"Dreams are what you seek to advance, and wishes are what you desire from others.Honorable thoughts have strength.I told you, O'Farrow, you have no dreams, but you will not mourn them.Even if you can't fulfill your dreams, you can fulfill the wishes of others.People live differently and find their own way.

My grandfather's words were directed at me, saying that I had no dreams, and I can't even remember my face.When I realized that I had no parents, only the old man who knew his own death was on my side.

But the grandfather also died lightly.Such is the end of a human being who has lost his country, his place of residence, and what he can count on.All I had left was my name and the words of a childish curse. [M]

He was picked up as an orphan in the village where he came from.There are no more adults to protect me. [M]I knew that if I was kicked out of the orphanage, I would starve to death.

Don't stand out from the crowd.Don't imitate someone's face.Whether it's convenient for someone.

I didn't have anything to think about, but if it's convenient, it's needed.I didn't feel bad about that.I was mistaken.

I saw it. He's the one who opened the hut and let the cattle go!

There is no one who respects convenience.All they needed was someone who wanted to push the inconvenience.

A man who had been pointed out for being disrespectful and felt angry committed a sin on his stomach.But the man was not prepared to pay for the crime.I pretended to be convenient. [M]

I didn't do it, but I just wanted to live in peace.Irrational malice destroyed everything I had ever built.

You are evil. Accept it. "

Adults kept saying that to me without pleading guilty. [M]Tied up on the hill, he kept asking me to be evil until he opened his eyes and broke his heart.

The sun, which always shines on me, erodes my heart.The heat, the glare, the dryness, all of them took everything from me.

Oh, that's right. Is this the world?Is this normal and is it usual for it to pass by?

This was my mistake. [M]The world is more cruel than I think, and I can't even live without convincing myself of it.

What kind of imitation is this!?Are you crazy, you!?

I say weird things. You wanted it, didn't you?He wants me to be evil.I hope you've fulfilled that wish.

I have no dreams. [M]I never thought about who I wanted to be.But I was so eager to be so evil.If you don't respond to that wish, you'll become a cold person.

I had no bad talent. [M]So I thought, planned, practiced, carefully, carefully, thoroughly, and wickedly for years and years.Otherwise, I'm sure I won't be able to respond to your wishes. [M]

Excellent results. The face of the man I killed for the first time was very impressive and I dreamed of it many times.I had an unspeakable sense of fulfilment that I was aiming for, working hard, and being able to achieve results.

But not like this.I am nothing but evil. [M]I'm sorry to those who wanted me to be evil, even if I was satisfied with killing one person.With such evil, they will not be satisfied.

'Cause it is, isn't it? Considering what they have done to me, the evil I have done is only as great. [M]

So rest assured, I will continue to be evil as you wish. [M]I think it's my way to keep fulfilling that wish.

"Haha, you're going to make a good move"

Aufaleau uses earring-like magic tools to turn his heat into light and release it.Evade will not happen in time, but it is possible to divert attention from the target by observing the warning signs of the attack and his gaze.

Scattered attacks are troublesome, but the range is narrow.I dare to penetrate it, as Duvleoli did.As it remains, regeneration is inhibited by his magic, so it goes through the chain where it penetrates, shreds the surrounding meat, and then regenerates.

"You seem to be using wisdom, but it's painful to watch."

The orphanage has not moved from the spot.While protecting the surrounding area with its own heat, it releases a constant ray of long-range attacks.

His condition is half-awakened, and the heat itself is naturally occurring as a creation of the body.Therefore, no matter how much light you emit, you don't seem to lose your magic.

I feel like I'm good at endurance fights, but I'm not.Aufaleau has certain drawbacks.Not just me, but Ucca and Marya noticed.

He seems to be good at deceiving and plotting, but he's not good at fighting from the front.If it weren't for a profession that was originally dominated by combat, it wouldn't have been interpersonal even after it became a demonic race.

If it's a style that unilaterally pushes its own forces, it should be able to create plenty of gaps.

"It's time for wisdom.We're ready. "

He was running around the orphanage, spreading chains into the ground and through the earth.Most of the surrounding terrain has already collapsed, crawling chains.

Apply magic in one place to relieve weight.Lifting it and releasing its magic, it throws it over the Overlord.

