"There was a little talk, but the story is just as I explained"

First he explained to those who gathered that Yugra was resurrected, and that Yugra was about to do something to this world, and that his friends were on their way with the Colorless Demon King to stop it.

"Why didn't your brother stop your friend!? Believe in the words of that colorless demon king and ride the invitation, etc."

"Calm down, Mix. A friend noticed for herself and received a suggestion. Do you think I or the Golden Demon King didn't disagree in the first place? It will be decided."

"If this is a 'colorless' trap, he didn't ride it. I didn't go selling fights to Yugra, so you don't have to worry about it that much."

"Are you serious? Is that Yugra? A man who laughs at his own convenience and snaps his neck?

"... Dijoubjaro"

Seeing the Golden Demon King speaking in one word out of sight, his surrounding expression solidifies. Can this fox demon king only say things that make him anxious around?

"My friend who was doing the analysis said. Yugra said she was in a mood, self-absorbed, unwilling to get people involved, and a kind of race that didn't make sense."

"Exactly, but isn't that why it's a problem?

"Well yes..."

"'Aye,' don't break your hips on the story. Do it. Marito is trying to tell us why his compatriots are on their way."

"Wow, I know! From the guy who knows Yugra, how much he's flying..."

The demon kings also feel their mouths spinning more than usual when Yugra is involved. From their point of view, Yugra is a longer relationship than the rest of us here.

"But my friend also said: Yugra says he is unique, but he is acting with logical thought. It's not impossible to interact with that thought."

"... I was able to talk to you properly?

"Could it be" Black "and" Bea "? It's just the magic field, though, right?

"Anyway! Friends don't have orders to challenge them without a chance. At least I understood Yugra better than anyone else here, and I headed for it with hope."

I can't help but worry about the inside. But you have to play that role as your best friend more than asking your friend to 'keep your anxiety well reduced'.

But although I tried to impress you, everyone has a lighter color of anxiety than I imagined. I thought Sir Ratzel, Wolfe, etc. were particularly special, but I feel like I said it was better than I thought.

If my friend just got home from Serende was in the same situation, I'm sure this wouldn't happen. At least during the days I was resting, I guess I was making an effort to ease their worries amicably.

"Because I also said I would contact you as soon as possible. If" No Color "is cooperating, as soon as I get in touch with you -"

"Whoa. I brought them right away. Thank you, Golden Daughter."

"... can you give me something a little more heraldic?

"You know, this is advanced metastatic magic, right? I purposefully erased the omen. Well, it's physical."

If you do use metastatic magic in action, the perception inhibition you feel as if you were there from the start would be very effective. I can't help but delay the response. It is no exaggeration to call it a special move from the transcendents who decide to fight in a moment.

No, it means more colorless demon kings have appeared than that. My friend is still at Yugra's. It means there's a reason you can't go home.

"If you have a message, say it immediately. I'm not gonna talk to you amicably."

"Ooh, you're in the mood. For now, it's a progress report. In short, the man mounted a place to discuss it with Yugra. You're still talking in front of me, but I don't suppose it's going to kill you like this. I didn't blow up a fight all of a sudden."

The gaze of the colorless demon king who speaks that way doesn't look like someone here is pouring it on someone who isn't here. The Golden Demon King was using his minute body, letting only his spirit come and go between Gahne and Tayz, but could this man handle two bodies at the same time?

"... right"

"The battle is challenging."

"What are you doing? He is!?

There were a few who were trying to speak out in the same way, but because I spoke out before anyone else, I was left to scream alone. I suppress in the mood that I'm about to blush and cough lightly.

"I know how you feel. But this is a necessary battle for both of you."

"... what do you mean?

As the colorless Demon King told his friends, he explained to everyone what Yugra was trying to do.

Use space-time magic to go back to the past and overturn history. Whatever the consequences, the world today will be heavily affected by it and repainted with new history.

"It's too big for a pin..."

"Isn't it a child's idea to go back and start over because it didn't work!?

"As the Ethereal Ghost put it, Yugra's idea is simple and childish. But he has the power to make it happen. I do it because I can. How about you guys? If you've ever regretted being a demon king, I don't think it's a bad story."

Honestly, there is no sense in being explained. Historical alterations without examples done in the past. But the more speculative the outcome, the more desperate the future awaits only for those who live today.

"I'm not kidding! Well, I've had the worst thoughts, but that's what we've been through so desperately!? And don't call me a ghost!

"Heh, I've always wanted to die..."

"I might have agreed with the 'pale' as it was then. If that story is true in the first place, the concubines will die as human beings without ever becoming demon kings. My concubines already wish to live in this world."

