"That's why Lachla-Sulf is back!

The line between Ghanaian and Ghanaian magical circles, the new Rakula joining the guerrillas as usual... no, it's always full of motivation.

Rakla and Wolfe negotiated with the Blue Demon King to recover what they had lost.Those who have once opposed the Blue Demon King will be reminded how desperate the negotiations with that Demon King are.

"Always in a mood for disrespect, I've been able to negotiate with a guy like King Tays who's going to be executed right away."

That's really it. Harkdock put my feelings into words.I can never say that as a knight...

"The other way around. I was able to negotiate because I was like you."

"I don't know. It's the Devil.I was able to cure myself. "

"Ugh, we had a good negotiation....."

Harkdock jumps lightly on the spot.The wounded leg was well healed when she fought Moulsteut in Selende.There are hardly any wounds on Zahava's opponent.

When Hark Doc went to see how Ekdeik was treating everything, it was time for the Blue Demon King to return.The Blue Demon King was in a pretty good mood at that time, and he healed Harkdock's feet lightly and left.

If it's not tight, it's better for Gillista.

"I think that's normal, right?

Because Girista was resting for treatment, she could not be there.

The Blue Demon King can be healed no matter how many injured people live.Even in this situation, he will not sell his power cheaply.But that's what we need.

As I and Rakla suspect about Marya, Lord Leanault and Archbishop Ucca, many people have been injured and lost their lives in this battle.

If everyone relies on the power of the Blue Demon King, he will not be able to challenge the battle he has to win satisfactorily.

Well, I promised I'd get his share too.

Harkdock is taking the Magic Sword from Gillista.A super heavy sword that can't be swinging without the Devil's arm, Hark Dock didn't treat his right arm to handle it.

"Good for you, Hark Doc.It would have been a unique opportunity to give Jesta his arm back. "

"Han, I know better than anyone that I'm weak.Abandoning the power to fight is stupid.And give your brother back his merciful arm.I was beaten down and burned right in front of my eyes. "

"... you can easily imagine the sight."

"Well, I'm glad Rakula joined us... but I don't know if Arc Real passed out instead..."

When I fought Zahava, I was able to fight well because Arc Real was very active.The man's back, prepared and able to slash down no matter how many threats the opponent might have, was very dependable despite being the first to fight together.

"Ugh, I can't say anything back..."

"Ah... I don't care.Anyone can compare it to Arc Real.This is my fault for being stupid.I'm sorry. "

Hark Dock also fights Zahava and feels the strength of the Demon race on his skin.That's why I can't hide my anxiety when a reliable friend like Arc Rial comes off.

"Don't worry, both of you.I was able to fight Zahava and catch my senses.I'll do it myself. "


I certainly caught something in the fight against Zahava so that I could acquire interpersonal skills by continuing to fight people.After holding this sword, the feeling became more clearly familiar in my body.

This Holy Sword has no such power, but I will accept that it has given me strength.I feel happier myself.


"If His Majesty's predictions are correct, the end of Lazaricata and the Devil clan....."

Your Majesty guessed the devil's movements and changed our position.I was able to spot the relationship between the monster and Lazaricata, who has not yet appeared on the battlefield, and I promised that he would show up here.

His appearance overlapped with that of His Majesty for a moment.That was enough to believe.

"--Phew, there are people who have read that I choose this path or that I stop watching you."

Huge raven. The woman who appeared on her back must have been Lazaricata, who was in the report.

Zahava's eyes had a madness to give everything for one purpose.In contrast, from Lazaricata's eyes, she feels a deep sense of obsession to hold onto one of the hidden facts behind her arrogance.

His Majesty said.Lazaricata does not live for her own lust, but for her own sake.

So for a challenging opponent, make sure to stop.If we had a clear enemy on our path, we would face it to eliminate it.

"Heh, you're aware that you've been read.Still, taking an invitation is a Plei as a demon tribe. "

"Brain, play."

"Isn't it dangerous!?

Her mouth opened as the magic of Lazaricata arrived around her.The words were faster than spoken, and Hark Dock and I, who were in charge of the rakula, were at the same time at a distance.I reacted to Lazaricata's magical flow and mouth movements, and Harkdock left it to his instincts.

I already know the power of Lazaricata.Within that magic range, you can kill us just by opening your mouth.It's like an invisible, bare blade always floating around.

However, if there is nothing in this place, the opponent's magic will not be filled, and if it is necessary, it can be blown away.If you are conscious of keeping distance each time, you will be able to stand up enough.

"Damn it. Are you going to analyze my powers and do something about it?

"Let me.Otherwise, I won't be your partner either. "

"You underestimated me... Melabis!

Lazaricata is a giant raven... jumping off the Meravis, and at the same time the Meravis is attacking us.It's not as fast as the transformed Zahava, but it's still fast enough.Even if I don't have a problem, avoidance is hard at Rakula and Hark Dock.

"The magic reaches between attacks, so do I!

The body of the gliding meravir is cut in half.Rakula's Boundary Magic, it looks like they were ready to deploy it in a specific amount of time.

Still, it is only a boulder that can cast this much attack magic precisely before the first enemies you see, and even before they exceed their unique class.