Seeing the attack, the Auffalo flew backwards with a slight tongue.Whether it's a rock as hot as a hill, it's easy to melt instantly.However, even if it can be dissolved, it cannot be dissolved until the generated liquid is evaporated in an instant.

The drop of a large amount of liquid, its impact is commensurate with its power.If you're not as transparent as water, you'll be deprived of sight.It would have been recognized as a hassle to move him.

The earth continues to crumble and throw itself at the Aufaleau.An orphan who hates the act tries to emit a powerful ray, but does not set the sight.


"The power of a single-point focused ray is certain, but if we don't set our sights on it, we won't hit it the same way as a bow or arrow."

The fact that the O'Farrow avoids our throwing means that the heat source is leaving the scene.In other words, the thrown earth is not completely liquefied.There will be steps around him one after the other.All you have to do is hide in that blind spot and stay out of his sight.

This earth is a weapon of attack, a shield against his heat, and a wall that prevents him from seeing.


You got it.

The chains of the earth reach the torso of the Aufarer.The chain melted at the same time as the direct hit, but it succeeded in delivering the impact.

The chain does not have a curse, it does have magic to steal heat.Although it is a minor influence before his fever, lowering the temperature of the earth, which is bound to the chain beforehand, can prolong the time until it melts for more than a moment.If we launch an attack overlapping the ground that we threw at him, we will be able to protect the chain from his heat to the brink.

This attack is quite a big one.Unilateral blurring from the safety zone gave the impression that movement would be forced and an obstructive counterattack would follow.

This development will only be uncomfortable for the Auffalo, who look down on us.

"Even if you look satisfied with that level of attack?The old woman's fist sounded many times better. "

"You can see a change in your expression.Are you uncomfortable with unpredictable attacks? "

"You said you were completely awake, and you were just a little worker.Why don't you show me your strength?Or are you scared? "

Whatever. Think about making the Aufarers nervous for now.Otherwise, the AuFarrow won't use that move.

Drag the opponent into your space and become fully awake in the interfering reasoning.The advantage is that even if you step into complete awakening, you can go back.

It's powerful and most creatures can't stand it in front of that power.But using that technique is also the way to defeat the Orphans.

Previously, I was curious to show my moves against the true "blind eye" chain... but that power is also a huge burden for the Aufaloe.For someone who has to work to tilt the battlefield, I'll be hesitant to use that technique on my opponent.

My newly mastered technique gets stuck in that technique, but it doesn't work with ranged attacks like this.

Now we need to squeeze our wisdom and make him serious.We need to find a way to stimulate his emotions like our compatriots.

"Afraid... I mean, you're afraid to end up in the sun, O'Farrow.You're not afraid to become a symbol of fear, you're afraid to lose yourself.That's what you think because you're a person. "

― ―

"You are evil. He tries to despise the lives of others and caress the hearts of others.But to me, your evil feels empty. "

"My evil... is empty?"

"O Farrow, why are you evil?"

Whatever your lust, your domination over others, your personal pleasure, or your reason, there must be something ahead of you that chooses the path of evil.

Abuse is a process or a means, not an outcome or an end.And yet, I feel evil in the actions of the AuFarrow, but I don't see what I'm trying to get ahead of me.

"Why? It's simple.I was asked to be evil. [M]I'm fulfilling that wish. "

"Would it be good if you were wished?"

"If that's what you wanted.But it's too late. I've chosen to fulfill my wish to be evil.That wish will never come to me. "

I suppose the situation is similar between AuFarrow and me.Both he and I were asked for someone's future.All I knew was that I had to believe it was right.

"... I was once wished for.Become a killer and be knocked into the magic.I assumed that was the right thing to do, and I didn't doubt that there was any other option.But what I wished for died quickly, and I lost my way. "

"I'm not interested in your birth."

"I don't know your past.But aren't those who wish you that are no longer in this world?Does it make sense to keep fulfilling the wishes of others who are not of great value to you? "

"Yes, there is! Even if a man dies, a soul exists!I want to show everyone that I'm going to rob you forever!I've fulfilled your wish so perfectly! "

The orphanage opened his eyes and laughed softly.I chose a word that might upset me... but I think I've already asked for answers in myself.

