Those who inherited the magic of the Demon King have the ability to interfere with reason from time to time. Zahava's self-evolving abilities are comparable to those of Scarlet Beast's "War", Aufalea's ability to heat up the sun, and possibly other powers of a unique class of monsters. These powers can be reproduced with normal magic enhancements and magic construction.

But they can shake them as their talents. They instinctively understand the necessary processes and can use their knowledge as unnecessary.

The talents of both droppings are similar, but the power of the genius is more pronounced when viewed from the side. Yes, like this Lazaricata.

"You're unusual, Jade King. Oh, I've always wanted to see it. I was dreaming of this sight."

King Jade, who lost one foot and one arm, looks down at Lazaricata. There was a sight that I could never have imagined in the old days.

It is easy to imagine that even if the Taiz Demon Realm invades a monster with huge plants, it will be catastrophic if both Taiz Demon Realm dragons are burned and eaten.

If only King Jade and his subordinate demons could be eliminated, there would be no more leadership for both demons, and they would be able to do so almost as barely as possible. Then Lazaricata and I pushed the monsters to intercept both of us, and they entered the castle of King Jade.

There were also Neil Lyates and Taiz at the castle. But he commanded them to stay back, and one king of blue came forward. Well, Lazaricata told me not to imitate it. It was a virtual one-on-one battle.

And now Lazaricata looks down on King Jade. Jade King is probably a Bakemon, but Lazaricata got stronger when he knelt down.

"... I didn't dream of such a sight. There was an obsolete wish."

"It's a good place to lose. But I'm looking forward to seeing how long that reduction will last."

King Jade set it up. The surrounding plants react to his magic and rapidly evolve towards Lazaricata.

Plants don't move, and it's normal for humans to just cut them unilaterally. But if they are willing and strike the overwhelming mass, it is an undisputed threat.

The wave of painless plants, whether slashed with a sword or pierced with a spear, never stops. Instead, they would have entangled the attack and swallowed it easily.

"--twisting and botanicality will never touch me."

Lazaricata's words invade space. The plants that were supposed to have conceived the hostility of King Jade split up as if they were avoiding Lazaricata and hit the back wall.

Seeing the sight, Jade King spreads his magic further around and tries to chase him, but the words of Lazaricata, who was watching it mocking, arrive faster.

"One arm left, your skin is torn, your bones are crushed, and your flesh is crushed."

― ―

The Jade King's arm, which supported his body, exploded by an invisible force. The body of King Jade, who has lost his support, collapses, and his blood flows around him. Looking at it, Lazaricata distorts the pleasant smile even further.

"You mentioned it earlier, didn't you? I am Lazaricata, the cruel truth that leads to a dwarf being. You think you're going to be my opponent to the extent that you control the plants?

Lazaricata's power, its ability to erode and alter words into reality. The specificity of Duvleoli's use, the perfect top-compatibility of the "tongue to be used". Whether human or material, Lazaricata's words can cause all sorts of events.

There are various constraints and weaknesses, but it is a convenient force to overwhelm humans as monsters. Even so, the opponent is the blue king.

"It's bullshit. It's kidding."

New flesh grows from crushed blue king's arms and wounds on one leg. It quickly took on the shape of a person and became a torn garment.

Although the ability to regenerate appears to be equivalent to that of the Demons, the power that Jade King gave Yugra is "prosperity", the power that governs the growth of living things. Unlike the Demon Body built with magic, it is regenerated as a complete substance.

I'm a little worried about how the flesh will evolve into clothes.

And the king of blue rose up as if nothing had happened, and made him pay his knees lightly. There is no trace of the blood that has been flowing until now. Collected it, blended it into the ground, whatever you like.

"This is bullshit..."?

"Your instincts interfere with theory and even ignore it to push your own consciousness. You can get the effect you imagined, but you can't explain how it works. It's not called child play, it's called just pushing a child's ideals."

"Ah, you don't need to reduce your mouth. Your worthless tongue, pour it into your body with poison!

Green blood comes out of King Jade's mouth, but he spits it out without changing his expression. The liquid that comes out is obviously poisonous, but it doesn't look like it's going around the green body.

"Think of something that won't work if you don't swallow it, but that will erode if you touch it. At a time when you think poison is the most common."


Of course, because I'm playing back my tongue, I'm speaking as I should. Well, you're an idiot now, you idiot. Poison is something that makes your body function crazy. It's not going to work on Jade King, who can play with his flesh. If you're going to do it, you're going to have to do enough to turn all your brains into venom. It is better to still apply bitter liquid to my tongue.

The Taiz people behind me are getting a lot more nervous, too. Neil Lyates has a spare face from the beginning.

"It's a big name, so I kind of expected it..." No color, "how long are you gonna be babysitting?

"I'm not going to take care of over-protection. When he cries, he moves."