Originally, Rakula is not an interpersonal battle, but is good at extermination battles against monsters.If the opponent moves intuitively, he has more practical experience than I do.

"- I see you, Rakula!A little back of the throat! There's the core!

In addition, we have a Hark Dock with excellent detection capabilities.Zahava, who retained her human form and maintained her core on her head, did not shake when she was facing her opponent, but Hark Dock was learning how to detect the location of the monster's core with the help of the Purple Demon King.

The Purple Demon King, who learned how to target the core accurately in battle with Necthar, was searching for ways to detect the core in battle.

The core is in the opponent's body and is also encased in magic.It is possible to find magic by touching the body directly, but it is not easy to supplement it at a distance.Still, the Purple Demon King found a way to locate some of the opponent's magic from its own flow.

However, the method is rather delicate and difficult even when confronted.Not to mention during the battle, there was no certainty in Rakula or Ekdoik.

But in the meantime, only Hark Dock was able to learn how to do it.The person left a mysterious statement saying, "I could have done it by putting my body on the instinct sensation."

"Ok! That's it!

Rakula unleashes the magic of chase, with more slashes hitting Melabis directly.Melabis fell to the earth and raised a distressing cry.

Your body is beginning to collapse and the wreckage is returning to the dust.It appears that we succeeded in destroying the core accurately.It was huge to drop one of the enemy's main powers before the battle lasted.

"Come on! I was scared with ravens, but not as much as Zahava, who became a spider!

"-That's right. Merabis is a bad man.Compared to Zahava, who was able to wake up completely, it's only natural that it's inferior overall. "

Lazaricata looks down at the collapsing meravir and sighs small.But the expression didn't evoke any emotions.His Majesty said.Melabis is a special presence for Lazaricata.Therefore, she will choose a place to fight with Merabis rather than settle with the Blue Demon King.

In fact, Lazaricata and Merabis appeared here.Your Majesty wouldn't have been wrong then.What the hell is it that the meravir is crushing its core and not moving a single eyebrow at the moment when it is about to disappear?

"You don't feel as threatened as Zahava.Sure, that power is troublesome, but if we can do something about it, that's it. "

"I see. Honestly, I'm not that strong.Zahava and O'Farrow, if we kill each other, I'll be killed. "

"... what's the matter, be a little more confident with yourself.Something makes me feel bad.... "

"You're just telling the truth, right?I am a woman with only a mouth, and Melabis is a man without a mouth.Yeah, that's fine.That's good. "

Lazaricata looks up at us.There was no trace of feeling in the eye, such as giving up.There is no arrogance, no alarm, no shaking readiness.

The last bad feeling I felt when I fought Zahava.Something close to that irritates your spine.

"... you were with Zahava before we left.I don't know, but this is it.It feels similar to when I put the demon kings in front of me.My instincts are kicking me in the back...!

"Mr Harkdock, that's not just Mr Harkdock's instinct, but I feel it too!?

The magic flowing around Lazaricata became so intense that it became visible.It has a color and looks like a black liquid that even fills the landscape.

Within that magic, changes also appear in Lazarica's body.Strange protrusions began to appear on exposed shoulders and arms.The same protrusions continue to grow all over your forehead, neck, chest, hips, inflated tibia, and body.

It was a lip.There were countless mouths.Lazaricata has a mouth all over her body.A monster who transforms lies into truth, is transforming her body to embody them.

There is a foreign body that seems to bend the world screws just by being there.I intuit that this is a complete awakening for Lazaricata.

"There's nothing to be afraid of.I was completely awake and I was a liar after all.A fool who can't even lose his ego.That's why I'm just honestly and wholeheartedly telling the truth about this bullshit. "

Lazaricata's voice echoes from every mouth.Even though it was supposed to be one voice, birdskin stood without feeling sick in countless overlapping voices.

Mutant Lazarica stretches out her hand against the dust of the fallen Merabis.

"Come on, Melabis. Get up."


I have seen the dead come back to life several times before.Dokola, Larheit, and Hilmera's Death Magic.The power of foreign laws that disregarded human dignity, and the emotions that arose in front of the scene were anger and disgust.

But when I remembered the shape again in front of me and saw Melabis trying to get back from the dust, I even felt a kind of euphoria.

The realm of resurrection magic, beyond the realm of death magic.No, if there is no curse to make the dead the Devil King, that would be the true resurrection.

The LORD desires it, and the servants desire it.A miracle painted with lies the reality that there is no cause and effect that the two men who desire immutability have achieved.And from the tip of death came the call of the LORD, and the immortal bird.

"Whoa... the core has been completely destroyed...Besides, doesn't it look strong...?

Harkdock's feelings will be correct.The Merabis are not just resurrected.Lazaricata's thoughts take shape.

When Lazaricata jumped on the back of the resurrected Merabis and gently stroked his head, the Merabis emitted a fierce sound.

"You can die as many times as you want, Melabis.You're a bad man.But I'll forgive you for being so ungrateful.Now I'll twist the truth for you, just like you did for me.You are the perfect servant to protect me.You won't die. Keep fighting for me.Until I'm satisfied, forever!

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