived as the next king.

- Looks like we're all here.

There is no sign of Chissante and Yumies. It's just me and Brother Washekt, and three of Noufsa, who are called here. The meaning of this word, which refers to those two being the ones who have fallen off, really makes me feel better.

"That, Father. If it's about Brother Chisante or Sister Yummies, it's still a while..."

"It's not about that today. To tell him who will be king of Selende."

Your brothers swallow their words into the words of their father, who faintly gets to the point. The story of the next king is so much more important than the royal scandal.

"If they were my children, I wouldn't even say it now...... let me speak here in the same way as my predecessors. What is required of the king of Serende is the power to protect the country and the people. Even if we expose ourselves to irrational malice, we must have the ability to survive."

This battle for succession to the throne is like training to defend the country as a king. Your father says that all the people here have lost their mothers on the stage prepared by this man, but that's why we have to do that.

You can't just scorn that as crazy. Because I understand the value of this feud more than I am learning the difficulty of guiding people and keeping their country rich.

"Chisante and Yumies chose to gain inhumane power. I'm not going to cut that off as stupid. But he who exposes himself to the loss of humanity does not deserve to be king....... Noufsa"

"Yes. What is it"

"You did not aspire to be king yourself, you did your best for your country, and you stood around so that whoever became king could dedicate your own future to this country. I originally thought Chissante or Yumies would help and govern this country. Am I right?

"... Exactly"

"Then why did you do it during the ritual?


Yes, this is Noufsa's secret. I had no intention of pawning myself for the sake of this man from the beginning. I was taking on all the chores and selling in my value as a pawn also all because I survive.

During rituals with the realm of your father's administration, there will be rituals of succession to the throne. This man was trying to convert it into an execution site. When the scheme was activated, it collapsed during the ritual, and detailed work was under way to ensure that all those present on the spot were underneath the rubble.

What I noticed about that was that in my other, unloved story with Brother Washekt, it was disconnected that the topic between the rituals had come up.

During the ritual, altars excavated from the ruins and so on are used, and your brother, who has a great deal of heat in the ruins, has previously lectured for several hours on their virtues.

I remembered the story of that time as I passed near him, sneaking into the midst of a ritual that was usually forbidden to enter or leave in some mood. And then I realized that the altar that I saw and what your brother told me was happening.

It can't be that your brother taught me the wrong knowledge. So I kept investigating the matter confidentially and was able to find out about the craftsmanship that had been set up during the ritual.

"You went through a little bit of detail during inspections several times a year, and you were getting ready without being suspicious of your surroundings. Not publicly, but I'm pretty sure it was you, huh?

"... yes, definitely"

I'm surprised you admitted it lightly, but if you gave up on not being able to hide things from your father, you just don't feel ugly about not scratching them for nothing.

"Beyond what has happened, I have no choice but to choose those who are somewhat inferior but who have built up their efforts for the good of the country just like you, rather than those who planned to assassinate me, the king, as king.... Washekt, I am going to choose you as the next king of Selende"

I can desperately indulge in a mouth that makes me feel like I'm about to get laid. But I can't be happier. My brother will be king of this country. Get everything in this country. Because that's what happened in front of me now!

I don't know what to say and congratulate you, I'm sure your brother will be happy with any word, but there are many words you want to choose. I don't know about turning it into a song, maybe a little shy, but I'm sure it'll be heartfelt for your brother -

"... Father. I would like to decline."


Before I understood the meaning of the word, I felt the heat of my body, which was exalting, cool at once. What's your brother doing now? Want to quit......? Why, why would you do that?

"Let me ask you why"

"It's a matter of fine work during the ritual, but I'm also involved. This is what Brother Chissante, Sister Yumies, and Father, planned with me and Brother Noufsa to kill you. If Brother Noufsa is to be stripped of his throne inheritance seat in the matter, I am not qualified to do so again."

That can't be right. Washekt, there can't be anything about your brother and Noufsa joining hands. Because because of Noufsa, Brother Washekt's mother died, and because of that, Brother Washekt's heart was broken.

Brother Washekt knew that Noufsa was an enemy within him, he was looking it up. There can't be such a fool to work with someone who took something important from you!

"You did that... are you going to make amends?

"That's right. I was murdered my mother and I just leaned down in sadness. That way we can escape this feud. If I didn't want to get involved anymore, I was just thinking about that. But still, I'm still a prince, and reality has stuck with more brutal consequences."

No, brother. You're not, it's not your fault. I know everything, so I don't resent you.

"... Rosa, huh"

Rosa-Serende. The name of the mother who gave birth to me. That man was a kind mother who loved me, but that man resented your father. Tailoring your own husband to a sinner, killing your father.

That's why your mother was trying to make me king. And the biggest gap, Washekt, who just lost his mother, tried to assassinate your brother... self-destruct.

He was witnessed by a maid who tried to lure his brother out and stab him with his own hands, and hit the maid with a disturbing quote. And after rubbing together, my prepared blade stabbed me in the throat......

I looked into this thoroughly, of course. I found out where the maid had already quit and let her use the brainwashing magic to wash that fact out and spit it out.

It was sad, but it was given up that no one should resent it. But Brother Washekt apologized that it was his fault. When I was about to be killed, and I killed myself, I looked like I was going to cry.

"Denying that I was a prince didn't accept me around. Even if I'm just alive, this resentment continues to arise. So as a prince, I decided to move to make Brother Noufsa king, who decided that he should be king."

That's not true! Of all these royalties, Washekt, I don't want you to deserve a king more than your brother!

"Why do you think Noufsa deserves a king?

"I don't even have to think about it. In this ugly feud, only Brother Noufsa thinks about the future of the country. I want to live with my sister and the ruins more than the future of my country."

Brother Washekt laughed quietly. That was a genuine laugh you showed me when I was alone.

"... would be good. Then Noufsa, the next king entrusts you."

"Yes, I understand. So..."

Noufsa kept talking about something, but the contents of it didn't get to me at all. I've only worked so hard for my brother so far, but I've thought about it so much, thought about it, and said I've come this far so that I can get my brother back what he lost...

When I realized it, I was stunned in my room. I don't even remember what footsteps I came back this far. My knees were rubbing off a little to see if I fell at any point.

"Why... why... brother..."

Washekt, if your brother becomes king, I'm sure this country will be a wonderful country. I was so sure that I could get this far without getting lost.

Even though everything was going well to get rid of what was likely to be your brother's obstacle, to try to interfere with the other princes...

Will I come up with a word that reminds me of your brother's face that I can change the way my brother speaks from the bottom of my heart? I'm sure I can't, because I'm just a sister to protect for your brother. Words arrive, but I'm sure they'll just be forgiven for their kind words.

But that's not enough. Doesn't make sense. I want my brother to have everything.

"... well, right"

I quickly figured out what I could do even at a time like this because of the royal blood in me.

I have a slight aversion, but I don't care now. You came up with something to do, so you just have to do it the way you always do. You've done well before, so I'm sure you can.

"Then all you have to do is give it to your brother directly from me"

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