Climb the tower where Princess Hilmera is supposedly located. I'm all set and all I have to do is stop her after...... but the air is heavy.

His strategy is a must-win measure that understands the opponent's movements as if he were his partner for a decade and even directs his actions. If you're ready, all you have to do is see the results later.

Yet I feel mixed signs of anxiety from him. Instead of having an element of uncertainty, we are anxious to deal with the element of certainty.

... you don't have to get lost. I just have to stay with me and follow his instructions. Because my movement like mine is the shard that completes his strategy.

Try to wield magic at hand and build simple magic. I try to build magic every certain amount of time because someone fighting downtown could possibly remove the demon seal stone......!

"- Magic is available. Someone seems to have succeeded in destroying the demon seal."

"You were quicker than I thought. Was the Demon Seal Stone in the vault of the Siege Weapon or did someone single and head to the Materials Vault... I guess the latter"

"You had an idea where the demon seal stone was?

"The purpose of Hilmera is to give this country a painful hand. Then it would also be in the plan to multiply this noise and dispose of the material. If you dispose of the materials in the country, it will be a place to hide big things."

The siege weapon to be used when attacking and the material to be used to defend the attack, it would certainly be the material that is lost and in trouble under this circumstance.

I'd like to get some information, but it's Master Mix who has the crystal for communication. We must continue to follow this commotion in isolation.

"I appreciate that magic is now available, but that's something I can also tell Princess Hilmera. There will be resistance by necromancy. Like not too far away from me."

"I don't have that many problems with Princess Hilmera. Instead, I'm thankful that magic is now available."

I tilted my head a little towards his words. I can use basic magic, but I don't do much fighting utilizing magic. It's not that magic can be used reflexively, like Lachra, or because we can't maintain both normal attack and magic at a high standard, like Ekdoyk.

I wonder how far he is looking ahead to developments. Has a visionary light that some people feel as if they are looking at the future, but does he cloud his expression worrying about the consequences?

"... the door. I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Kick the door that showed up at the end of the stairs and go inside. A room made on a tall tower, surrounded by works of art, etc. Some of them were covered with large cloths, whose presence emitted a strange sense of intimidation. Just in case you use detective magic, there was only one reaction.

This place looks like a place to do some work, with high ceilings and wide enough space in the center.

Inside that space was the figure of Princess Hilmera, who was writing a single pen and facing Ethel.

"It was unlocked. The Knight of Tayz is in trouble."

"Princess Hilmera...... Huh!

"Welcome to my atelier, my lord. I thought you were the first one to show up at this place."

Princess Hilmera stood up and pointed Ethel who was pointing the brush toward this one. The painting that was being put up by Ethel, and what was being painted there was a man's bust. It has the uniqueness to feel distorted, and it has been conveyed that that would be Prince Washekt's painting.

But more concerned than that is the smell drifting in this room. It's obviously the smell of blood mixed with the oil paint stuff.

"What do you think? The red with your father's blood looks very good, don't you think?


Knowing who the smell of blood is, her spine freezes on Princess Hilmera's gentle smile. This princess put her father in her hand, and even her eyelashes are like this...

I had never really felt it before, but I saw her now and understood that it was definitely she who created this tragic situation.

"So, what are you here to do? Your knight is a warrior, but he doesn't feel like he's killing or hostile."

"... right. Honestly, I don't think I have much hostility towards you."

"Oh, you'll notice as much as you've been used. You're sweet, my lord. So, you came to convince me?

"If it's possible, I'd like you to put this situation in place."

Princess Hilmera removed the painting from Ethel and placed it on a table a little further away. And I turned straight to this one, and spoke with an emotional, non-emotional smile.

"Do you want to persuade me? What kind of words do you use to try to convince me? Your brother doesn't want that, like your father or Chissante, when your brother grieves, do you teach me that with such understanding?

I had also heard that the news of Prince Chisante and Princess Yumies was unknown, but probably already......

Princess Hilmera is causing this commotion for her beloved Prince Washekt. If I'm going to persuade you, I'm still going to have to poke at that point......

Prince Chisante or King Serende would surely have been able to persuade him wiser than I am. Still couldn't convince Princess Hilmera...... Would he be able to do it...... but no one can see the other elements that can be used to persuade him.

"Persuasion? I won't, persuasion is an act of persuasion. You're moving to get what's best for you, and you can't get 'me' any more."

I wasn't the only one flattered by his words. Princess Hilmera also sees a mixture of surprise emotions in that smile.

"... although it feels like words and actions are not aligned?

"Really? Your purpose is almost achieved. [M] Now I understand it doesn't make sense where I've done something to you."

He moved up to where Princess Hilmera had been painting until earlier and took the brush he had placed there.

"It's a long-used brush, but you're worn out ahead. You must have treated me so abusively in one day. You did your best to show 'me' how insane you are."


"You're not crazy. Everything you're doing is pretending to be insane."

Princess Hilmera's expression solidifies in his words. He reveals its inner face with such a quiet expression to Princess Hilmera.

"You needed to make yourself look crazy. Even if you tilt the country and create an opportunity for Washekt to succeed to the throne, fear that you, who were drowned by Washekt, could hang unwanted suspicions on him in the mastermind. That's why I acted madly to prove that I did it entirely by myself. Chisante and Yumies may be dead, but I wonder if the outgoing King Serende is kept alive somewhere in captivity?

