Just now, Tirpitz just asked a few things that the Maritime Safety Administration wanted to know the most, and Xia Mu's answer was very vague, so they were not satisfied with this contact.

"Otherwise, do you still want to force them to stay?"

"And this one contact is enough, I have learned some useful information."

After hearing the words of these guys, Tirpitz turned his head and glanced at them, and then continued to speak in a flat tone.

If Xia Mu wants to leave, they naturally have no way to stop them, so they can only let them leave.

And she is a ship girl, even if she can't tell the truth in Xia Mu's words, she can't see through his heart.

But she can still sense a lot of things that ordinary people can't, so this contact is actually enough.

"...Then shall we go back to the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration now? Or should we continue to observe them here?"

The other people looked at each other after hearing Tirpitz's words, and then they looked at Tirpitz and continued to ask.

Now that the matter is temporarily over, they should immediately pass on what they have learned to the headquarters, and the people there should be more anxious.

However, the person who is leading them now is Tirpitz, so they naturally have to ask her opinion, and let her decide what to do later.

"Let's go back to headquarters, there's no point in staying here any longer."

Tirpitz thought for a while after hearing their words, and then looked at them and continued to speak in a flat tone.

Although she also wanted to stay here and observe Xia Mu for a while, it was meaningless, so she planned to go back to the headquarters directly.

Moreover, they have already been in contact with Xia Mu now, and it is unreasonable to continue to stay here to observe him. It may still arouse his disgust, and it will not be worth the loss.

After Tirpitz made her decision, she took a deep look at Xiamu in the distance, and then she walked out of the amusement park with a few guys beside her.



"Commander, they left."

When Xia Mu and others continued to walk towards the Ferris wheel, Belfast seemed to have noticed the movement from Tirpitz, and then looked at Xia Mu and said softly.


Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he turned his head and glanced in the direction where Tirpitz and others left.

It is also a good thing that these guys can leave. After all, it is very uncomfortable to be stared at by others, and Xia Mu doesn't like being stared at by these guys very much.

Now that they have left the amusement park, he can play comfortably with these little guys.

"There should be no more people from the Maritime Safety Administration. After all, the master has told them just now."

"As long as they want to continue to cooperate with us, they will never dare to go against the master."

Belfast looked at Xia Mu next to him with a slight smile, and then continued to speak to him in a soft voice.

Since the owner has already told the Maritime Safety Administration this time, there is basically no need to worry about being disturbed by them.

If the master brings them out in the future, no one should continue to observe them secretly, as long as the guys in the Maritime Safety Administration are not very stupid.

"Haha, it's because I know these things that I warned them like I did just now."

Xia Mu couldn't help laughing softly after hearing Belfast's words, and then turned to look at her and continued to answer.

Although he doesn't know what kind of people the top of the Maritime Safety Administration is, strength is a tough thing, and he still has the right to speak.

"I probably won't have any contact with the Maritime Safety Administration in the future. Just wait for the news from Siren."

"After everything is over, I will hold a grand wedding for you to make up for some of your regrets."

After Xia Mu said these words, he reached out and took Belfast and Nagato's small hands, and looked at them tenderly.

He had promised Ayanami about this when he was in the world over there, so now he has made such a promise directly to the rest of the ship girls.

He will hold a new wedding with the ship girls he has sworn to, and he will try his best to satisfy those ship girls whose favorability is only 50.

"Hehe, then we have to look forward to it, looking forward to the day when we put on our wedding dress and enter the palace together with Commander."

Belfast covered his mouth and smiled softly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then looked at him tenderly and continued to speak.

And the rest of the ship girls around also showed happy smiles on their faces, because the ship girls here are all Natsuki's wedding ships, how could they be unhappy to hear what he said just now.

In their dreams, they all wanted to put on a wedding dress and hold a wedding with the Commander, and then make the most sincere vows and blessings to each other.

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

Xia Mu also smiled slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then watched them continue to speak.

"Commander has never let us down, and we will all wait patiently for that day to come."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Z23 also looked at him kindly, and then said softly.

Ship girls will not be disappointed with their commanders, because their commanders are very good people who never hurt them.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Return to Hong Kong

At night, when the sky was getting darker, Xia Mu and the others finally came out of the amusement park.

