It is my theory that anomalies are created by the environment. Adapted to perpetuate that life in a distorted environment, it is only abnormally visible from a third-party perspective. The engraved result keeps the perpetrator tied up and creates monsters that sometimes betray expectations.

When I first saw Zahava, she was less than average. The person was aware of it, and she was just a shy girl who was somehow cowardly and unable to be enthusiastic to others.

For such a girl, the world in which war happens as usual would have been cruel. Zahava had lost her mother before she realized it and had been raised by her father, who was a soldier in exile.

I don't know how much position the father used to hold and I don't want to know now, but I remember wasting a lot of self-esteem. For such a father, having a shy daughter inferior to others seemed an intolerable humiliation, and Zahava was often beaten by a drunk father.

He was not given a decent meal and if there was any roughness, he was immediately trapped in the storage. Even though I couldn't build the confidence I wanted in that way of life, I smiled with my nose that there were stupid parents.

Such a turning point came to Zahava. The spider bit him when he was trapped in a storage facility. The wound got worse in an unhygienic place, and she was dying of a high fever.

Even if you can't brag about it, it's still a useful tool. Zahava's father had no choice but to take her to the doctor. That's when Zahava met her black sister.

The black sister was furious when she saw Zahava. Parents who are supposed to protect their children's future do nothing but mourn their child's birth. Even threatening that life is unacceptable.

The black sister turned her hand on many fronts and saved Zahava by herself. An orphanage was set up to care for children without parents and Zahava was separated from her father. And it's a boulder because it took Zahava's fierce father from the front. It has shown us new possibilities in a rotten world that has no value. For Zahava, the Black Sister was the Messiah.

After that, Zahava was always hiding behind the black sister, and it was a good nuisance to have less time for me and the black sister. Damn it, I had a grudge. I looked at it occasionally.

For Zahava, the black sister was life itself. As long as I have a black sister, I don't need anything else. Whatever I say, he was totally dependent on his black sister.

Speaking of the black sister who was a party, I've been thinking about the possibility of this ever since I helped Zahava. Still, he was willing to help Zahava carry his life so long as he could be killed as a tool under his cruel father. I was trying to improve it over time, but it was my common view with Yugra that it would not be possible.

Zahava remained shy, but gained the only possible purpose of life. Yugla admitted only his obsession with defending it.

When she realized it, Zahava became unusually hostile to the existence that harmed the black sister. And the enemies who were attacked will disappear one after another. At least after Zahava began to hide behind her black sister, dozens of people who were inconvenient to her were missing.

Meanwhile, the smell of blood was still coming out of Zahava, but no one tried to touch it. The Black Sister decided to carry it, and I didn't care if Yugura or I weren't the enemy of the Black Sister.

"Well, I guess this guy woke up as a demon tribe... because he wasn't by my black sister's side only then."

After resurrecting the monster, the second wave immediately began an invasion. In the meantime, I'm going to take a break and prepare for the third wave. And it's time to take a break for more magic healing in preparation for the launch.

I was too busy, so when I was doing my routine, I found some of the Zahava materials I compiled a long time ago. If the Black Sister doesn't come back, I left them behind to use them... but I don't think I can control them right now.

The meaning of Zahava's life is to die as part of a black sister. If the black sister wants to ruin, she wants to ruin herself. Whatever comes next, it would be good if you could finish it by walking with your black sister.

"If you died for love, you should die. It's very helpful, and you're very welcome."

The next thing I got was the Lazaricata file. Lazaricata was in a crowd of new entrants in a village with a black sister. In short, a newly destroyed diaspora.

Lazaricata was the daughter of one of the leading figures. If the country hadn't been destroyed, it would have been a princess or a queen. Well, it's not a vessel.

Those who lost their country came together to help them, but the Lazaricata clan brought a disturbing flow there. They were trying to rebuild the country somehow, and they were trying to use our village.

It was actually possible. Our village was a village with the cooperation of other countries, but trust in the surrounding village was very strong. If this village was the starting point, there would have been quite a few followers. My black sister and father were so influential.

