Javelin saw her intention and hurriedly backed away, but she still didn't dodge completely, and was grabbed by Lafite's skirt.

"Ah! Let it go, Rafi!"

Javelin saw that his skirt was about to be ripped off by Rafi, so he had no choice but to throw the wine bottle in his hand into the air, and reached out to pick up the skirt that had slipped onto his legs.

"The battle was successful."

Seeing that the javelin had thrown the wine bottle away, Rafi quickly reached out and grabbed the bottle that was thrown into the air, then reopened the bottle cap and started drinking.

"I really can't do anything about you. After drinking, change clothes and leave as soon as possible."

After Javelin put his skirt back on, he spoke to Raffi with a blush on his face.

Alcohol has no effect on them, so Rafi wants to drink, and she won't really stop it.

After all, they were the best friends, and she couldn't bear to stop Rafi.

"I'll go get your clothes for you."

Javelin took a set of clothes from the wardrobe next to him and put it in front of Rafi.

Lafite wears this set of clothes basically every day, so the javelin has no choice, so he just took it out.

"Rafi, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Javelin put the clothes in front of Rafi, he saw her body begin to become transparent.

"Although there is a strange feeling, Rafi is a little happy now."

After Lafite drank the wine bottle in his hand, he looked down at his somewhat transparent body.

"Right! This is what the commander did."

Javelin suddenly came to a realization at this time. She remembered that in the previous class, the teacher specifically talked about this matter, so that they should not panic.

"That's great, I also want to go to Commander's side."

After understanding what was going on, Javelin pouted his mouth and looked at Rafi who was sitting on the bed with admiration.

Ayanami and Rafi have both gone to Commander's side, when will it be my turn?

I also really want to play with Commander, and I want to make him a delicious lunch box.

If Commander sees me, will he call me cute?

If Commander invites me on a date, what should I wear?


Just as Javelin begins to bask in his fantasies, he hears Rafi calling to her.


Javelin came back to his senses and saw that Lafite had been staring at her body, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at himself.

"Ah! Rafi!"

Javelin was surprised to find that she had also become transparent, so he jumped on Rafi and hugged her happily.

I didn't expect the two of them to be able to go to the Commander's side at the same time this time, it's great.

"We can be together again."

Both Javelin and Rafi were lying on the bed, their faces full of joy.


There was also a smile on Lafite's face, and she stretched out a small white hand and gave Javelin a thumbs up.

With the completion of her action, the room became quiet again, only the two empty wine bottles stood quietly on the bedside table.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Anchorage, be afraid!

"so many people……"

Outside the academy in the port area, a girl with long light brown hair stood there, looking at the ship girls coming and going around, with a hint of panic on her face.

Her clothes are very refreshing, with a black bra and black shorts, and a somewhat transparent white thin coat on her body, with long sleeves blocking her hands inside.

She is the 8-inch heavy cruiser scheme CA-B (reduced version) - Anchorage.

Because she has not been in the port area for a long time, and because of her personality, she was called here by other ship girls of White Eagle, and wanted her to study first.

But she was a little afraid of life. Looking at the strange ship girls around, she didn't really want to go in.

"Anchorage, what are you doing standing here?"

Just when Anchorage didn't know what to do, a somewhat puzzled voice came from behind her.


Anchorage seemed to be frightened, screamed softly, and looked back.

Behind her stood a yellow-haired girl, her red pupils looked at Anchorage suspiciously, with a confident and sunny smile on her face.

She was wearing a blue-red short skirt and a white cape draped over her shoulders, looking very handsome.

Wearing a pair of star-spangled stockings on her legs made her look cute again.

She is the No. 1 ship of the Cleveland-class light cruiser - Cleveland, nicknamed "Keddy".

"Is it... K... Dad?"

Anchorage has some impressions of Cleveland, and I remember hearing about it before.

"Really, who did you hear this name from? I'm a girl anyway."

Cleveland shook her head helplessly, she had heard this term too many times.

Originally thought that Anchorage, who had just arrived in the port area, had not been spoiled by them, but it was too late.

"Kad, shorter than Cleveland...and easy to remember...Anchorage, like...!"

Anchorage looked at Cleveland, with an angelic smile on his face, and said intermittently.

For her, the simpler things are easy to remember, the more they like them.

"Whatever you want, I don't object to this title either."

Cleveland looked at Anchorage's angelic smile and nodded slightly.

She doesn't dislike this title, just take it as a proof that her friends are friendly to her.

And the commander often calls her that, and she's almost used to it.

I remember in the early days when there were not many ship girls in the port area, she and Helena often attacked together.

Or they are divided into two formations, and they each assist in a formation.

Later, her chances of playing began to gradually decrease, but Helena still maintained her previous appearance, and basically she would be called in larger battles.

It really is just like her name, to gently assist other ship girls.

"Are you going to college?"

Cleveland looked at Anchorage, who was a little overwhelmed in front of him, and asked.

She remembered that the other ship girls had sent Anchorage to study at the academy because she had too little knowledge.

"Well, the academy...going to school, but...a lot of people, Anchorage...a little scared."

After Anchorage heard Cleveland's words, he lowered his head and pointed his hands at each other below, a little afraid to look at her.

Is her mentality really that low? It's even smaller than those submarine sisters.

Cleveland looked at Anchorage in front of her and didn't know what to do. It was the first time she had met such a ship girl.

Obviously, her body is much more mature than her, but her heart is so young, it's a bit difficult to handle.

"Nothing to be afraid of, I'll go up with you."

Cleveland thought for a while, then patted his chest, took Anchorage's hand and walked towards the academy.

Both are Bai Ying's ship's mother, she can't leave her alone.

And they all went to the same classroom, so there was nothing to say.

The knowledge of heavy cruisers and light cruisers is not much different, so naturally they all learn in the same classroom.


Anchorage looked at Cleveland in front of him, put the other hand on his mouth, and looked at the other ship girls around him in panic.

But she is better now than before, at least she will follow her to the academy.

"Don't be afraid, the ship girls in our port area are all very good, no one will say anything about you."

Cleveland turned back to Anchorage with a bright smile and spoke to reassure her.

In fact, it is not just Anchorage that is like this, there are many ships in the port area who are like this when they first come.

Like Spence, Uzuki, Little Swan and the like, they are also very timid and afraid of life.

Although they are still like this now, at least they are better than when they first came to the port area.

"Well, Anchorage... not afraid, like... everyone in the port area!"

Anchorage looked at Cleveland walking in front of him with a smile on his face and nodded slightly.

The simpler you are, the more you can feel what other people think.

Anchorage knows that the girls in the port area are very good, but she will be a little afraid of life, and it will be much better after getting used to it.


Just as Anchorage continued to walk to the academy, she suddenly felt that the ship girls around were all looking at her, and she panicked for a while.

And she also felt a strange fluctuation in her heart, as if it was similar to when she was first born.

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