"Ekdoyk, two more coming from the rear!

Something foolishly offensive and something that interrupts between attacks as you circle around. The movements of the beast undead are close to that of the hunt.

We are well on our way to the hangar of siege weapons. But when I move linearly, they really catch up with me the way I move.

Fortunately, the aim is completely narrowed by me, no, Prince Noofsa I have. So there is room for 'Ethereal' and Mary to get ahead and set simple traps using ropes and such.

In the timing of being caught up soon enough, a rope stretched from the rear ground emerges, entangling the legs of the beast's undead. The leg itself cannot be pulled to avoid a fall, since some evil path would be a healthy leg that would not be anything.

"Good for you, María! I need you to head to the next location!


Stop while conscious to avoid being surrounded, including travel to narrow alleys. At this rate, we're likely to make it to the hangar of the siege weapon. With that in mind, Noufsa, who was somehow thinking with a bump and a grunt, clung to my shoulder.

"Isn't it any faster?

"Right, if you can use magic, you can still go..."

"Well, it doesn't taste good as it is. This is not a residential area, but an area with a lot of facilities owned by the state. Inevitably, the building is spaced wider apart. At this rate, they'll catch up there."

Sure, I haven't been caught by the beast undead because I can move up and down. The guys have some jumping power, but they don't have the lightness to jump around building roofing.

However, due to the convenience of moving siege weapons, etc., the distance between roads and buildings increases the speed of movement of the people, and this one takes the form of a drop.

"Then we'll stay here, and we'll..."

"That's a fool. Are those two in a weaker position than you for not being able to use magic? If Hilmera had hidden the demon seal stone in the hangar, he would undoubtedly be deploying one or two of the beast's undead"

"... that means I need to carry you to the hangar and draw attention to you, including the undead there"

But it needs to keep us from getting caught up in the rear by the undead of the beast.

The trap Mary and the others set is only to help, but not to inhibit the movement of all of those individuals. Something else, I just want my hand.

"- I can't help but screw around. Drop yourself off at the same time the compartment changes."

As it is said, when Nufsa is unloaded at the point where the compartment is switched, Nufsa exerts magic enhancements on his own body. There is no precipitation in the flow of magic, and it seems to be loaded with appropriate workouts. Noufsa removed the simple armor that was worn on her body even more and threw the smaller sword on her hips at me.

"Can you run?

"It's been a few years since I've moved my body, but about this distance would be too much. I'll run as hard as I can without looking behind me, so you all stop."

"I don't mind that...... what are you going to do after you move the compartment?

"Some rooms in the hangar are built somewhat sturdy. Run in there and pull till it's over."

That said Noufsa ran out. Much slower than the Knights of Tays and the skilled adventurers, but still at a rate clearly different from that of ordinary people. If this stops the undead coming after us a few times, Noufsa will be able to reach the hangar.

"'Aye'! Mary! You can't use my method of travel from here on out! We'll buy you some time before Noufsa gets to the hangar!

"Ugh!? That prince can run so fast!?

The walls named Private House, which had been built to line up, disappeared, and the beast undead rushed one after the other to Noufsa. We don't even have eyes near it. But that's convenient for us.

Throw the chains in two places simultaneously, each entangled in a different undead leg. The two undead fell by letting each other pull their legs with each other's leg strength.

Immediately recover the chain and go to jamming the following individuals. Chains alone can't make it, then pull out the sword deposited from Noufsa and slide into the foot of the undead. Cut off one leg at the same time as making it fall.

"Keh, I'm not good with swords..."

"To the point of slashing the beast's leg, then. Mary, please do the same! Something's jamming 'the sky' too!

"Wow, I know!

While doing this, the beast undead appear one after the other, trying to strike Noufsa.

Meliá is the front, and I cut off and obstruct the legs of the individuals coming towards me as I move to the left and right. "Ethereal," while riding the suede, threw the oiled pot recovered from the private house in the direction of travel and caused it to fall.

The jamming itself is not that difficult. However, there was a limit to how many of them were dealt with.

"Eh! Excuse me, Mr. Ekdoyk! I'm out!

"Mary, I've lost three of them!

entangle chains in individuals who tried to slip through them so as to sew between them and pull their own bodies. Approaching with the momentum of hand-winning the chains, he broke off his diving leg to his feet. Two left, throw the chains...

"Oh, far away! Prince Noofsa!

If magic could have been used, there would have been no limit, but the length of the chain is finite now. The chains that tried to tangle cut the sky, and the undead of the two beasts that escaped approached behind Noufsa.

"- You don't seem to have enough men. Let's just say I give you a hand."

A huge rock poured over the heads of the undead who were behind Noufsa. Did you marvel at the boulder for the shock, and Noufsa stopped his foot abruptly.

"The one that broke the walls..."

"The weapon in the hangar, but I borrowed it a little. I'd appreciate it if you didn't find me guilty because I use it for this country. Although it is a minor matter because it is in the original position of being nominated."

"Are you... REAL-ZENTRY!?

It was definitely Real-Zentry who showed up before us. How could they have come back after losing to us and fleeing this Serende...

"It's just purposeful behavior, Ekdoyk. These kinds of help can create great concessions for him to work with in the future."

"... Huh! They're still coming!

"I don't think it's a problem. We already have the hangar. Because there are kids who know more about space than anyone else and are better at manipulating things than anyone else."

The big rock that continues to fly crushes the beast undead precisely. I didn't know you could strike a blow from a siege weapon at a beast that is making a rampage from that distance... well, is there Morali and Comija?

Morali is out of spatial awareness, Comija is out of ability to interfere with matter, and hence dexterity. Can such divine work be performed by combining talents beyond the ordinary?