He puts his brush down and looks around. There are stone statues and so forth arranged by the way in the ruins that were in Serende.

"You say funny things, my lord. I'm not saying I'm crazy, I'm pretending I'm crazy."

"I already know the motive. I know the reason you stood up is for Washekt, but it's actually for your own satisfaction. You want to dedicate yourself to Washect, just like you did to Washect, don't you?

"... yes, you know that much"

"Hilmera, I knew you had special feelings for Washekt since I first met you. I guess you were attracted to Washekt's devotion, huh?

I was wondering if Princess Hilmera's relationship with Prince Washekt and Prince Washekt was more about drowning her sister, but Princess Hilmera also had feelings for Prince Washekt beyond her sibling ties again...

They were asking me that far, but I don't know what underlies it either. I guess it's the realm of his speculation, but it comes from the change in Princess Hilmera's appearance that it is true.

"Washekt abandoned the prince's position competing for the seat of the next king, but he continued to be on your absolute side. You have been struck by that unmistakable devotion, and you have admired it. But you were in a hurry. [M] You have no direct blood connection to King Serende. It is a position considered ineligible for succession to the throne even from the surrounding eyes. You had no place to offer."

His eyes, as usual, are deep and deep, with eyes as if they were trying to take in the other person. He speaks as he chooses words to shake her emotions, not just to reveal Princess Hilmera's true intentions.

Now he calls himself 'me'. At this time he disturbs the other person's mind as if he lacks what he said was a human being. Now he speaks of the mood, as if he were Princess Hilmera.

"You've figured out a way to dedicate yourself to him in every way. But Washekt didn't accept it. There were times when you received it, but you couldn't devote yourself to it in such a way that you were convinced!

A playful way of talking as if complaining about the anguish in your heart. Is he revealing and provoking Princess Hilmera's true intentions like a dove? At least Princess Hilmera's face doesn't have a grin that contains room anymore. It's a look that recognises his horrors once again and is alert.

"That's why you wanted Washekt to be king. With you taking back what he threw away, I thought I'd make it a little bit more reciprocal. But the plan never even came true. This is your last chance. [M] To give back what you received from Washekt, so that you may bear all your sins, abandon everything and devote yourself to Him."

"- Yes, I understand why Moorsht liked you. Well, like your brother, I want to give you back what you gave your brother. I've just lived with that in mind. I don't mind if I end up here. Yeah, it should be over."

Princess Hilmera laughed. Not the smile I've ever seen, but the serene grin out of my heart. He admitted that what he said was correct and seemed to reopen it without delusion.

"My brother is everything to me. Like your brother did for me, I want to throw everything away too and do it for your brother. Is that why you want to laugh?

"Not really. I understand, and I empathize. I'm sure he would have done something similar if he was in the same situation as you."

"Oh, you're sweet."

"But I wouldn't have let Washekt give the throne to Noufsa in the first place."


Even dull me could clearly see his words pierced Princess Hilmera.

"I'm not going to deny you, but I'll point out your fallacy. As a result of your overdeification of Washekt, you were hesitant to make an appeal to his heart. I never really tried to get to know his heart."

"That's not true."

"If you look at Washekt, you'll see. He was drowning on you, but it's not like he's been affected by you. You didn't do well to be in a position to be loved, and you didn't have the courage to step into his heart. He hated me a little, but I was trying to change him."

Angry emotions float in Princess Hilmera's face. I came here to understand the meaning of his rhetoric. In response to Princess Hilmera, who says Prince Washekt is everything, when he leads Prince Washekt better, he understands, he is trying to surpass what she has dedicated.

If this were just someone else in red, I'm sure the words wouldn't have sounded right now. But it is difficult to deny the words of the present to those who understood themselves and even had empathy.

"... what do you want to do by provoking me? You want to get caught off guard? You don't have to worry about it. I don't think you can beat the knight there."

Looking at Princess Hilmera as she thought she was going to storm...... she took the earthwhistle out of her nostalgia. I don't feel any magical elements, but if I take them out in this phase, I have to be vigilant.

As she stepped out in front of him and asked how she was doing, Princess Hilmera started with a dirt whistle. Then the object, which was thought to be a work of art placed around him, moves out and its cloth falls off.

That's the beast undead I saw earlier. The number is well surrounded by ten. You mean you can lurk without making a single noise if you are completely silent because you are originally a corpse?

Because they didn't even respond to detective magic, these undead seem to be able to retain even the magical power in their bodies perfectly. It's not the most important thing that I care about.

"It doesn't matter if the demon seal is destroyed, you've been teaching it to move with sound."

"Better stay away from the stuff that's inadvertently placed. With lurking, it doesn't even seem to catch on to detective magic."

"That's all the kids we have for this place. You don't have to kill him, but you'll have some resistance. I won't spare you."

The sound of the next whistle makes the undead jump in unison.

Princess Hilmera hasn't tried to take me down from the start. Then there's only one thing he's after. If you are attacked at the same time by a maneuverable enemy, it will be hard inside to fight while protecting him.

However, it is no longer under the influence of the magic seal stone, so purifying magic can be imparted to the sword.


Take charge of him and fly over the head of the undead, which was looming from the rear side. Strangle yourself and land on the ground. Playback has not... done. Whatever the beast, it doesn't change that it's undead, and purifying magic seems to work.

Set up your sword and look out for the undead. As soon as possible for him, we need to end this fight.

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