Lazaricata was hostile to her black sister from the beginning. Someday I had to surpass them to take control of the village. The surrounding people felt similar, and at one point the air in the village was pretty bad. Still, the black sisters were receptive to Lazaricata, so the difference in vessels is obvious.

In conclusion, the Lazaricata clan failed. I couldn't take away my influence from the Black Sisters, because they ruined themselves with each other's tactics. It is a good memory that Yugura and I were laughing bitterly at the very least when we came together to challenge the black sister.

Lazaricata was on the verge of being executed as a criminal by the country that supported the village. It appears that Lazaricata's uncle's scheme was responsible for a false crime.

The black sister rescued such a lasagna. He proved that the crime he had suffered had been consolidated by a lie and succeeded in stopping the execution.

After all, for Lazaricata, the black sister is a benefactor... but Lazaricata has become even more hateful of her actions. It seems that what was given to her by her opponent was an unbearable humiliation to her.

Because she even tried to carry back the sin that the black sister proved to be a lie. Seriously, you're out of your mind.

Later, Lazaricata continued to target the plane in an attempt to seize the position of Black Sister. According to Yugra, Zahava tried to kill him several times. That's why Lazaricata is probably the same person around here.

"Even if you become a demon race that can be called a subordinate, I wonder if it's a distorted love that keeps aiming for the position of black sister...."

Lazaricata's aim is and always has been power. It is also persistently aiming for the position held by the black sister. Ever since the Black Sister was sealed by Yugra, it looks like she's focused on the outside world... but since the Black Sister was resurrected, that strange hostility has come back to life.

"Why... this?"

Compared to the others, the thickness of the materials is from O'Farrow. It seems stupid to read it seriously around here... but I think I should do a flush reading.

O'Farrow is a sinner. Many sins have been committed before becoming a demon tribe, and they kill a lot of people. Unlike an addicted woman who deals with her prey in a blind spot like a spider, O'Farrow was guilty with grandeur leaving evidence behind.

The Orphanage was an orphan who ran into the village and was my black sister and my childhood friend. But he hated people as much as I did, and he was more insidious than I was.

It was that day that started for that man. Livestock escaped and many beasts ate and killed them. AuFarrow was punished for causing it.

At first, O'Farrow said he didn't do it. However, many of the evidence and testimonies suggest that Auffalo was the killer, and none of the adults believed Auffalo's words.

But it was a fabricated and fabricated testimony, and a later investigation by the black sister found that only the incident was truly innocent.

AuFarrow was tied up on a hill with strong sunlight as a punishment for missing livestock and for continuing to lie without pleading guilty. With the cunning adult wisdom that made them up, the neck is fixed upwards and the eyes remain open.

You are evil. Accept it. "

Adults threw up words like that against Aufarer asking for help. My black sister and father were trying to pretend that they had done too much, but at that time, the village was also divided into factions, and my father and black sister were not influential enough.

In the end, the Orphans were released after a few days of confessing guilt that they had shredded their bodies and minds and had not even dried up their tears.

The orphanage was treated as a bad man afterwards. Adults around him laughed at the sight of Auffalo, who had lost sight and had to walk while holding his staff during the day. The children learned the gravity of the sin of lying. The orphan Orphan was exposed as a demonstration of a healthy education.

"When this was over, he was just a poor guy."

O'Farrow was an adult for a while. There was no harm except for the creepy gaze that I saw in the village. But by the time we turned from a boy to a young man, he started showing us the inside of it.

The owner was attacked when the livestock, which was supposed to be an adult, suddenly stormed out. The warehouse, which had not been built long before, collapsed as soon as the owner entered. A suspicious incident ensued and the village soon realized that someone had gone in bad faith.

No, it was meant to be thought of from the beginning. There were many intentional parts, as many of them could see and understand.

The villagers gathered the evidence and decided it was Auffalo's fault and visited the hut where he lived. And I saw what was there, and I found out that the man was stepping out of their understanding.

