For these ship girls of the Royal Maid Corps, the work of a maid is a very honorable thing for them, and they are very fond and satisfied.

It is estimated that except for Belfast, the rest of the maids will continue to do their usual things like her, and they will not go to other places to play and rest.

However, as far as the physical condition of the ship girls is concerned, the work of the maids is really nothing, and it will not make them feel tired and tired.

They are basically very happy and relaxed when they usually work, as if they are really enjoying the general happiness.

"Hehe, then master, come downstairs for breakfast with me, I just came up to see you."

Belfast smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she watched Xia Mu continue to speak softly.

Of course, she came up this time to see how the Commander is doing. After all, she hasn't been here since last night.

She originally planned to come and take a look in the morning, but she knew that the commander went back to his room to sleep very late yesterday.

She was afraid that she would accidentally wake up the commander when she came up, so she didn't come up to disturb him.

But now it's almost 9 o'clock in the morning, so she plans to come up to see the commander's situation.


Xia Mu nodded slightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he walked downstairs with Belfast.

And Z23 is naturally very obedient and silently following him. She just nodded to Belfast before saying hello, and didn't say anything else.

Xia Mu's current room is on the top floor of the Royal Castle, and there are only two rooms in total.

One of them is a room specially prepared for him, where he can rest and live at any time.

And every day, there will be a ship's mother to clean this room. Even if he rarely lives in it, everything in it will be well maintained.

In fact, not only does the royal camp have a room specially prepared for him, but other camps also have rooms specially prepared for him, and the ship girl will clean it every day.

After all, Xia Mu sometimes stayed too late in a certain camp, so he could just sleep and rest there, instead of going back to the office building.

The other one here is naturally Queen Elizabeth's room, and she usually lives on the highest floor in the castle.

Although she usually kept calling Xia Mu common people or courtiers or something, the room she prepared for Xia Mu was still next to her. She was really a very easy-to-understand guy.

"Enterprise, did she go back to her room last night?"

When Xia Mu was going downstairs, he could just ask about the company, so he looked at Belfast in front of him and continued to ask softly.

He didn't know whether the company was on the side of the White Eagle camp or the Royal camp, so he had to ask first.

Although he asked the company to wait for him in his room yesterday, he knew that the company must have some actions of its own. After all, the company can always know his current situation.

It is impossible for the company to wait for him in the room all the time, she should take the initiative to come to him.

"Well, the company went straight back not long after the banquet ended last night."

Belfast nodded lightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she looked back at Xia Mu and replied softly with a smile.

Although she went to the bathroom with the commander last night, she was naturally able to understand the situation last night from other aspects.

"However, she had already gone to the downstairs hall to wait for the commander in the morning, so the commander doesn't need to go to find her specifically."

"After you have had breakfast in the hall, you can go on a good date together."

After Belfast finished what she said just now, she looked at Xia Mu in front of her and continued to speak softly.

Although the enterprise went back to the White Eagle camp last night, she came to the Royal Castle again this morning.

Naturally, she also knew what happened to the commander and the girls last night, and she also knew that the commander slept very late last night, so she just came here to wait.


Xia Mu nodded slowly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he continued to walk downstairs.

Since the company has now waited in the hall downstairs, he doesn't need to go to the White Eagle camp to find her anymore.

At that time, after he has had breakfast with the company, let's go on a date with her in a place where no one is around. This is the first time he has dated with the company.

The last time he went on a date was with Noshiro, but it had been almost a month, and he basically didn't have a special date with that ship girl in this month.

After all, he and Siren were very busy during this time. He usually only took time out every day to accompany the ship girls, and there was still no time to take them out on a date.

"Did the observers and testers also go back last night?"

After Xia Mu thought of the observers and them in his mind, he looked at Belfast next to him again and asked softly.

After the banquet started last night, he didn't pay attention to the testers and observers, so he naturally didn't know what was going on behind them.

And they are still guests in the port area, so Xia Mu naturally wants to ask them about their situation last night.

"The tester and the observer went straight back to the Siren headquarters after the banquet last night."

"As for the purifier, after taking a bath in the bathroom, she also returned to the Siren headquarters."

"Originally, the purifiers planned to rest in the port area, but Ayanami and Javelin were by the commander's side at that time, so she went back directly."

Belfast nodded lightly after hearing Xia Mu's question, and then she looked at Xia Mu next to her and continued to answer softly.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Change of View

Not long after the dance party ended last night, the tester planned to go back to the Siren headquarters. After all, she had just come to experience the banquet, and was not very interested in taking a bath or anything.

And she is not very familiar with the ship girls now, even if she doesn't have any strange thoughts about these things, she doesn't want to bathe in the large bath with so many ship girls.

Although the sirens don't have the habit of changing their clothes, they usually bathe in a special place.