"Real, you said you got the hangar, didn't you? I mean, there was no magic stone there."

"Realism to get right to the point is quick and helpful. So we read each other off. Well, in our case, it's a judgment based on the assumption that we'll use siege weapons. Shall we move to the hangar first? I'm sure they're right, but when we're here, we can rub our nerves off."

The subsequent undead are also crushed by one big rock after another, and the majority of their bodies cannot be successfully regenerated by the underlying rock. Even if it can't be completely restrained, this will help us disable it for a while.

"Hey Smyths, just load the next one. They're still coming this way, and some of them got out of under the rocks."

"You know, it's pretty hard to lift a rock with just magic enhancements!? If you want to be great, give me a hand!

Upon arrival in the hangar after the Real, there was Morali and Comija operating the Siege weapon, beside which was the figure of Smythos, who was desperately rolling the rock.

"No more fights for both of us...... Huh! E, Ekdoyk! Good! You're safe!

"Oh Komiha, don't look around. Aim properly. Distance is futamal futamal futamal. Nana and Lochni to the right now."

"No problem! Eh!"

Comija fine-tuned and a new rock was released. The rock drew a parabola and let the beast undead, which seemed far away, crush brilliantly. It seems like a mechanism to strike out a giant rock with the elasticity of a line, but it strikes out this massive mess of weapons with precision, as if it were a skilled bow. Besides, waving at me...

"Shh, that's awesome Comiha..."

"Eh heh... not so much! Oh, but after about three more hits, this won't work anymore. Smythos, bring it from the next guy hangar!

"If you're going to stop using that, you're free too!? Why do you let me work all the time?

"'Cause Smyths is the only one in this who can enhance his magic enough to be in melee."

Smythos, who was previously captured before he fought and didn't even get a chance to fight, but according to the story, he's good enough for close proximity to get a team on his Yasteto opponent. I feel something close to the knight of Tayz in his magic enhancement.

"Even Morali can do it!?

"I also do the perimeter vigilance in parallel. If you can recognize the situation around here without detective magic, you can do it instead."

"Oh, already! Why aren't there any male Yasteto and Archreal at this time?!?

They talk like they always do, even though Serende's home country is like this. I don't know how mentally calm you are, but I guess it's the influence of realism like no other that keeps it.

"By the way, Ekdoyk, haven't you seen Yasteto?

"No, I haven't seen it... is he here too?

"I've asked him to keep an eye on Serende. I came to pick you up, but this magical seal of stone prevented Morali's transfer magic from moving to the rendezvous point."

"I see... that man wouldn't take unconsciousness for a coarse undead, but then I guess he's acting in some way"

Yasteto is the man among his fellow Realists who could see things in a step back position. If that man is acting under this circumstance, that would be to clean this up.

"In Yasteto's character, I thought we'd rendezvous around the Hark Dock where we know where he is. Harkdock and Masetta, you said you hadn't seen Yasteto."

"Huh! You met the Hark Docks!?

"Oh, while I was on my way to this country, I met Hark Doc, who was walking in charge of you, Masetta. They were both severely ill, so we're letting Tsudhari take them outside the affected area of the Enchanted Stone for treatment."

I was relieved to hear that the two of them were safe, but at the same time, questions arose. Hark Doc and Masetta were seriously ill? It's hard to imagine lagging behind the normal undead even in situations where those two can't use magic.

I also thought about the raid of the beast undead, but the beast undead that was around there should have been almost straight to Noufsa's.

"... who attacked the two of you?

"I heard from Harkdock that it was the work of a man named Moorsht. You know the man well, don't you?

I heard the name and felt a little complicated. This situation was caused by Hilmera, and perhaps Moursht, his escort, is also acting to plunge this country into chaos for Hilmera.

My countrymen said. If Princess Hilmera is going to be our enemy, Moorsht will be our enemy without hesitation.

But Mourshut, whom I have seen, liked his compatriots and wished from the bottom of his heart to get along with them.

How the hell is that man in the mood, walking in this country?

"We need to head to the material vault next time there's no more demon sealing stones in the hangar."

"That's what I want to do, mountains, but that beast undead is after you, Prince Noofsa, isn't it? Siege weapons are not easy to turn around, and they can't carry as many rocks as they launch. Some number needs to be reduced while we're here."

We are powerless one beast undead after another, but that is because we have achieved more than we should with the talent of Yugra's fallen son, the Siege Weapon of the Selende Nation.

The Komikhas are alive and well with their talents as droppers, but they can't use magic to take advantage of it. Fighting the beast undead from the front is no different from ours.

"Then I will stay here. While I'm attracted..."

"I can't drink that suggestion. We need good people to rebuild this Serende ahead of us. Unless someone can act as your understudy, there is no more action to save this country than to protect you."

"... I have no choice. Then we'll just have to reduce the numbers."

Princess Hilmera, who caused this commotion, is out of the question, Prince Chisante or Princess Yumies, who was running to his own greed, is not fit. The present King Selende and Washekt are still in an uncertain state of safety.

If you are thinking about the future of this Serende, as Ritial says, you should ask Noufsa to refrain from actions such as putting her life on hold.

"You've made up your mind. First, we focus on the disabling of the undead of the beast that is gathering in this place. If you're lucky, Yasteto will work with someone else and destroy the Demon Seal Stone... well, it's an aspiration that contains more expectations. Morali, Comija, Smythos, I'm gonna get you a little harder."

"Yes! Dear Real! If you order, I'll do whatever it takes! Hey, Smyths, let's get ready for next."

"Isn't that why you're making me work so hard all the time!? Ekdoyk, you have to help!

"Oh, oh."

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