He smiles quietly when the purple demon king doesn't have to answer. If history changes, there will be no black demon king, and no friend will be called to this world. Without the presence of a friend, there is no point in her living this present day.

"It doesn't matter if you guys are the reason to live now. I guess the battle that that man challenged is an action to leave this world behind, but at the same time it is something that approaches doom. I have no idea how that guy ended up thinking about it and mentioning that... well, I guess it's definitely better than disappearing without you guys being able to do anything"

"... what the hell is the battle my friend challenged Yugra to?

Sure, if we don't do anything like this, Yugra will change history and maybe our existence will disappear. That's why it's impossible to get rid of Yugra to these people who live now. I'm sure you won't be able to even have Hyah, who was born as Yugra's successor.

My friend challenged Yugra to battle, including something like that. Then all we can do is die for our friends as pawns in that battle.

But in this world where Yugra has lost her untrained, is there any reason why she might want to take the battle? If you're right, don't you wish to return to the past as soon as possible?

"- Yugra also had to think about boulders. If you ask me to complete my revenge on my black sister."

Keep an eye on Yugra and that 'Earthlings' as they make progress reports on their bodies for the minute they send them to Tays.

I also delivered the message that the man told me once. They didn't seem to understand the truth, either, but they knew what was going to happen.

Once the story is over, information will already be spread to all the big countries. It also equals no respite of time. Somehow the worst demon king in history is resurrected and attacked by the human world.

"Then let's recheck the contents of the battle. I wonder if this should be called liquidation rather than a battle"

"Oh. I can't convince you to go back in time and start all over again, to stop. There is no right because it is outside the scope of the law, and it is impossible to stop it by force. So make a suggestion. He wants you to respect the will of the Black Demon King that you leave in this world."

Now my black sister's soul has been transferred to this man about a shard, but Big Book is on the Black Demon King Killer Mountain. Trapped in revenge for man, he continues to wait for the time of liberation with resentment.

Yugra concluded that she could no longer save her current black sister. So I'm trying to go back in time and space magic and make sure that there wasn't every tragedy my black sister experienced.

"If I go back in time and change her future, the pathetic she is now will cease to exist. I don't think that's enough. I don't want her to destroy the world."

"But you gave the Black Demon King the power to destroy the world. I took the opportunity to take revenge on it. If you stay like this, you will abandon her while you betray the Black Demon King of this world."

"Though I think it's a matter of how to perceive it. But I'm pretty sure it'll leave a bad aftertaste."

"As you are possessed and dreamed of, you definitely keep resenting you."

I don't feel any hostility or aversion to Yugra, backed up by a tone that sounds like pursuing this man's responsibilities. If we talk about that at all, 'it's none of your business,' they'll cut the story out.

"So we should let 'black' go and let him do what he wants before this world is overwritten by a new history... specifically the last war with the humans of this era"

"I know it's something you've already lost interest in, but this world is also something you've created by making a difference again. In any way, I want you to welcome me to the end of the day."

What if Black Sister comes back to life and resumes her invasion of the human world? No doubt mankind will perish. Even if all the remaining demon kings work together and all the great powers come together.

So far there is an overwhelming difference in power. Strategies and all that don't work for someone beyond reason. It's just like you know I can't do anything against Yugra right now.

"One last worry for 'black', and a dignified death for the inhabitants of this world. It is my responsibility to see it through. [M] Not bad as a pastime until you're ready for space-time magic. That's why I said I'd take that fight. But there are about two problems."

"If the Black Demon King is fully resurrected, it threatens to interfere with your use of space-time magic. Right?"

"Exactly. Even I know her well. When I said I was going to go back and start over, I said, 'What's going to happen to this anger I have right now!?' Cause you're gonna say something like that."

That's what you'd say. Now my black sister can't help but want to destroy humans. They said, 'I'll come and do what I didn't,' and they said, 'Well, hello!' And where is the guy who drops him off?

The black sister is empowered by Yugra to transcend reason. If you mobilize that power, you can interfere with space-time magic itself.

"The other one..." Me "?"

"Yeah. I'm in favor of putting an end to the relationship between 'black' and the humans of this world. It's not fair for heretics like me and you to intervene there. Just like you don't want my intervention, I don't want you to either."

Yugra isn't alerting this man. This is simply a nuance: 'When I get to one of them, that determines the battle, and that's why it's bad for you to intervene alone, even though I don't intervene'. If you tell me from me, it's totally more advantageous for this guy to have a black sister about the human side, and I'd rather do that, right? About what?

"There is a way to clear both of them at the same time. Give this body to the Black Demon King. Then you'll be fine, won't you?

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