There were a number of bodies, people who were unnaturally out of sight while the village was focusing on a small incident.

All the bodies were subjected to various forms of torture while they were alive. No one died with a decent face. I saw it and threw up. Seriously, I won't forgive you.

The villagers hurried to catch Aufarer. But O'Farrow didn't get caught easily. He left a trace of waza, lured them in, and attacked the villagers who bore him.

The villagers, who were deliberately kept alive, said to Aufarero, "Why did you do this?" So this is how the Aufarer returned it.

"You wanted it, didn't you? He wants me to be evil."

The orphanage continued to run after that. Many people in the neighboring villages and countries were scared as unusual killers.

Eventually, I was caught by a black sister with Yugra's help and almost turned over to the state for execution... and the state betrayed us at that time.

He was turned into a demon tribe by his black sister, who hated humans, and now he's still free.

A pity for a man who could never be saved, or despaired of the world enough to treat such a man's sins as trivial... I don't know what black sister's judgment is, and I don't even want to hear it.

"Dependence on others, attachment to status, ideals as evil, really, but he's the only one left."

These guys are crazy. That's why I was able to keep myself in the flow of time that I couldn't stand as a person. It is a defect for people, but as a demon, I have a fine talent. That's just a little jealous.

I was cooler than they were. From the beginning, I understood that the time would shred my mind to live indefinitely as an outsider.

That's why I didn't have the courage to become a black sister demon. I got under Yugra who managed to help me.

I don't think the choice was wrong. If I had become the demon tribe of the Black Sister, by now I would have been mixed up in the herd of monsters that those anomalies would bring.

The power I have gained is beyond the power of the anomalies. Looking at the results alone, it is a great answer, a result that is no more than that. Like when I was a human, I wasn't scared of those psychopaths, and I could kill them all by myself.

"--but it's probably because of that man that it's gone crazy."

A man who is poorer and less clumsy than I was before. I felt afraid of such a person. No matter how weak you are, depending on how you are, you can outperform the strong and the madman. The man I wanted to show you a long time ago is standing against a brave man who can destroy the world like this.

Oh, I'm sorry. Even with all this power, I realize that I can't stop my black sister and Yugura, but there are some junkies who are seriously trying to stop me.

"Well... Do you want to leave after seeing the black sister at the end... hmm?

There is a strange rug in the video of the wizard placed around the black sister. Immediately realize that there is some kind of interference and explore the surroundings.

I can't even detect magic. My black sister won't interfere with my vision. I wouldn't have noticed if Yugura had done it. Then someone else is trying to deceive me.

Find and analyze the magic used to sabotage. Identify the owner.... you fucking killer!

"... no, this is..."

I tried to kill him without asking, but something went wrong. I found the Auffalo body lying around, but the spiritual location is unknown. I don't even see any sign of that man inside my black sister... I don't see any traces here. Then Yugra was involved in this.

Does the absence of Yugura, the key figure, mean that it is in the virtual world created by the power of "rule"? He can move through the flesh. Determine that and adjust the magic wavelength to the space that Yugura is likely to create, then search.

Find the virtual world that was created earlier. Inside... Yugra and O'Farrow, and that man.

If Yugra was here, I wouldn't be able to cause any trouble to the orphanage, but I'm concerned about the boulders. So I'll try to break in quickly. There's no doubt that Yugra created the world, but the accuracy is so messy. I suppose it was created by penetration, but it could not be created more politely.

Confirm the connection and transfer the spirit to the virtual world. There were all three people who observed it.

"Oh, Tedra. Something urgent?

"That makes sense! Yugra, what is this!?

"The orphanage was interested in him, and he was going to do whatever he wanted until he got into Black, so I just set up a place for him."


How dare you scratch this killer? Black sister alone is not enough to get tired of this trump card... what is this situation?

As if I had seen it, Yugra was the notifier. It is obvious that this man and O'Farrow had some kind of interaction. But what does it mean that the result is this sight? Why is it that only the Oberlows are kneeling with such a weary face?

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