King Jade's consciousness has long been on my side. Then there's already a feeling of disgust and anger seeping through. I know why, but I think you should take a closer look at Lazarica.

"What is it? You're trying to ignore me? There's so much arrogance! Throat! Go! Melt your eyes! It's an organ. It's dead!

An invisible blade cuts the throat of Jade King, and an invisible liquid melts the eyes of Jade King. The sound of a thousand pieces of content dragging from the inside of Jade King.

Ordinary people deserve to die. But, Lazaricata, it's the Devil King. It was a monster that reached the same reason as my black sister with Yugra's powerful presence. At least he's the strongest man on the enemy side of this battle.

"It's not a story. Watch your regenerative abilities, but don't inhibit them, just scatter the same behavior. Crush your brain, obstruct your thoughts, obstruct your magic, take away your functions, use your powers, this incompetence."

"Hmm!? Twist it! Don't touch me like a vegetable!

Lazaricata instantly prevents plants released while regenerating. But, well, my weakness has already been pointed out.

"Which is incompetence? It's just repeated attacks that don't even work."

A sharp blow to Lazarica's throat. It was a blow thrown by a Wall Shard destroyed by King Jade's plants, a willful plant. Well, in short, it's not a plant.

Lazaricata's ability is convenient, but it lacks aggressiveness. I have to spin the words and deal with them, so if you hit him with an unexpected blow shortly after he speaks, he'll stab you completely.

"I told you I was incompetent. I'm sure you will."

"--Ah, but... guh!?

Looks like Lazarica is trying to pull out the debris and regenerate the wound, but she finally realizes that the wound heals slowly.

In the place where the king of blue flew the fragments, there are flowers that are filled with poisonous honey. The poisonous honey was sticking to the shard that was stuck in Lazaricata's throat.

Poison of the kind that disturbs the flow of magic is also common to the Demons. Even so, if you remove that part before the poison circumference, it will be enough, but Lazarica's throat is now sticky with poisonous honey, and there is plenty of poisonous honey on the wound. If you don't wipe it off quickly, it'll keep you from regenerating forever.

"Oh, come on, you didn't ask for help without talking, did you?

"Gu, shit, ahh!

Lazaricata decides her throat with her bare hands in front of an imminent plant. It seems like I had that kind of temper, and above all, if you look at it, you'll lose your appetite.

By removing the honey around the throat by throat, Lazaricata restores the original regeneration power of the demons, quickly repairing the throat and spinning words.

"Stay away from anything harmful! Don't touch me!

The plants strayed and changed their trajectory so that they could be hit by walls that did not see the fragments that lurked in the shadows. Blue King did not move a single eyebrow when he saw the sight, while Lazaricata glanced back at him with his bloody eyes.

"With hundreds of years of respite, how much? In addition, I would like to compliment you on the amount of power you have and the past I have denied you."

"Jade King...!

When the Black Sisters were sealed by Yugra, the demons each acted differently. Zahava hated Yugra and waited for the resurrection of her black sister, and O'Farrow was alone in the dark.

I doubt if the Orphans had that in mind, but the Demons were basically taking action to prepare for the resurrection of the Black Sisters. But Lazaricata was the only one who kept herself alive.

Lazaricata brought her feet to the Taiz Enchantment and begged King Jade to add herself to his ranks. From Lazaricata, who comes from noble origins, it would have been preferable for King Jade, who lived as a real royal family, to his black sister, who was the village leader.

Well, they kicked me out. Lazaricata, who was high in pride, resented King Jade, and did not make contact with other demon kings after that because of her experience.

Awakening and gaining power, he didn't try to follow anyone, he followed the monsters of the Serende demon who could command him and enlarged his position... but he was lagging behind in his efforts to sharpen the use of power.

"I don't care if you have an elevation. But your ambition is only for standing on top of others. That's the end of the unexpected."

"Look at me... don't look down at me! A desperate man murdered by his real sister!

"Then don't look up and envy me. Princess of the diaspora."

"Crush it! No skull, no cerebrum, no traces, turn it into a meat mass!

You finally come here and aim for your head. It's right to abandon play and kill, but it makes sense to pack it with your first hand. At least it's not a way to show off your hands, Lazaricata.

Lazaricata spinned words to kill King Jade. But the words resounded in vain without any consequence.

"... why, why, why, why!?

"Your power is an ability to mediate interference through words. Suffice it to deal with the same kind of magic. Your magic hasn't reached me yet."

I can tell by playing with my silly eyes and observing, but I am inhaling the magic of a man whose plants are floating around Lazaricata. If you don't get the magic, it won't interfere even if you spin the word and activate it.

Even in magical fights, Theory couldn't get close to where the opponent's magic was flowing... but she was just a woman.