He has already suffered.I conclude that I have no regrets for choosing the path of evil.But people have thoughts in the emotional part.

"- I see. You had to aim for evil."

"... what?"

"There's a reason to stick to things.O'Farrow, you had to be evil.Otherwise you wouldn't have endured the blame of your conscience for your sins? "

I didn't have to ask the answer.I certainly felt the feeling that my words shook Aufarer's feelings.

I wanted Mary to be punished before I heard her say that Lacea died because of me.Aufarer's feelings must have been close to that.

I instinctively understood the gravity of the sins that others demanded and committed.The Orphans did not seek punishment, they tried to justify their sins.It's not my fault, it's just what I was asked to do.

The hearts of the orphans are already breaking.Looking back, the only fear that if he stops, he will be crushed by the weight of his sins keeps him on the path of evil.

"... what are you talking about?"

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna argue with you.Your past is the path you have taken, and I will not deny it. "

If I hadn't had my countrymen, I wouldn't be here now.He would have killed Rakla or been killed, trapped in vengeance.Even if he were alive, he would have stuck to the words of Veglagudo and had many people in his hands who thought he was a killer.

I was the one who couldn't save AuFarrow.He kept thinking on his own until he couldn't be saved, and he kept his ego so far.

After all, I am not suitable for imitating the other person's nerves like a compatriot.I wanted to face this man from the front.I wanted to show that there were other ways.

Who's worried about what?

"People follow different paths and sometimes bump into each other.You could say that we became hostile to one destiny. "

"I don't care who..."

"You're certainly being played by villains, O'Farrow.But if you want to make them uncomfortable, you need to deepen your understanding of them a little bit more. "

"Shut up!"

Auffalo's attacks intensified.Funny, I was just trying to be honest with him, but I think I've exaggerated him.

For some reason, a "blue" face that became irrationally angry appeared in my head.Well, has it been softened as usual?I'm going to grow up just to understand it... but I think it's a skill that you can acquire by spending a long time alone.

Well, regardless of the process, the orphanage took it seriously.No matter how intense the attack has been, our position will remain unchanged.Aim for an attack from the blind spot while standing around to keep out of sight.

"Nh! Just now, just a little...!"

"That's what a villain would say.It's stuck to the slab. "


The killing intentions are increasing in sight.It seems to be counterproductive to praise cheaply.We should be hiding in the blind spot, but the heat that reaches us is also rising.Looks like you're losing control.

The magnitude of the light emitted also rises in a mess, and the surrounding topography is filled with holes in an instant.It would be a shame to think that there were other people here.

"Fufu, fufu, fufu!... What are you doing, I...I'm so mad at this guy, I'm disturbed...! "

The Auffalo can rest his attacker's hand, holding his head down, and regaining his coolness.

In the meantime, I kept hitting several times, but a simple physical enhancement is like the Stone Demon Clan.The scratch was caused, but it's already regenerated and it's far from final.But there is something that can reach us because of such an attack.

Once again, the chains thrown out of the blind spot shake Aufaleau's head.The damage done is as small as ever, but the chain melts a little slower than before.I suppressed my own fever trying to calm down.

"What's the matter? I can see the shade in the sun."

― ―

The emotional swings peeking out of Aufarrow's eyes disappeared.It's a little different from the look on your face that you don't know what you're thinking when you meet.

Anger takes calm and excitement from people, but passing anger takes even that excitement.His unnecessary feelings faded, and he abandoned the obsession he had with me.

"Pretend it's okay. You want me to use my powers."


"Did you think you didn't notice?I can read your aim from the beginning. [M]You seem so confident in the power you gain from a complete awakening.No, if it were really overwhelming, I would have used it a long time ago.If you don't, your new power is pretty local. "

The hot wind is blowing. The heat around the orphanage is starting to go wild and the atmosphere is struggling.My skin and eyes are dry and my lungs are burning with flames.

The world dyes red. He seems to have been dragged into his own world of consciousness.So far, so planned. All you have to do is use this power and endure his flame and sun...!

"Alright, I'll take that challenge!But I don't think it's the same!This time I'll burn it to the end!I will destroy your existence from all worlds without leaving any ashes behind! "

"Ah, let me challenge you.That's why I'm different! "

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