After all, if the clothes are dirty or damaged, they can be remanufactured directly with energy, but if they are dirty, they can only be washed.

Although they can also use energy to clean up their bodies, it is more comfortable to take a bath.

After the tester chose to go back to the Siren headquarters, the observer who had been with her all the time also thought the same, and she planned to go back directly.

After all, it seems that Xia Mu should be busy now. It seems that they have nothing to do if they continue to stay here. It is better to go back to the headquarters to see if there is anything that is not ready.

As for the purifier, she didn't go back to the Siren headquarters with the testers and observers. After all, she was basically familiar with the ship girls in the port area.

And she has also soaked in the hot springs with Sakura several times before, so she has nothing to object to these things.

So she continued to follow the little guys Ayanami and Javelin to the big bath to take a bath, but in the middle of the journey, Ayanami, Javelin and the others had something to leave early.

Then she continued to take a bath in the large bath for a while, and she also teleported back to the Siren headquarters.

She originally planned to go to Ayanami to play game consoles together after taking a bath. After all, they all have the habit of staying up all night to play games.

But after she knew that Ayanami and the others were with the commander now, she also understood what was going on, so she went back to the Siren headquarters.

Although she usually doesn't know about that aspect, she is also very sensitive to the emotional aspect.

After all, even if she doesn't touch these things, she is still a siren, so she naturally understands what Ayanami and the others are doing with Natsuki.

"I don't know if they will come over today, and I didn't have a chance to say anything to them last night."

Xia Mu nodded his head lightly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he continued to speak softly while looking down the stairs.

He went to the bathroom with Belfast after the dance last night, so he never had the chance to have any contact with the Observers.

He originally wanted to leave them to rest in the port area, and asked them to come to the banquet tonight.

But none of these things matter anymore. After all the following things are settled smoothly, they will have a lot of time and opportunities to come here.

If the observer and the purifier will really become his sirens in the future, then they will be able to experience more things in the future, so it doesn't matter if they don't come today.

"The observer and tester don't know if they will come, but the purifier will definitely come."

Belfast smiled slightly after hearing Xia Mu's words, and then she turned to look at Xia Mu and continued to speak softly.

Although she didn't know if the testers and observers would come here today, she knew that the purifiers would definitely come here to play with Ayanami.

The Purifier is actually like a child most of the time, and she is also a guy who likes to play and make trouble.

And compared to going to practice battles with companies, the Purifiers still prefer to play around with the little guys like Ayanami and Javelin.

After all, she liked to fight with companies just because there was nothing fun to do.

Now that she has other, more interesting things, she certainly won't bother with the business as she used to.

And this also made the company slightly relieved. After all, the Purifier used to be really annoying, so she couldn't deal with it many times.

"Hehe, that's true, that guy feels like he's already ours now."

"If she really joins our port area at that time, it may be more noisy than now."

Xia Mu couldn't help laughing softly after hearing Belfast's words, and then he turned to look at Belfast and continued to speak softly.

The purifier is now spending more time in their port area every day than in the Siren headquarters, as if he has regarded their port area as his home.

However, she has not yet fully become a siren of Xiamu, so she will still be restrained in the port area, and will not be too noisy.

But when she really joins the port area in the future, she doesn't need to exercise restraint any more when she does things, she can truly regard this place as her own home.

"I used to think that the Sirens were very different from us, but now my thinking has completely changed."

"After having been in contact with them for so long, I found that they were not really that different from us."

"Especially after they get used to our life, they become more and more similar to us, and become more and more human-like."

Z23 on the side nodded slightly after hearing the conversation between Belfast and Xia Mu, and then she looked at Xia Mu with a smile and said softly.

In fact, it's not just that her views on sirens have changed, but the views of ship girls in the port area have also changed.

After all, they didn't know much about Sirens in the past. They just regarded Sirens as enemies that must be eliminated, so they naturally thought that they were very evil beings.

Even if they knew the real purpose of the siren at that time, and the siren had formed an alliance with the commander, the shipgirls' thoughts had not completely changed.

But when they kept in contact with the observers and the purifiers, they really began to understand what a siren was.

Sirens are indeed not much different from them, and they all have a kind and pure heart.

Although the ship girls don't have the ability of a siren to absorb emotions and convert them into energy, they are also very sensitive and understanding of emotions.

Therefore, their views on sirens will continue to change now, and there is no sense of resistance to them in their hearts.

Volume [*]: Chapter [*] Enterprises also want to be cared for

"They used to be just to complete the task as soon as possible, so they deliberately made those actions."

"And they haven't really hurt anyone for so many years, they are just to train you and the rest of the ship girls."

A smile appeared on Xia Mu's face after hearing Z23's words, and then he reached out and gently rubbed Z23's head before he looked at Z23 and said with a smile.

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