The magic of the grown demon tribe spreads over a wide area without doing anything, so I must have mistaken it for all the effects on my vision. That's right, you're one of those people who seriously gives Lazaricata the wisdom to fight, who hates black sisters.

In the first place, Jade King's only brain was on maximum alert from the beginning. Even if I went to crush my head with my first hand, it wouldn't have worked. He gave me hands, feet, eyes, and guts to carefully analyze Lazarica's abilities. It was an underestimate to determine the level of application of the genius, but is it over now?

Rapidly growing plants descend from above Lazaricata's head. Speed is not the same as before, you're ruthlessly crushing it.

"Ah! Stay away from anything harmful! Don't touch me!

The same lines as before, what a thick losing color. Of course, if you are around you, Lazaricata's words will make sense. The tips of the fallen plants bend to avoid lasagna and are knocked to the ground.

But the plants haven't stopped growing, and the attacks are still going on. The distance between the falling plants and Lazaricata's body is gradually shrinking.

"Hmm!? Stay away from me! Stay away from me!

Every time Lazaricata screams, the plants divide greatly from left to right. But still, the plant's impending momentum won't stop. The magic that withers away and spreads up into the ceiling again, turning into a new plant. Oh, it's ecological, really.

I can't afford Lazaricata's expression. If it is crushed by plants as it is, it will continue to be crushed by the following plants.

If you don't die instantly, if you continue to be crushed, the Demons will die. Lazaricata understands that much. It's the most magical plant in the demon tribe, I'm guessing it'll be killed a few times sooner than expected.

Now, perhaps a complete awakening will be a bit of a battle, but it will be a bit difficult to bear fruit in that desperate state of defense.

Even magic tools like Zahava, I'm sure you can leave urgently, but Lazaricata, who hates the black sister, refuses to accept the black sister's charity magic tools, so she doesn't have a hand either.

Oh, it's packed. Well done, it'll be easier if you die like this.

"Tedral! Don't help me!

Isn't that right, bitch? If you care about a woman with high pride, you'll die with high pride at the end. That's why my black sister won't take care of me either.

Remove the scythe from a different space and place the slash in the space around Lazaricata. Maintain slashing and deploy walls that block plants. Meanwhile, it shifts behind Lazaricata and grabs the roots of her neck and disengages.

Ideally, I wanted to escape the castle, but Jade King would cover this room, no, the castle with plants, so I wouldn't miss him. The surface of the plant has a special junction, and I can see that it has the effect of interfering with my means of transfer.

Well, I've been showing you where I've been moving a few times, so it's only natural that I've dealt with it.

The plants sucked out the magic that kept the slashing that had been left behind, and the place where Lazaricata had been was filled by the plants. When I saw it, I felt a little greedy on Lazaricata's face. Even a scumbag woman can make a good face if you chase her down.

"The fun is over, or 'no color'. Next time, I'm going to give you something a little more fun."

Well, I agree, but unfortunately, I don't have enough manpower. I'll tell my black sister. "

There are several other repertoires of metastasis magic... but none of them are good. I noticed it after I broke into the castle, so I didn't have any response or shit, but I was really stupid and prepared a boundary. If you're going to make a bad transition, my body's magic will run wild and drift away, this is it.

If we don't get out of here, we'll break through the wall with a huge blow, but we won't make that gap, so face. Well, I don't want people like me to get away with it, so kill them here if you can.

That's why we don't fight. It's not like I can't win, but Lazarlita dies. If Lazaricata asks for help, it is the black sister's word to help her.

I don't know how to do that, but let's make a gap by using a trump card.

"Are you ready to escape? Show me."

I hope you like it.

When I slipped my right arm into my body and took out what I had hidden, I felt that King Jade's expression became slightly steeper.

I took out a black magic crystal and a cursed nucleus embedded in a woman's heart. I know that King Jade noticed and analyzed that woman's curse. Then just showing this crystal will make sense.

"... you"

"As you can imagine, this is the nucleus of a curse placed on the heart of a brave woman. I don't need to tell you that I should destroy it. Instead, if you break it, the curse runs wild. I know how to de-curse it a little bit, but let the person in charge hold on to it. I'll teach you that in the service."

The crystal is thrown toward King Jade, and the scythe is shaken and slashed. King Jade used the surrounding plants without hesitation and moved to stop the slashing.

At that moment, his consciousness and concentration can feel everything directed to the crystal. Thank you for the gap and cast magic into the scythe, knocking an extra-large blow into the botanical wall.

The impact penetrates multiple walls and the view from the outside peeks through the hole. He jumped into a hole in the wall while grabbing Lazaricata, looking back at King Jade, and he quietly stared at me.

"Don't worry. If you put this stuff away, I'll take care of you. Take away your anger until then."

Confirm that the transfer magic can now be used through the boundary that was surrounded by the castle wall. I left the scene using my metastasis magic.

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