They are now on the bus again, and Belfast has already driven in the direction of the port area.

Except for Xia Mu and a few ship girls, the rest of the little guys were tired and fell asleep together.

Although they only played for half a day today, such memories should also keep them in their hearts forever.

After all, even in their sleep, they all had warm smiles on their faces, and they looked very cute.


"I had so much fun today~"

Javelin sat next to Xia Mu and stretched out very comfortably before speaking softly with a smile on his face.

When she got into the car this time, she found the right opportunity, and was the first to sit next to the commander.

Although it is only half an hour's journey back to the port area, it is of course very good to be able to accompany the commander for some time, and the ship girls will not be too much.

"Are you tired from playing today? Then you should rest early after you go back."

After hearing Javelin's words, Xia Mu turned his head to look at her, and then said softly with a gentle expression on his face.

Javelin and Xuefeng are the most lively and active little guys, so they consume the most physical strength today, and she should be very tired at this time.

Like Xuefeng and Shiyu, they were already sitting in the back and fell asleep. Javelin probably couldn't bear to fall asleep because he was sitting with him.

"Well, we'll go back to the room to rest after we go back to take a bath."

After hearing Xia Mu's words, Javelin nodded slightly, and then looked at his very cute opening and replied.

Although it has become very dim outside now, the lights inside the bus are still very bright, and Xia Mu can clearly see every detail on Javelin's face.

The faces of these little guys looked very cute, and they were so chubby that people couldn't help but want to reach out and squeeze a few times, and even wanted to stick their faces on them and rub them.

"Commander, can you hold my hand?"

Javelin sat next to Xia Mu and hesitated for a while, then turned to look at him and continued to speak softly.

Her pale green pupils looked very dazzling and charming, and she could clearly see a hint of expectation in the depths of her eyes.

She wanted to do this when she saw the commander holding Z23's hand before, but she never had the chance.

But now she is sitting next to the Commander like Z23 before, so she naturally wants to be able to shake hands with the Commander.


Xia Mu smiled slightly after hearing Javelin's words, and then directly reached out and grabbed the small hand she put in front of him.

Javelin's little hands are a little cold, but most of the ship girls' hands are in the same situation, and only a few ship girls' hands are hot.

And her hand is also very soft and delicate, he is willing to let Xia Mu hold it like this for the rest of his life, so naturally he will not refuse her.

"It feels so reassuring to be around Commander."

"It feels like the distance with the commander is getting closer, it's like the feeling between a prince and a princess, hehe~"

Javelin watched the commander hold his palm tightly, and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks, but he soon regained his calm.

She is no longer the guy who blushed and shy when she first came into contact with the Commander. She has gradually become accustomed to the feeling of being with the Commander.

Then Javelin leaned his head lightly on Xia Mu's shoulder, and slowly closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

She also wants to sleep for a while like the other ship girls, so that she will be more energetic to take a bath when she returns to the port area.

And snuggling up to the Commander's side like now, and being able to hold hands with him, will make her sleep very peaceful and comfortable.

"Ha ha."

Xia Mu couldn't help laughing softly after seeing the javelin slowly sleeping beside him, and then he turned his head and continued to look out the window.

These little guys still maintain the mind of children, and it is normal to want to sleep when they are tired from playing.

And the bus has now driven out of the commercial street, so there are no houses around, and it has gradually turned into a wilderness.

However, in the night sky, you can still see many stars shining, and you can even see the moonlight illuminating the whole land.

It may be because they are on the fringes of the city and on the seaside where there is little light pollution, so they can see this kind of starry sky that is hard to see in the city.

Xia Mu remembered that when he was in his own world, this kind of starry sky could only be seen when he was in his hometown.

Generally, it is rare to see stars in the city, and most of the time, only one or two brighter ones can be seen shining in the sky.

So he is still very satisfied with the area where he lives now, and he is willing to live in this place with the ship girls until the eternity of life.



When the bus continued to drive forward for twenty minutes, Xia Mu saw the huge mountain in front of him.

And as long as they pass through the passage under the mountain, they will be able to return to their port area.


"Is it coming?"

At this time, Javelin, who was still sleeping beside Xia Mu, seemed to sense something, and then she slowly woke up from her sleep.

After she woke up and rubbed her still blurry eyes, she turned her head and looked out the window next to her.

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